JULY 18, 2011, AT 7:00 P.M.
Call to Order President Mike Jaensch called the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m. Board
members present: Mike Jaensch, Susan Crotty, Suzyn Price, Jackie Romberg,
Dave Weeks, Terry Fielden and Jim Dennison.
Administrators present were: Mark Mitrovich, Superintendent of Schools; and
Dave Zager, Assistant Superintendent for Finance.
Closed Session
Dennison moved, seconded by Crotty to go into Closed Session at 5:05 p.m.
for consideration of:
1. Appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or
dismissal of specific employees of the District or legal counsel for the
District 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1).
2. Collective negotiating matters between the District and its employees or
their representatives 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2).
3. The purchase or lease of real property for the use of the District, including
meetings held for the purpose of discussing whether a particular parcel
should be acquired 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(5).
4. The setting of a price for sale or lease of property owned by the District 5
ILCS 120/2(c)(6).
Open Session
Price moved, seconded by Crotty to return to Open Session at 7:05 p.m. A
voice vote was taken. Those voting Yes: Crotty, Romberg, Jaensch, Fielden,
Weeks, Dennison and Price. No: None. The motion carried unanimously.
Roll Call
Board Members present were: Mike Jaensch, Susan Crotty, Jackie Romberg,
Suzyn Price, Dave Weeks, Jim Dennison and Terry Fielden.
Administrators present: Mark Mitrovich, Superintendent of Schools; Tim
Wierenga, Assistant Superintendent for Secondary Curriculum and Instruction;
Kitty Ryan, Assistant Superintendent for School Services and Programs; Roger
Brunelle, Chief Information Officer; David Zager, Chief Financial Officer;
Kitty Murphy, Assistant Superintendent for Student Services and Special
Education; Susan Rice, Director of Communications; Raquel Lightbourne-
Coley, Director of Community Relations; and Ralph Weaver, Director of
Facilities & Construction.
Pledge of
Mr. Jaensch led the Pledge of Allegiance
Recognition Good News
News from Marty Bee:
Each year the DuPage Valley Conference tallies all sports standings based on
the conference varsity finish of each school in 23 sports.
This year’s results are finalized - on the boy’s side Naperville Central had 60.5
points finishing third behind Naperville North with 67.5 and Wheaton
Warrenville South with 64.5.
On the girls side Naperville Central scored 68.5 points to finish first over
Wheaton Warrenville South with 62.0 points and Naperville North with 58.5
The overall combined DVC All Sports top three were Naperville Central with
129.0 points and Wheaton Warrenville South with 126.5 points and Naperville
North 126 points.
Illinois State Board of Education Financial Recognition
The Illinois State Board of Education granted District 203 a Certificate of
Financial Recognition based on the 2010 School Year financial data. Mr. Zager
noted that this is the eight year in a row that the District has received this
recognition. This is the highest category obtainable for the School District
Financial Profile. The letter that accompanied the certificate noted that this is a
significant accomplishment given the economic difficulties school districts are
Superintendent Mitrovich introduced and welcomed new staff members Dr.
Kate Foley, Assistant Superintendent for Student Services and Special
Education; Dan Bridges, Assistant Superintendent for Secondary Education;
and Dr. Jennifer Hester Schalk, Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and
Learning – Humanities.
Freedom of Information Requests:
Mick Swasko, Chicago Tribune request for District vehicle information.
Mick Swasko, Chicago Tribune request for current and past school fee
Turning Technologies Clicker Donation
Dave Chiszar noted that last November the District was approached by ACT
and Turner Technologies to pilot the use of clickers for testing. They offered
teacher training and donated over 2000 clickers at NNHS for a value of over
$100,000. The initial use of clickers last year at NNHS was successful. This
year they will donate another 1500 clickers for use with the 8
grade Explore
Test. One of the biggest benefits to the District is that the data is translated to
ACT instantly and within 24 – 48 hours we will receive the turnaround data.
Riverside Publishing will conduct a pilot with students as young as second
grade through 5
grade. They will provide clickers and training and the
innovative project will save the District printing and shipping costs.
Board of
Jackie Romberg noted that it has proven to be beneficial to have Board
representation on certain identified District committees. Board members rotate
two year assignments. In addition Board members are annually assigned to 3 –
4 schools to participate in school activities and get to know administrators and
staff. These committee and school assignments are being prepared and should
be presented at the August 15 Board meeting.
Board Facilities
Sub Committee
Mr. Fielden noted that the Board Facilities Sub Committee toured NCHS,
Ranch View and Prairie Elementary schools. They are all progressing well and
on time for the start of school August 17. Ralph Weaver provided some
pictures of the progress.
Treasurer’s Statement – The Board received the May Treasurer’s Statement
Investments – The Board received the May Investment Report as well as an
additional Cash and Investment Report.
The Board received the May Insurance Report
Budget – The District fiscal year ended June 30. Consistent with past
years, the Business Office continues to work on closing out the year
(accrual entries, etc.) through the month of July. The budget reports will be
available for the August meeting as well as a summary for the year.
Action by
The following items were presented on the Consent Agenda:
1. Bills and Claims from Warrant # 358754 thru Warrant # 359460 totaling
$21,505,591.78 for the period of June 21, 2011 to July 18, 2011
2. Board Meeting Minutes – June 20, 2011
3. Personnel July 2011
Retirement – Certified
Maureen Kaniewski, June 30, 2011, NNHS, Special Education, Instructional
Resignation – Certified
D. Kurt Johns, August 12, 2011, NNHS, Physical Education
Violeta Juarez, July 13, 2011, Maplebrook, Reading Specialist, Dual Language
Sheila Lostumbo, July 7, 2011, Beebe, 2
Grade Dual Language
Kathy Liace, July 20, 2011, NNHS, Reading Specialist
Appointment – Certified (Full Time)
Leslie Abbott, August 15, 2011, NNHS, Spanish
Krista Barenie, August 15, 2011, JJHS, Language Arts/Social Studies
Kimberly Burke, August 15, 2011, Meadow Glens, Multi Needs
Erin Cattell, August 15, 2011, NNHS/JJHS, Physical Education
Daniela Cirone, August 15, 2011, NCHS, Art
Sara Dekmar, August 15, 2011, Steeple Run, Psychologist
Leah Edwards, August 15, 2011, Beebe/Mill St., Nurse
Lauren Frey, August 15, 2011, Naper/Ellsworth, Psychologist
Mark Jaynes, August 15, 2011, NNHS, Communication Arts
Ross Katsma, August 15, 2011, NNHS, Guidance Counselor
Jeffrey Kleinmaier, August 15, 2011, LJHS, Band Director
Kelsey Lindstrom, August 15, 2011, Maplebrook, First Grade
Alexandra Meador, August 15, 2011, LJHS, Language Arts
Stephanie Moffitt, August 15, 2011, ARECC/Ranch View, Psychologist
Joseph Nikkel, August 15, 2011, MJHS, Learning Behavior Specialist
Samantha Szopinski, August 15, 2011, NCHS, Family & Consumer Sciences
Christy Wingle, August 15, 2011, NNHS, Communication Arts
Appointment – Certified (Part-Time)
John Alesch, August 15, 2011, NNHS/NCHS, Business Education 60%
Taylor Alperin, August 15, 2011, Maplebrook, Kindergarten 50%
Thomas Bremer, August 15, 2011, NNHS/NCHS, Art 80%
Patrick Burns, August 15, 2011, NCHS/NNHS, Communication Arts 65%
Erin Fort, August 15, 2011, WJHS, Art 56%
Deborah Whang, August 15, 2011, Highland/SR, Honors Math 50%
Re-Employment – Certified (Full Time)
Karen Johnson, August 15, 2011, Naper, Reading Specialist
Theresa Lodesky, August 15, 2011, Scott, Learning Behavior Specialist
Rachel Peck, August 15, 2011, Highlands, First Grade
Re-Employment – Certified (Part-Time)
Kari Dunlap, August 15, 2011, Prairie, Kindergarten 50%
Pam Kishimoto, August 15, 2011, Beebe, Reading Specialist 50%
Michele Konrad, August 15, 2011, NCHS, Communication Arts 70%
Leave Of Absences – Certified
Theresa Funke, August 15, 2011 through December 22, 2011, NCHS, Art
Kristyn Moroz, September 16, 2011 through May 1, 2012, River Woods,
Retirement – Classified
Angela Gruette, June 30, 2011, Elmwood, Project LEAP Tutor
Resignation – Classified
Daniel Haavig, June 9, 2011, NCHS, Campus Supervisor
Anuradha Rao, June 30, 2011, WJHS, Sp Ed Assistant
Bonnie Ondra, July 15, 2011, MJHS, School Secretary
Employment – Non-Union Classified
Jacqueline Pszczola, July 5, 2011, PSAC - Bus Office, Payroll Coordinator
Russell Blevins, July 1, 2011, PSAC – Technology, Support Analyst I
Kobus Labuschagne, July 1, 2011, PSAC – Technology, Support Analyst I
Thomas VanderVliet, July 1, 2011, PSAC – Technology, Support Analyst II
Renee Newton, July 25, 2011, PSAC – HR, HR Coordinator
Employment – Classified
Karen Petro, August 17, 2011, NCHS, Sp Ed Assistant
Dorota Waked, August 17, 2011, NNHS, Sp Ed Assistant
Jennifer Trezona, August 17, 2011, Prairie, Sp Ed Assistant
Cynthia Dole, August 17, 2011, Maplebrook, Sp Ed Assistant
Dawn Seno, August 5, 2011, Meadow Glens, School Secretary
Barbara Mittelstadt, August 17, 2011, Scott, Sp Ed Assistant
4. Administrator Contract Renewals
5. Hazardous Walking Areas
6. Medical Insurance Renewal
7. Destroy Closed Session Recordings prior to January 2010 as discussed in
Closed Session
8. Lease of Space for Transition Program
9. Legislative Education Network of DuPage County (LEND) Dues
10. IHSA High School boundaries
Fielden made a motion to approve Bills and Claims from Warrant # 358754
thru Warrant # 359460 totaling $21,505,591.78 for the period of June 21, 2011
to July 18, 2011 and all other items on the Consent Agenda numbers 1 thru 10
with the exception of items 6, Medical Insurance Renewal, 7, Destroy Closed
Session Recordings, and 8, Lease of Space for Transition Program.
Crotty seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken. Those voting yes:
Jaensch, Price, Romberg, Crotty, Weeks, Fielden, and Dennison. No: none.
The motion carried.
6. Medical Insurance Renewal
The members of the committee were identified as: appointed representatives
from each of the four associations, Carol Hetman, Cheryl Moore, Dave Zager,
Carole Christensen, and Kathleen Barak.
There were questions posed regarding the reason for increasing the premiums
and discussion of the percentage of the reserves. Board members requested
more information and a more detailed breakdown of the numbers.
Weeks made a motion to table the item until the August 15, 2011 Board of
Education meeting and requested additional information. Jaensch seconded the
motion. A roll call vote was taken. Those voting yes: Jaensch, Price, Dennison,
Weeks, Fielden, Romberg, and Crotty. No: None. The motion carried.
7. Destroy Closed Session Recordings prior to January 2010 as discussed in
Closed Session.
It was noted that the Open Meetings Act requires that Closed Session
recordings be held for 18 months, after which time, they can be destroyed.
It was requested that this topic be on the Closed Session agenda for discussion
on August 15, 2011.
Crotty moved to approve the Destruction of Closed Session Recordings prior to
January 2010. Fielden seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken. Those
voting yes: Price, Romberg, Jaensch, Fielden, Dennison, Weeks, and Crotty.
The motion carried.
8. Lease of Space for Transition Program
It was clarified that this space is intended to replace both the space that was
being used at Scott school and at College of DuPage. There was a discussion
about the signage clause in the contract.
Fielden made a motion to approve the Lease for Space for Transition Program
as presented. Crotty seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken. Those
voting yes: Romberg, Jaensch, Dennison, Crotty, Weeks, Price, and Fielden.
The motion carried.
With Action
Superintendent Contract as Discussed in Closed Session
Romberg moved to approve that the Superintendent’s compensation for 2011 –
2012 be raised from $203,000 to $228,000. Additionally that he should receive
a 5% bonus based on his 2010 – 2011 salary as stated in his contract. Fielden
seconded the motion. It was noted that the Superintendent declined the 5%
bonus that was offered to him last year. A roll call vote was taken. Those
voting yes: Price, Romberg, Jaensch, Dennison, Weeks, Fielden, and Crotty.
No: None. The motion carried unanimously.
Administrative and Classified Salaries
Superintendent Mitrovich noted that he worked to restructure the
administrative salary schedule to fix inequities and align the proposed salaries
with performance and not length of service.
Price made a motion to approve the Administrative and Classified Salaries as
presented. Dennison seconded the motion. Those voting yes: Romberg,
Fielden, Weeks, Price, Jaensch, and Dennison. No: Crotty. The motion carried.
Without Action
First Reading Policy No. 5.35, Anti-Nepotism
Superintendent Mitrovich noted that the Board requested that this policy be
drawn up and included in the Policy Manual. It ensures that no employee will
be directly or indirectly supervised by a relative and should not cause any
issues with existing conditions in the District. There were several questions,
issues and suggestions made. It will be sent back to District council for revision
and presented again at the August 15 Board of Education meeting.
New Business
Old Business
New Teacher Breakfast – August 12
Next Board of Education Meeting - August 15
School Starts - August 17
Fielden moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:17 p.m. Crotty seconded the motion.
A voice vote was taken. Those voting yes were: Crotty, Price, Romberg,
Jaensch, Weeks, Dennison and Fielden. No: None. The motion carried
Approved August 15, 2011
_______________________________ _____________________________
Mike Jaensch, President Ann N. Bell, Secretary
Board of Education Board of Education