FALL 2013
Published by the UA College of Engineering Online at news.engr.arizona.edu
Student Research
Driverless cars and
pathogen detection
Summer Camp Reboot
Major-specic camps a
big hit with students
Homecoming 2013
Eggs are fresh but the
breakfast is 50 years old
Where are they and
what are they doing?
College Transformation—Architectural drawings of the new Engineering Innovation Building, the
groundbreaking for which is slated for mid-2014. These views are the east-facing side of the building,
which will be situated east of the aerospace and mechanical engineering building.
Engineering Excellence from the Ground up
Special commentary by
Jeff Goldberg, Dean of the
UA College of Engineering
When the next edition
of this magazine is
published, in May 2014,
we will be well on our
way to breaking ground
for the new Engineering Innovation Building,
or EIB, which will transform engineering
teaching and research at the UA. Before we
look ahead to our bright future, however, let’s
reect on our equally bright recent past.
In August we welcomed more than 700
outstanding new freshmen and transfer
undergraduate students. In September our
research teams were awarded more than $20
million in grants and contracts. In October we
Whichever way you look – to the past or the future – it is clear that deep,
transformative change for the better is afoot in the College of Engineering.
continued on page 2
Arizona Engineer is published twice a year
for alumni and friends of the University of
Arizona College of Engineering.
Many stories in this print edition have been
edited for length, and it is not feasible to
include related multimedia material such as
photo galleries, video and audio les, and
links to related websites. Please visit Arizona
Engineer online at news.engr.arizona.edu
for full stories, news archive, people proles,
and photo and video galleries.
fall 2013 • volume 36 number 2
arizona engineer
The University of Arizona
College of Engineering
P.O. Box 210072
Tucson, AZ 85721-0072
pete brown
2 arizona engineer 36:2 fall 2013
All contents © 2013 Arizona Board of
Regents. All rights reserved.
The University of Arizona is an equal
opportunity, afrmative action institution. The
University prohibits discrimination in its
programs and activities on the basis of race,
color, religion, sex, national origin, age,
disability, veteran status, sexual orientation
or gender identity, and is committed to
maintaining an environment free from sexual
harassment and retaliation.
calculated that our rst-year retention rate was more than 89
percent, our rst year GPA was better than 3.0, and less than
10 percent of our freshmen were on academic probation at the
end of their rst year, versus 25 percent 10 years ago. Most
recently, in November, we welcomed more than 500 guests to
the 50th Engineers Breakfast, where we honored distinguished
alumni and announced a $3 million gift from the Thomas R.
Brown Family Foundations towards the EIB. It has been a
tremendous fall semester for the College!
The EIB planning and design is progressing well. We have
a great team that includes students, staff, and faculty from
the College, architects and engineers from SmithGroup/JJR
and Diebold, and engineers and construction experts from
Sundt Construction. The College website has many more
architectural drawings than we can show here, plus a great
video that describes the purpose and benets of the project
and gives you a feel for the type of facility we are building.
The future is all about interdisciplinary team-based education,
research and innovation, and the EIB will put us in a strong
position to compete successfully for projects and students.
The EIB student area has great work and social spaces that
will house our club programs and all of our competition teams.
The UA is moving forward on the “Never Settle” strategic
plan. Much of the plan is similar to the College’s strategic
plan to focus on building student support and quality,
building our faculty and staff team to compete for research
and top students, and building our personnel and facilities
infrastructures to support our students and faculty. I am
extremely pleased with the position of the College relative to
UA research and student strategies, and it is clear that we
are a valued partner on the campus and in the community.
We invite you to visit the campus and to share the excitement
about our bright future.
Bear Down!
Engineering Excellence from the Ground up
continued from page 1
EIB: Student Innovation Center
EIB: Aerial view looking northeast
Learn more about the Engineering Innovation Building at engr.arizona.edu/engineering-innovation-building
UA College of Engineering/Pete Brown
Google’s experimental driverless cars already are zipping
around California’s Silicon Valley. Automakers like Audi,
Toyota, Mercedes-Benz, Volvo and BMW are debuting
prototypes of self-driving cars. And undergraduates from
across the country came to UA this summer to do their part to
make autonomous vehicles safe and reliable.
Ten students from Alabama, Ohio, Utah, New York, Arizona,
Massachusetts, West Virginia, Virginia and even as far away
as Puerto Rico took part in a 10-week College of Engineering
summer program focused on advancing the UA’s Cognitive
and Autonomous Test vehicle, or CAT vehicle.
The program, Research Experiences for Undergraduates, was
funded by the National Science Foundation and provided
opportunities for undergraduates to work with faculty
mentors and graduate students at universities throughout
the United States. REU programs, which are geared largely
toward students who otherwise might not have opportunities
to do research, are among the most prestigious summer
programs for undergraduates.
“The goal of the REU program is to broaden the participation
and research much further than it traditionally has been,”
said electrical and computer engineering assistant professor
Jonathan Sprinkle, a recent NSF Career Award winner who
led the 2013 UA REU program. “When the students leave
here, they’ll know what research is, and they’ll know how
interested they are in doing research. It’s an exploration.”
UA Hosts Undergraduate Program
on Cognitive Autonomous Vehicles
36:2 fall 2013 arizona engineer 3
Jerrie Fairbanks didn’t let rejection stop him. Fairbanks,
a fth-year electrical and computer engineering graduate
student, applied for the Achievement Rewards for College
Scientists program in previous years but never received it.
This year, Fairbanks was one of the 16 UA graduate
students to be named an ARCS scholar. Scholars were
selected from the colleges of science, engineering, optical
sciences and medicine; he was the only one from the
College of Engineering.
Each ARCS scholar receives $7,000 annually for up to
three years, though they must reapply every year. The
Graduate College awarded Fairbanks $2,000 in addition
to the ARCS scholarship. “I couldn’t believe it,” Fairbanks
said of his surprise when he received the award.
Fairbanks is doing research in uorescence spectroscopy,
and was inspired to work in this area by his thesis advisor,
Linda Powers, Thomas R. Brown Distinguished Chair in
Bioengineering and electrical and computer engineering
professor. Fairbanks designs and builds uorescence
spectroscopy instrumentation, including that used by
Powers in her research and defense contracts (see page 8).
“I’m an engineer at heart; I like to build stuff,” said
Fairbanks. “Once you’ve got a working system, there’s a
large sense of accomplishment, especially if it’s going to
be valuable in saving lives and disease detection.”
Wild CAT Vehicle Operators—Joanna De Los Santos, left, from New
York Institute of Technology, and Duc Lam, from the University of Utah,
track the driverless CAT vehicle’s progress around the ECE parking lot
while at the NSF-funded REU summer program.
Grad Student Gets Scholarship
for Fluorescence Research
Kayla Samoy
Determined Scholar—Graduate student Jerrie Fairbanks,
here shown in his lab in ECE, made numerous unsuccessful
applications for ARCS scholarship funding before nally getting
the award in 2013.
ASME Names Vande Geest Best
Young Researcher in Bioengineering
The American Society of Mechanical
Engineering recently honored the UA
College of Engineering’s Jonathan
Vande Geest with its Y.C. Fung Young
Investigator Award, which recognizes
signicant research in bioengineering.
Vande Geest received the award in
June at the 2013 ASME Bioengineering
Conference in Sunriver, Ore.
Vande Geest holds appointments in
biomedical engineering, aerospace
and mechanical engineering, the BIO5
Institute, and the applied mathematics
program. He credits a collaborative
multidisciplinary environment – which
draws together engineering, biology and
medicine – with his success in the eld.
“I have had the opportunity to work
with incredibly intelligent faculty and
students. More so than anything else,
that is why I have been successful,”
he said. “We tackle broad health-care
problems, look at the challenges from
many viewpoints, and devise solutions
that signicantly affect people’s lives.”
Vande Geest heads the College of
Engineering’s Soft Tissue Biomechanics
Laboratory, where researchers study
the structure-function relationship in
soft tissues and use that knowledge to
help develop new technologies for the
treatment of disease.
Among the projects in Vande Geest’s lab
are development of a tissue-engineered
vascular graft for coronary artery bypass
surgery, and a patient-specic device to
treat abdominal aortic aneurysms. “My
dad was a plumber, and my grandpa
was a plumber,” Vande Geest said. “I
think subconsciously I decided I was
Jonathan Vande Geest
going to study the aorta because it is the
largest pipe in our body.” Vande Geest
is also working on research projects
involving the diagnosis of unilateral
vocal fold paralysis and glaucoma.
4 arizona engineer 36:2 fall 2013
Ricardo Sanfelice recently won an
award that puts him among the best in
the world when it comes to the highly
analytical and mathematical design of
control systems, which bring together
disparate aspects of a system and
make them work together.
Sanfelice, an assistant professor
in the aerospace and mechanical
engineering department, received
the Society for Industrial and
Applied Mathematics award for his
contributions to the design of hybrid
dynamical feedback controllers. His
research is centered on smart grids
and renewable energy, and unmanned
aircraft and vehicles.
The SIAM Activity Group on Control
and Systems Theory prize is awarded
internationally every two years to a
junior researcher. Sanfelice received
the award in July 2013 in San Diego
during the biennial SIAM Conference
on Control Theory. “I am very honored
to be recognized by my peers with this
award,” he said.
Hybrid feedback controllers, grounded
in mathematical theory and modeling,
help predict what hybrid systems – for
example, temperature control, car
cruise control, aircraft navigation,
communication systems, and ow
levels in water pumps – will do in
various circumstances, then determine
corrections for the inuences. “Without
feedback control many of the systems
we have these days would be extremely
difcult to operate,” said Sanfelice.
“Feedback control is everywhere.”
Sanfelice and his research team are
modeling ways to improve resiliency to
changes in energy sources, conversion,
load, and usage, thereby increasing
reliability of electric power supply.
Similarly, they are establishing ways to
detect and avoid threats of hacking in
unmanned aerial vehicles.
“I was always intrigued by automation
and excited about getting the systems
to do what I wanted them to do rather
than what they wanted to do,” said
Sanfelice, who coauthored the 2012
book, Hybrid Dynamical Systems:
Modeling, Stability and Robustness.
Sanfelice Wins Global Award
for Control Systems Modeling
Ricardo Sanfelice
36:2 fall 2013 arizona engineer 536:2 fall 2013 arizona engineer 5
Young-Jun Son, a professor in the systems
and industrial engineering department,
received the 2013 award for Outstanding
Mentor of Graduate/Professional
Students, from the UA Graduate and
Professional Student Council.
One of the things that draws students
to Son is his wide range of research
projects, which are funded by the
National Science Foundation, Air Force
Ofce of Scientic Research, National Institute of Standards
and Technology, U.S. Department of Transportation, U.S.
Department of Agriculture, Boeing, and Science Foundation
of Arizona. His research focuses on the development of
advanced computer simulation technologies for large-scale
systems, such as manufacturing enterprises, transportation,
distributed energy networks, mining logistics, social
networks, and unmanned vehicle coordination.
“These research accomplishments would not have been
possible without signicant contributions and all the hard
work of my former and current graduate students,” said Son.
“All of my group members understand how to work as a team
and are willing to help each other, creating a truly healthy
academic environment.”
Three UA Engineering students won the best student
paper award at the 11th Annual Conference on Systems
Engineering Research held at Georgia Tech in Atlanta. The
award is given for the paper that makes the most outstanding
research contribution to the eld of systems engineering.
Systems and industrial engineering students Matthew
Dabkowski, Jose Estrada and Ben Reidy won the award
for their paper, Network Science Enabled Cost Estimation
in Support of Model-Based Systems Engineering. This is
a research area of Ricardo Valerdi, associate professor in
the department of systems and industrial engineering, who
nominated the students for the award.
The award-winning paper proposed a method to quantify
how changes in system design affect costs, which requires
a deep understanding of both systems engineering and cost
modeling. As systems become larger, more expensive, and
more complex, it becomes increasingly difcult to calculate
how design changes affect the overall cost of the project,
and engineers need ever more sophisticated tools to track
system costs, schedules and performance.
This is where Valerdi’s research, and the students’
innovative paper, comes in. “We are applying social
network analysis techniques to the design process,”
Valerdi said. “It’s a beautiful merger of social science and
engineering.” Valerdi also noted: “This research project
also demonstrates how students at all levels – bachelor’s,
master’s and doctoral – can contribute to a research
project to produce world-class research results.”
Student Researchers Win
International Best Paper Honors
Networkers—From left: SIE PhD student Matt Dabkowski, SIE
master’s student Ben Reidy, and SIE professor Ricardo Valerdi.
Young-Jun Son
UA Recognizes Young-Jun Son for Mentoring
ASEE Names Eduardo Sáez ‘Outstanding’
University of Arizona Distinguished
Professor Eduardo Sáez’s former
students – engineers, doctors,
environmentalists, and oceanographers
– are testament to his exceptional
teaching career, which recently earned
him the Pacic Southwest American
Society for Engineering Education’s
2013 outstanding teaching award.
In his 15 years at the UA, Sáez has
inspired hundreds of students to pursue degrees and careers in
chemical and environmental engineering. They report back year
after year that Sáez was one of the best professors they ever had
and that they use what he taught them in their work every day.
The basis of Sáez’s teaching philosophy is synthesis –
connecting chemical and environmental engineering
fundamentals to everyday experiences within the realm of
students’ understanding, like using basic cooking concepts to
help students understand heat transfer mechanisms. “I lay out
the basics and show students how they can get to engineering
applications using those fundamentals,” said Sáez.
Eduardo Sáez
6 arizona engineer 36:2 fall 2013
New Research Center Will
Shape Future of Wireless
The new multi-university Broadband
Wireless Access & Applications
Center, or BWAC, is forging the way
for next-generation wireless. The
center is backed by $1.6 million in
National Science Foundation funding
over the next
ve years and
industry support
of about $4
“NSF support
is a great boost
and gives us a
green light to many 5G-level projects
under consideration within this multi-
university, multi-industry consortium,”
said Tamal Bose, head of the
electrical and computer engineering
department and the director of BWAC.
As an NSF Industry & University
Cooperative Research Center,
BWAC is dedicated to partnering
with industry and government in
development of long-term solutions to
far-reaching technological problems.
In addition to the UA, BWAC’s
founding members include Auburn
University, Virginia Tech, the University
of Virginia, Notre Dame, and about 20
industry partners.
“With several billion mobile users
around the world expected to tap into
unprecedented broadband speeds
and increasingly massive bandwidth
by the end of 2013, managing the
ensuing data onslaught and securing
the airwaves will be chief among the
challenges BWAC tackles,” said Bose.
Tamal Bose
Energy Department Awards UA-Led
Team $8M to Research Algae Biofuel
Can algae farming really supplant oil
and gas drilling over time? That’s the
big question Kimberly Ogden, chemical
and environmental engineering
professor, has been asking of simple
algae, the green stuff with the right stuff
to potentially fuel the future.
The UA is the lead institution for the
Regional Algal Feedstock Testbed, or
RAFT, partnership, which was recently
awarded $8 million over four years by
the Department of Energy to research
how algae can be grown year-round
outdoors in open ponds in different
climates. In addition, other researchers
and companies will collaborate with
the research team to develop harvesting
and conversion processes to produce
biofuels and bioproducts.
“Our job is to gure out how we
take algae and turn it into biofuels,
bioproducts and feed in an economically
sustainable way. We want to make a
biofuels industry in America,” said
Ogden, UA’s primary investigator on
the RAFT project.
Ogden and RAFT researchers from
Pacic Northwest National Laboratory,
New Mexico
State University
and Texas A&M
AgriLife are
optimizing algal
growth systems
to yield more
biomass and
lipids, developing
methods of
recycling and reusing water, and
experimenting with methodologies for
growing various algae strains.
The majority of the research will
be done using UA’s Algal Raceway
Integrated Design, or ARID, system,
which was designed and patented
by Ogden’s research partners Randy
Ryan, of the Arizona Agricultural
Experiment Station, part of the College
of Agriculture and Life Sciences;
Pete Waller and Murat Kacira, of
the department of agricultural and
biosystems engineering; and Perry
Li, of the department of mechanical
and aerospace engineering. The
research team also includes Judy
Brown, a professor in the UA School of
Plant Sciences.
Kim Ogden
Erdogan Madenci Robert Erdmann
UA aerospace
and mechanical
Erdogan Madenci,
working with assistant professor of
materials science and engineering Robert
Erdmann, will head a new $7.5 million
multidisciplinary university research
initiative to predict damage and failure
of materials used in applications ranging
from microchips to spaceships.
The project will
be funded by the
Air Force Ofce of
Scientic Research
and based on the
emerging theory
of peridynamics,
which involves
modeling of
material fracture
and failure. “Peridynamic theory enables
engineers to better understand how
materials and structures fail,” Madenci
said. “Existing computational methods
are inadequate because the underlying
mathematics breaks down when defects
or aws emerge in materials.”
UA to Lead
$7.5M Air Force
Ricardo Valerdi, associate professor in
systems and industrial engineering, is
already seeing his Science of Baseball
program hit the big leagues. Thanks
to a partnership with the Arizona
Diamondbacks, Valerdi and his team
of student and alumni volunteers have
taken the show on the road. The middle
school program, which Valerdi started in
2012, uses America’s favorite pastime to
encourage kids to follow education and
careers in the STEM subjects – science,
technology, engineering and math. The
program has grown from one school
in Tucson, Ariz., to dozens of schools
throughout the state, and Valerdi is in
talks with other Major League Baseball
teams to implement similar programs.
“The motivation for the Diamondbacks
Science of Baseball program is to
promote real-world applications of
numeracy – the ability to reason and
apply simple numerical concepts,”
Valerdi said. “Baseball provides a rich
laboratory to apply fundamental math
skills like measurement, geometry,
probability and statistics.”
D-backs Put Their
Stamp on UA Science
of Baseball Camp
Mining Starts New Major-Specic
Series of Engineering Camps
Future engineers from across the country headed home
from the 2013 UA mining engineering camp in late June with
big ideas about the world of mining and one step closer to
pursuing careers in the industry, a eld in which the current
population of engineers is aging toward retirement.
Eighteen juniors and seniors, eight young women and 10
young men, spent a week above and below ground learning
about mineral exploration and processing, mine operations and
the sustainability of mining, safety procedures and blasting.
Using actual mine data, teams also competed in a Design
a Mine contest at the Sierrita copper mine, about 20 miles
southwest of Tucson. The winners got to keep their hard hats.
The mining engineering camp was the rst in a series of four
weeklong, major-specic engineering camps added this
year to the College of Engineering’s already robust summer
camp lineup. Three other major-focused camps were held
throughout July in addition to the regular Summer Engineering
Academy interdisciplinary sessions. The three other camps
covered the following majors: (1) biomedical engineering,
chemical engineering and materials science and engineering;
(2) electrical and computer engineering, systems and industrial
engineering, and optical sciences and engineering; (3) civil
engineering and aerospace and mechanical engineering.
Mine of Information—Students, parents, and counselors join
Freeport-McMoRan engineers for an insider’s look at the Sierrita mine.
UA College of Engineering/Pete Brown
36:2 fall 2013 arizona engineer 7
Arizona Diamondbacks
8 arizona engineer 36:2 fall 20138 arizona engineer 36:2 fall 2013
Civil engineering associate professor
Yi-Chang Chiu wants us to rethink
how we are all part of the urban trafc
congestion problem, and how we could
be part of the solution.
The concept is simple: If you have a
exible schedule for your next trip, you
could choose to leave a bit earlier, or
later, or take a less congested route, and
get rewarded for doing so. Those who
don’t have a exible schedule will also
benet from you removing yourself
from rush hour trafc.
This concept is now coming to life
through the mobile app Smartrek, which
works differently than other trafc
navigation apps by actually managing
trafc demand by inuencing driver
choice to spread demand over a longer
period of time. Chiu said the secret is in
actively managing trafc demand and
diverting enough drivers away from
congested routes during peak hours to
make the entire system work smoother
and more efciently.
The app uses advanced trafc prediction
and vehicle routing technology,
combined with user rewards, to give
drivers the best suggestions for avoiding
Professor Linda Powers is developing fast, disposable blood
tests for pathogens that cause diseases such as HIV and
hepatitis. The novel technology for rapid pathogen detection
in blood relies on the capture of the pathogens with specially
designed binding mechanisms and the intrinsic uorescent
signatures of the live captured pathogens.
“This will save time, work and expense when detection of
blood-borne disease organisms is needed and other facilities
are not available,” said Powers. “It quickly tells you the
information you must know.”
Powers’ company, MicroBioSystems of Arizona, was recently
awarded two Department of Defense contracts – one for
developing a disposable blood test to detect any pathogens
present; the other to distinguish the specic pathogens,
including viruses that causes HIV and some forms of
hepatitis, prions that can lead to mad cow disease, and
malaria-inducing parasites.
The military has plans to use the technology in the eld: for
example, in remote locations to test for infectious agents in
blood to be used for transfusions. However, disposable blood
tests for diseases such as HIV and hepatitis could also save
countless lives in developing nations and even in remote
areas of the United States.
Powers had the technology but credits College Dean Jeff
Goldberg with making the DOD contracts a reality and
enabling her team to expand on their work.
“He really made this happen,” said Powers. “What an
incredible extension of a hand of friendship to small
businesses in the Valley. He is very supportive of
entrepreneurships and farsighted enough to realize the
opportunity with a new, small company in southern Arizona.”
Hi-Tech Detective—Linda Powers, shown here in the Arctic with one
of her instruments, is taking her portable technology to a new level:
diagnosing blood-borne disease.
DOD Contracts Go to Powers’ Firm
trafc while helping reduce trafc
congestion. “This is more than about
being the best navigation app, it’s
about revolutionizing how drivers and
transportation agencies rethink trafc
congestion and work together to solve
the rising trafc congestion problem right
now, and for the future,” Chiu said.
Smartrek has secured critical key
funding for its development, launch
and operation, and is scheduled to be
up and running in ve cities by the end
of 2013 and in 20 more cities in 2014.
Chiu said the Smartrek mobile app is
a great example of University ofcials
getting behind a University-developed
technology. As soon as a provisional
patent was led in early 2011, the UA
Ofce of Technology Transfer and
ATLAS center offered seed money to
swiftly move Chiu’s invention from idea
to production.
App Unblocks Roads
and Rewards Drivers
Yi-Chang Chiu
Linda Powers
36:2 fall 2013 arizona engineer 9
50th Annual Engineers
Breakfast Recognizes
Distinguished Alumni
With a special nod to the class of 1963,
the College of Engineering welcomed
guests and saluted distinguished alumni
at its 2013 Annual Engineers Breakfast
on November 8.
Greg Boyce, Peabody Energy chairman
and CEO, told more than 500 alumni,
faculty, and students at the breakfast
that when he arrived at the University
in 1972 to pursue a BS in mining
engineering he had no way of knowing
how the College of Engineering would
shape his life, including a career
spanning four decades that sent him
around the world and back to the UA
for a 2013 Alumnus of the Year Award.
“The world-class education I received
at the University laid the foundations
for countless professional and personal
milestones,” said Boyce, who serves
on the UA Mining and Geological
Engineering Advisory Council.
Other honorees included Intel Corp.
operations engineer Wendi Fusler
Lane, a 2001 industrial engineering
graduate and founding member of the
Engineering Ambassadors, who won the
Bear Down Award, and Jack McDuff,
a 1951 metallurgical engineering
graduate, who won the Sidney S. Woods
Alumni Service Award. Jerry Hunter,
an industrial engineering alumnus
(BS 1988, MS 1990) and head of the
infrastructure team at Amazon.com,
delivered the keynote address.
During the breakfast, College of
Engineering Dean Jeff Goldberg
thanked the Thomas R. Brown Family
Foundations for a $3 million donation
to help seed the new Engineering
Innovation Building, groundbreaking
for which is slated for mid-2014.
During the Homecoming festivities
College of Engineering faculty took part
in a two presentations as part of the UA
Alumni Association’s Collegiate and
Campus Showcase.
In her talk on critical mineral extraction,
Mary Poulton, head of mining and
geological engineering and director of
the J. David Lowell Institute for Mineral
Resources, described how we are nearing
a shortfall of rare
earth minerals
essential for
our laptops, cell
phones, wind
turbines, and
countless other
The shortfall, she
said, arises in part
from our reliance
on uncertain
imports from
other countries
because we have
not developed our own resources due to
social, political and economic roadblocks.
The showcase also featured the 2012
Arizona Public Media video, “Seeking
Water from the Sun,” which chronicles
the plight of the Navajo Nation to get
access to fresh water.
Bob Arnold, a chemical and
environmental engineering professor,
is working on a solar-powered
desalination plant to alleviate the
problem, and sat on a panel that
examined progress to date.
Class of 1963, from left: Henri Guyader, Ronald Weiss, Wayne Dawson.
Alumnus of the year Greg Boyce
College Dean Jeff Goldberg and Bear Down
Award recipient Wendi Fusler Lane
Sidney S. Woods Alumni Service Award
winner Jack McDuff
Keynote speaker Jerry Hunter
Thank You!
These pages list
the companies,
organizations and
individuals who have
contributed to the
College of Engineering
during fiscal year July 1,
2012 to June 30, 2013.
Their support is vital in
providing scholarships,
funding programs and
supporting research.
Without this help, some
students would not
be able to complete
their education.
Many other students
would not have access
to resources that give
UA Engineering a
margin of excellence for
educating tomorrow’s
engineering leaders.
We want to take this
opportunity to say “thank
you” from the students
and faculty who have
benefited so much from
this generous support.
We have made every
effort to list all those
who contributed to the
College and sincerely
apologize if we have
missed anyone.
If you donated to the
College of Engineering
during 2012-2013 and
are not on this list,
please let us know, and
we will include your
name in the next issue of
Arizona Engineer.
$1,000,000 and above
Estate of Gregory
J. Nazaroff
Copper & Gold
Estate of
Oscar T. Lyon
General Electric
Foundation –
Matching Gifts
Qualmark Accelerating
Product Reliability
Tucson Electric
Power Co.
Agilent Technologies
Ayco Charitable
Electro Rent Corp.
James and Therese
Mining Foundation
of the SW
NEC Laboratories
America Inc.
John Rodgers
Texas Instruments Inc.
W.L. Gore & Associates
Applied Materials
Arizona Power
Finance Corp.
Newton Don
E.I. Dupont de
Nemours & Co. Inc.
Foundation –
Matching Gifts
Intel Corp.
Foundation for
John Deere
Lam Research Corp.
Scott and Laura Larson
Mintec Inc.
Investments Corp.
Raytheon Company
Salt River Project
Joseph and Catherine
The Copper Club Inc.
Tiger Optics LLC
Airtronics Inc.
Kelly T. Au
AZ Conference of AIME
B/E Aerospace Inc.
Therese (Velasco) Berg
Boeing Company
Herbert and
Sylvia Burton
Caterpillar Inc.
Chevron –
Matching Gifts
Darcy (Wymore) and
Christopher Dixon
East Bay Community
Todd Ellermann
Estate of Harold
J. Bonnevie
Fidelity Charitable
Gift Fund
Joseph Gervasio
Jerome and
Jane Glass
Gomez International
Gilbert and Patricia
Hankook Tire Co. Ltd.
Honeywell Aerospace
Daniel and Cynthia
(Tang) Klingberg
Bruce Langone
Dhananjay and
Lalitha Mahajan
Sean McCafferty
Northrop Grumman
Leslie (Wymore) Owen
Monica (Kilcullen) and
Christopher Pastor
Raytheon Company
– Matching Gifts
Rio Tinto Services Inc.
Rosemont Copper
Rosztoczy Foundation
Robert and Ann
Salt River Project
Brice Schuller
Sundt Companies Inc.
TripAdvisor – Matching
Gift Program
Energy Corp.
Ventana Medical
Systems Inc
Farrell Wymore
Mel Wymore
AGM Container
Controls Inc.
Arizona Society of
Civil Engineers
BP Foundation –
Matching Gifts
Cliffs Foundation
Continental Automotive
Systems Inc.
Denise Doctor
Edmund Optics
ExxonMobil Corp.
ExxonMobil Foundation
– Matching Gifts
Gemini Foundation
General Electric
Thelma (Anderson)
Laboratories Inc.
Jeffrey Citron
Brian and Donna Kelly
Lockheed Martin
Frank Manning
Sidney McDuff
MediaMation Inc.
Microsoft – Matching
Gifts and Giving
Tomas Owen and
Lindy Cote
QuakeWrap Inc.
R. D. Call
Scholarship Fund
Rain Bird Corp.
David Rhoades
Robert Schafer
Timothy and
Danielle Short
William and
Elizabeth Staples
Sunora Energy
Tucson Embedded
Systems Inc.
Frances (Sprawls)
William and
Christine Wilson
David and Dede
John and
Stephanie Buck
Barbara and William
Citrix Systems
John Clay Condon
ConocoPhillips –
Matching Gifts
Jake and Beverly Doss
Jeffrey and Donna
Google Inc.
Richard Guthrie and
Patricia Dunford
Ray Haynes
Larry Head
IBM International
Foundation –
Matching Gifts
Kenneth Jones II
KGHM International
Lockheed Martin
Matching Gifts
M3 Engineering
& Technology
Charles Madison
NACE International
Arizona Section
National Aeronautics &
Space Administration
Ernest and Joanne
Anton and
Carolyn Veirup
VMWare Inc.
Herbert and Diane
Wells Fargo Foundation
– Matching Gifts
Ann Wilkey and
Alfredo Baeza
Gary and Bethany
Zuckerman Community
Outreach Foundation
Arcadis U.S. Inc.
Jose Arce
Arizona Builders’
Ashton Company Inc.
Jennifer (Hesketh)
and Enrique Aviles
BAE Systems
Unmanned Aircraft
Programs Inc.
Jennifer and
Andrew Barton
Wylie and Yulon
Bechtel Group
Foundation –
Matching Gifts
Barry and Jami Benson
Edwin Biggers
Boeing Company
– Matching Gifts
Leon and Candace
Franklin and
Elizabeth Broyles
John and Barbara
Daniel Chen
Michael and Kathleen
CH2M Hill Inc.
Michael and
Janice Cise
Richard Crowell
Feng Dai
Dao’s Vietnamese
James and
Elaine Davis
Steven and
Tusiyah Davis
Wayne and Carol
Universitat Autònoma
de Barcelona dEIC
Richard Dobes
Dow Chemical
Co. Foundation –
Matching Gifts
William and
Ella Dresher
Tom Edmondson
Sandra (Tanner)
and Karl Elers
Hermann and
Janet Fasel
Barbara (Appelin)
and Frank Filas
Flanagan Research Co.
Foster Wheeler Corp.
Andrew Friedman
Goodwill Golf
Granite Construction
Ronald Hanson
Gary and Andrea
Virginia (Vogel) and
Lawrence Hjalmarson
Mike Hoover
Hughes Federal
Credit Union
John and Gloria Ketterl
Kimberly Gear
and Spline Inc.
Leopold and
Beverly King
James and Krina
Kevin and Diana
Kenneth Lyle and
Carol Romero
Michael Malvick
Martha (Daugherty)
John and La
Donna Marietti
Brian Matt
Ingrid (Nelson) and
Bernard McNeil
Dianne and
William Mensch
Ernest and Sally Micek
Michael Baker
Corp. Foundation
Michael P. Chowaniec
Scholarship Fund
Microsoft Global
James Miletich
Ralph Miller
Larry and Jayne Milner
Gerardo Montano
Theodore and
Sungmi Moon
Morgan Stanley Smith
Barney Global Impact
Funding Trust Inc.
Bruce and Mary
National Coal
Nordson Corp.
Edward and Patricia
Nathan and
Karen Palmer
Manuel Perez
Gholam and
Mandi Peyman
Joan (Staudt) Pracy
John and Elke Reagan
Rebrig Pacific
Alex and Barbara
Rincon Research
Lisa (Gentry) and
Ross Rulney
Sargent Controls
and Aerospace
Kok Kwai and
Avis See-Tho
Shell Oil Co.
Foundation –
Matching Gifts
Southwest Gas Corp.
Foundation – Matching
Gifts Program
Group Ltd.
George and
Kilcha Spindle
Maurice Stephan
Stewart Foundation
Larry and Kathleen
Hamdaweh Sulemana
Sundt Construction Inc.
Texas Instruments
Foundation –
Matching Gifts
Stephen and
Lee Thomas
Tomkins Family
Spencer Tucker
United Way of
the Bay Area
United Way of Tucson
& Southern Arizona
URS Energy &
Construction Inc.
Andrea Ursillo
Robert and Marjorie
Robert Wicks
William and Elizabeth
Williams Companies
– Matching Gifts
Mark and Guadalupe
Paschel Young
Barry and Adrienne
Luciano Agostini
Alexander Alshin
Manoj Alwani
Alyeska Pipeline
Service Company
– Matching Gifts
Clarence and Phala
Hiroki Arimura
Arizona Section ASME
Hasan Ates
Dale and Samantha
Jeremy Atkinson
Automatic Data
Processing Foundation
Bank of America
Foundation –
Matching Gifts
Hideo Bannai
Brian Beddo
BHP Billiton Matched
Giving Program
Carol Ruth Blocker
James and
Margaret Bly
10 arizona engineer 36:2 fall 2013
2012–2013 Donor Honor Roll
*Qualifies for the Old Main Society, which represents some of the UA’s most generous and valued supporters, all of
whom have made a commitment to the continued success of the College of Engineering through a charitable estate gift.
Adrian Bolton
Petros Boufounos
Joseph Bucci
Andrew Buddle
Canhui Cai
Thomas Cantrell
Barbara and
John Carter
Mark Casolara
Arthur Charrow
Jianle Chen
Samuel Cheng
Wai Chu
Chitong Chuang
Cornel Constantinescu
Stéphane Coulombe
William Craig
Gary and Barbara
Pedro Cuenca
Luis da Silva Cruz
Bryan Dalton
Glenn Davis
Edward DeHoog
Daniel Donegan
Darren Dyk
Gustavo and
Kathryn Escobar
Hui Fang
Lu Fang
Antonio Fariña
Michael Farinech
Markus Flierl
Edouard Francois
Gary and Carole Frere
Barry and Mary
Wen Gao
Mary Garrity
Google Matching
Gifts Program
Irina Gorodnitsky
Ulrich Graef
Green Chip LTD
Martin and Jo
Ann Gronberg
Zongming Guo
Robert Hall
Robert Hammerstein
Kenneth and
Margaret Hartwein
Brett Hawton
Guido Heising
Diogo Henriques
Geoffrey Hill
Jan Holub
Wing Kai Hon
Tomohiro I
Eric and Karen
Rebecca (Oniell)
Wen Ji
Susan and William
Gary and Joan Jones
Michael and Robin
Haruhiko Kaneko
Aaron Kapilivsky
Juha Karkkainen
Timothy Kasse
Louis Kerofsky
Dimitrios Kontopodis
Erdem Koyuncu
Stephen Kuenzli
Susana Ladra
Alessio Langiu
Jesper Larsson
Latitude Engineering
Che-Rung Lee
Christine Leigh
Dunling Li
Louis Liporace
Alexander Loddoch
Paul Mack
Kerry (Ruiz) and
Cullen Magariel
Jose Luis Martinez
Christopher Mattern
Jerry McArthur
Thomas McCormick
Edward Moreno
Giovanni Motta
Anthony and
Lynn Mulligan
Manzur Murshed
Isaac Nelson
Dennis Neumann
Humberto Ochoa
Jan Østergaard
Maciej Pedzisz
Phoenix Analysis
& Design
Technologies Inc.
Theodore and
Eleftheria Polychronis
Paul and Linda
(Oliveira) Prazak
Charles and
Maria Preble
Francisco Quiles
Ananda and
Madhumita Rakhit
Susan (Canatsey) and
Charles Ramsey
Krishnakanth Rapaka
Michael Raulet
Yuriy Reznik
Richard and
June Rhoades
Samuel Rhodes
Tina Rich
Thomas Richter
Antoni Roldan
Jason Rutman
Carlos Salazar
David Sanderson
Ankur Saxena
Nick and Jean Schott
Suvrajeet Sen
Rahul Shah
George and
Dixie Shirley
John Sievers
Paul and Nancy Smith
Stefano Soatto
Southwest Hazard
Control Inc
Steven Spease
Ryszard Stasinski
Gregory and Sibyl
Anne Strimbu
Benjamin Stull
Shai Tahar
Seishi Takamura
Joyce Tang
Consultants of
Arizona, Inc
Kelton and Doris
Michael Tok
Janet (Struck) and
Kristofer Tvedt
University of Arizona
Rahul Vanam
Sandra and Paul Varga
Marco Visentini
VM Ware Inc.
Z. Lance Wang
Albert Wegener
Tsachy Weissman
John Whalen
Richard Wilcox
Wayne Wisdom
Stanley Woolf
Gregory Wornell
Thomas and
Alice Wozniak
Ja-Ling Wu
Hongkai Xiong
Sehoon Yea
Phillip and
Joanna Zinsli
Kevin and Cindy Abreu
Agilent Technologies
Foundation –
Matching Gifts
Praneeth Aketi V. S.
Mohammed Alghanim
David and Gay Allais
Russell and
Johanna Alley
Ben Allinder
Raymond Allis
Amedeton Simplice
Amgen Foundation
Chris Angleman
Bruce Armitage
James Attebery
Joanna Autino
Charles and
Judith Backus
Lihui Bai
Thomas Bail
Ross Baldick
Craig and Janet Baldon
Todd Balls
John and Brigitta
Michael Barclay
Darlene (Crawford)
Christina Barth
Hussam Batshon
Bradley Bauer
Laucretia (Begay)
Mary Bayless
Richard Beal
Jeffrey and
Kathleen Berg
Robert Best
Puneet Bhardwaj
Sarvesh and Mini
Kiran Bhumana
Vicki Bier
Anne (Moses) Bingham
Amalia (Lopez) Black
David Blackburn
Brent and Lynn Blevins
Stephen and
Kathleen Boerigter
Rosanna Bolin
Gregory Boner
Virginia (Taylor) and
David Bonsall
Bert Bras
Laszlo Braun
Janet Brelin-Fornari
Steven and Gale Brock
Barry and Shirley
Chappy Brown
Peter and Elizabeth
Robert Bruant
Randall Brummett
Nathan Brunelle
Jaim Bucay
Carl and Kathleen
Kevin Bukata
Edward Bukoski
Frank Burstrom
Richard Bushroe
Butler Family
Dental PC
Michael and
Karen Butler
Salvatore and
Cyndy Caccavale
Marilyn (Cunningham)
and Walter Calhoon
Cement Company
CPC Southwest
Materials Inc.
Cameo Cleaners
Scottsdale LLC
Dyer and Sheila
Jonathan Campbell
Karen (Spaniol)
Campbell and
Mark Tylutki
Joseph Cannavino
Christine (Barlow)
and Jaime Carbajal
Rodrigo and
DoraLuz Carneiro
Richard Carr
James Cashin
Francis and Janice
Robbin and Rico Castro
Seth and Susan
Kathleen Chavez
Brian and Dorothy
Anvesh Cherukupally
Wayne Chin-Duncan
Dinesh Chobey
Charlene Chowaniec
Peggy Christenson
John Christian
Zygmunt Cielak
David Clapp
William Clarke
Scott and Sue Clemans
Eugene and Joan Cliff
John Clymer
Nicolas Cocavessis
Connie and
Thomas Cole
Cornell and
Carole Collins
Colon & Rectal
Center of AZ
Contract Support
Services Inc.
Edward Conway
Anne Cooper
David and Michele
Irail and David
Cortinas Lopez
David and Elizabeth
Robert and Greta
Randolph Currin
Kristen Curry
Paul and Amanda
G. Damico
Kirk Damron
James Dancho
Richard Daniels
Hoda Daou
James Davidson
Kelly Davis
Robert and
Donnine Davis
Guillermo de Bernardo
Dell – Matching Gifts
Steven Den-Baars
36:2 fall 2013 arizona engineer 11
continued on page 12
Fraternal Funding—Paul Mather, left, and Peter Mather, right,
receive the McIntosh Engineering Scholarship from Sandy Watson,
Stantec US and International Mining vice president.
UA College of Engineering/Pete Brown
Brothers Share $10K Scholarship
Mining engineering brothers Peter and Paul Mather won the
2013 $10,000 McIntosh Engineering Scholarship in recognition
of their passion for underground mining and exceptional
scholastic potential. The scholarship was established by
McIntosh Engineering, which was acquired in 2008 by Stantec.
“We feel Peter and Paul Mather hold great promise in the
mining engineering eld,” said Sandy Watson, Stantec US
and International Mining vice president, at the presentation
of the award, which was held during the annual College of
Engineering scholarship reception.
“There is no one else I would rather split the scholarship
with, and no one who has worked so hard to get it,” said
Peter Mather, the older of the bothers by 16 months. “This
scholarship will go a long way toward helping us both
accomplish our goals.”
12 arizona engineer 36:2 fall 201312 arizona engineer 36:2 fall 2013
Robert Deppe
John and
Desert Analytical
Bank Americas
Foundation –
Matching Gifts
Dibble &
Rinaldo DiCenzo
Gregory Dion
William and
Deborah Dixon
Ivan Doliani
Rhett Donald
Tanya (Nolen)
and Tad Donohue
Lewis Dove
William Dowling
Roland Downs
Rand and
Barbara Drake
David Dratler
Pengwei Du
David and
Patricia and
Richard Dunford
Elsa Dupraz
Akashnil Dutta
John Edwards
Ren Egawa
Jules and
Melinda Ellingboe
Kenneth and
Mary Eme
Student Council
Louis and
Patricia Enloe
Frank Ensign
Richard and
Betty Enz
Marko Esche
Marc Eskinazi
Gerald Evans
Gregory Ewing
Jan Falkenhagen
Lingling Fan
Marianne and
Robert Feugate
Roxanne and
Donald Fickett
Nicholas Fifer
Lisa and Roy
First Watch of
Arizona Inc.
Craig Fischer
Michael and
Julie Fleming
John Flores
FLSmidth Krebs
Edward and
Linda Flynn
Jerry Fossum
Victor Foulk
Michele and Dale
Copper &
Gold Inc.
Marianne and
Andrew Friedman
George and
Susan Frondorf
Marino Fuentes
Stanley Furman
Charles and
Patricia Gajda
Kevin Gardner
Joseph and
Constance Gates
Clarence Gauldin
Joseph Genchi
John Germain
Russell Gilbert
Donald and
Jean Gilliam
Bipin Giri
George and
Dixie Glenday
Jeffrey Glover
Jason Godinez
Ryan Goebel
John and
Eric and Ellen
Stephen Gomez
Otis Gorley
Keisuke Goto
Richard and
Susan Gray
Robert Green
Mark Gregory
Sheila Gressner
William Grizzell
Jacob Gulotta
Henri Guyader
H. & R. Sales
Ban Ha Bang
Douglas Haag
William and
Frances Haidler
Robert Haines
Samuel Lee and
Chizuko Halliday
Robert Hamilton
Erika Hanson
Stanley and
Carole Harbour
Mary (Baack)
Harter &
Associates LLC
Mark Hawthorne
Ronald Haxby
Qing He
Charles and
Amy Henry
Mary (Green) and
William Henry
William and
Mary Henry
Frank and
Leslie Henson-
George and
Roberta Herlihy
Michael and
Arlene Herrick
Brian Hewitt
Walter Higgins
Janis and
Daryl Hild
Marian and
Ronald Hill
William Hirt
Ian Hiskens
Christine (Quinn)
and Philip Hodder
Robert and
Debbie Hollyer
Howard Holman
Charity Matching
Robert Hoover
Jane (Osburn)
and R. Stanley
R. Stanley and
Jane Howard
Ziyu Huang
Mary and Jobie
Amir Ingber
Intel Foundation
– Matching Gifts
Bennett and
Allison Irwin
Jack Davis &
Jim Click
Nissan Inc.
Jesus Jimenez
Rudy Jimenez
Tongdan Jin
Philip Joggerst
Donald Johnson
John and Betty
Judith Johnson
William Johnson
Albert and
Stephanie Jordan
Eric Kalivoda
Agnes (Cordis)
and Laveen
Kariscom LLC
James Kasner
Kenneth Katsma
John and
Pamela Keffer
Bernard and
Barbara Kenny
Prajwal Khadgi
Michael Kiefer
Rockwell King
Wayne King
Sally (Dunshee)
and Lawton Kizer
Leonard Klastow
Michael Kleinrock
Henry and Diana
Lee Knuppel
Michael and
Susan Koerner
Chris and
Eric Koglin
Karl and Joan
Robert and
Roberto Konow
Jerome and
Geraldine Koupal
Barry Kriegsfeld
Teresa and
Kenneth Krisa
Jason Kronholm
Sadik Kucuksari
Mary (Lynch)
John LaBorde
Larry and Louise
Erin Lauterbach
Craig Laux
Charles Lavarini
Gary and
Sally Lech
Charles and
Glenda Lee
Eduardo Lee-Eng
Sue and Charles
Pamela Lemme
Robert Lepore
Micah Lesmeister
Mark Levine
Francis and
Sara Leyva
Francisco Leyva
Jingquan Li
Xiaofang and
Pingzhong Li
Zhe Li
John and
Regina Linert
Jane (Taylor)
Du Liu
Tingyang Liu
Xianming Liu
Laura Lohner
Paul and Sherri
James Lonergan
Barbara (Norman)
Gregory Lorton
Walter Love
Steven Low
Lonnie Lucas
Charles Lynch
John and
Paula Macek
James and
Ann Madson
Thomas and
Brenda Mahoney
Kristine Maine
Ankur Mani
Keith and Diane
Donna and
Timothy Mann
Earl Manns
Clifford and
Michael Marcellin
Mark R. Allen PC
Alan Marshak
Joshua Martin
Frank and Anne
Sheila (Stafford)
and Ellis
George and
Emily Maseeh
Michael Massaro
Hunter Mcanally
Anne McBride
Daniel McBride
Michael and
Kathryn McCabe
Travis and
Margaret and
Robert McCaskey
Lynn (Saltzman)
and William
Carolyn (Sutter)
and Kirk McClure
Thomas and
Lorene McGovern
James McGrath
George and
Bruce McLaren
Dennis and Sally
Elliott McMaster
Brian McMorrow
2012–2013 Donor Honor Roll
continued from page 11
Leah Herlihy could have been a
model. At 17, ink barely dry on her
high school diploma, she went to
Paris, France, to take part in modeling
tryouts. The very next day she was
offered a one-way ticket to Milan to
begin her modeling career.
It sounds like a dream come true, but
Herlihy was torn. She had been accepted
by the UA College of Engineering and
orientation was just a week away. “I
think you all know what decision I
made,” she said to the audience at
a 2013 UA Engineering scholarship
reception. “I made a promise to myself
that day: You will graduate in four
years with an engineering degree.
You will change the world. And most
importantly, you will pay mom and dad
back for this trip.”
Herlihy was addressing the audience
at the 2013 UA College of Engineering
scholarship reception held April 2 at
the Tucson Marriott University Park.
The annual reception is an opportunity
for students and the College to thank
donors, and to get scholarship donors
together with the students who have
beneted in so many different ways
from their generosity.
Herlihy was born and raised in Tucson
and went to Sahuaro High School, and
she always knew she wanted to be a
Wildcat. But money was tight at home.
Neither of her parents went to college
and her dad was unemployed when
she started at UA. Even when her father
did nd a job, any spare money went to
paying down debts.
“This is where my donors came
in to save the day,” she said. “The
scholarships I have received through the
College have helped me in tremendous
ways, and I am forever appreciative
of my donors. You were the answer I
needed in a rough time.”
Herlihy is now a senior, majoring in
materials science and engineering with
Turning Uncertainty into Success
Leah Herlihy
36:2 fall 2013 arizona engineer 13
Wellington Meier
William and
Dianne Mensch
Nirav and Alpa
Katherine and
Richard Milakovich
Coleman Miller
Gail (Rolle) and
Robert Miller
Pamela (Dorn)
and Jeffrey Miller
Kris Milster
Nancy and
William Mitchell
Robert Mitchell
Sumit Mitra
Nicholas Monath
Frederick Monk
Thomas and
Teresa Moore
Jaime Moreno
Henry and
Suzanne Morgen
Akihito Mori
Mary Ann and
Gorden Moses
Motorola Inc.
Theodore and
Cari Moulin
William and
Patria Carmen
Moya Espinal
Matthew and
Nancy Mullen
Jack Mumbo
Sean and Ann
Travis Murray
Jack Myers
Susan (Couillard)
and Michael
Lance Nelson
William and
Dianne Nelson
Network for Good
Richard and Mary
Jane Newell
Donald and
Charlyn Newman
Newmont Mining
Corporation –
Matching Gifts
Charles Norman
Foundation –
Matching Gifts
Paul Ocansey
(Carroll) Ogle
Mark and
Alberto Ordóñez
Martin and Carol
Steven Pageau
P. Roger and
Elizabeth Pankey
David Paredes
Chase Parker
Charles Parkes
Jeffrey Patterson
David Paullin
Peabody Energy
Corporation –
Matching Gifts
Kristy Pearson
James and
Carol Peng
Robert and
Margaret Perry
L. Rolf Peterson
PG&E Corp.
Charles and
Katherine Philips
Del Pilcher
Russell and
Teresa Pittman
Raymond and
Donna Plock
Matthew Ploor
Breanna Poe
Edward and
Tish Pohl
Michael Potter
Guy Potucek
Mary (Makaus)
and William
Kevin Pounds
Roger Powell
Joseph Pranulis
Robert Prescott
Prestige Realty
Kyle and
Ginny Price
Scott and
Janine Scott
Xiao Qin
RSG Enterprises
(Coffer) and
David Raasch
David Rabb
Rudolph Radau
William and
Karen Rankin
and Eltrude
Claudia Rawn
Joseph Raynak
Sandra Reel
John and Mary
C. LaRon and
Peggy Reynolds
George Richard
Rick Hobbs State
Farm Insurance
George Ring
Peggy and Phillip
David and Mary
Jane Roden
Toni (Johnson)
Thomas Rohrer
Robert and
Laura Roscoe
Kay Rose
Kevin and
Christy Ross
Robert Ruocco
Jesse Saar
Thomas Salem
Jorge Sanchez
Adam Sandifer
Hugh and
Alona Sardoff
Susan Schima
Thomas and
Jonelle Schmitt
George and
Nelda Schuler
Michael Schurr
Randy Schurr
John Schwartz
Wayne and
Janet Seames
Sedgwick Family
Charitable Trust
Sunil Seepuri
Allen Sehloff
Gary and Billie
Daniel Seif
Kei Sekine
Paul and Ruth
Vicki Seppala
Sara Seuberling
Virginia (Terry)
Lisa (Tank) and
Todd Severnak
Narendra Shah
Joseph and
Sandra Shea
Leonard and
Beverly Shenfield
Marie Shepherd
Daniel and Cara
Steven and
Mary Short
Shane and Leigh
Julian Shun
Brian Sichter
Robert Sigfridson
Elliot and Nancy
James and
Kathryn Simms
Robert and
Glenda Simpson
Greg and
Lois Sims
Brandon Skalsky
Joanne and
Ernest Smerdon
Jack Smith
Scott Smith
Janice and
Dennis Snelling
Lawrence Snyder
Ruth (Pullen)
Gene and
Hyun Sonu
Lee and Ann
Marion and
Joseph Spagnolo
James Spinhirne
Vincent Spucces
Components Inc.
Gregg St. Clair
Stanley and Jodi
Jerry Stafford
Leah Stanley
Paul and
Deborah Stauffer
William Stephens
Larry Sternaman
John Stevens
Geoffrey Steward
Douglas and
Cathine Sticht
Sherry and Vern
Robert Stott
Eric and Colleen
Ruth (Kurr)
Tallentyre and
Lois Sturdivant
Jim Su
Idith Suarez-
Mark Sullivan
Mary and James
Scott and Faye
Thomas and
Gladine Swartz
Seyed Tabatabaei
William Taft
Agendia Taku
Yuya Tamakoshi
Stephen Tan
Toshiya Tanaka
TE Connectivity
Matching Gift
John Terrell
The Boeing
The Turner
Corporation –
Matching Gifts
The U.S.
Gift Trust
Richard and
Phoebe Therrien
Joseph and
Rita Titus
(Schumann) and
Gene Tobey
Marilynn (Miller)
and Lamar Todd
Steven and
Sallie Tofel
Phillip Toussaint
Joseph Trinh
Brian Tuohy
Troy and
Brooke Turley
Matthew Turner
University of
Arizona Society
of Civil Engineers
Austin Urton
USG Foundation
Inc. – Matching
Bob Vargas
Pablo Vasquez
Anthony and
Louise Verbout
John Verdugo
R. Vick
Richard and
Janet Vitales
Charles and
Jeffery and
Karen Wallace
Teng-I Wang
Xi Wang
John Ward
Joan Weinberg
Michael and
Robin West
Electra and
Robert Weyker
Justin Wheeler
James Wickham
Julianne Wiegand
Garrett Williams
Matthew Wilson
Phyllis (Fisher)
and John Wilson
Terril and
Esther Wilson
Ralph and M
Kathleen Wood
Jessa Wright
Xingqiang Wu
Susan and
Thomas Yang
Jessica Yeh
Jonathan Yeh
Satoshi Yoshida
Gordon Zaft
Dave Zaleski
Zavis Zavodni
Bo Zeng
Guangyao Zhang
Jian Zhang
Lamei Zhang
Rui Zhong
Hua Zhu
Barry and
Ellen Zilin
Jeffrey and
Kathleen Zubel
Jonas Zukas
a minor in mathematics. She has had
multiple jobs on campus, including
being a math tutor for UA athletes
and a student coordinator for Cubs
to Wildcats, which encourages K-8
students to go to college. She has been
involved in several clubs and societies
and is an Engineering Ambassador. She
has also done undergraduate research
with Erica Corral in the materials
science and engineering department.
She recently completed an internship
at Honeywell Aerospace and hopes to
join the company full-time when she
graduates. “In the future,” she told
her benefactors and fellow students, “I
would like to get a master’s degree in
engineering management from none
other than the U of A.”
Turning uncertainty into success is not
just Herlihy’s story. The UA College
of Engineering awards about $800,000
every year in private scholarships to
approximately 350 students.
Another scholarship recipient, math
and mechanical engineering double
major Ina Kundu, told the audience how
a scholarship frees students from the
shackles of nancial stress and allows
them to develop fully. “I have loved almost
every moment of my college days,” she
said. “Partly because I could take part in
numerous activities without ever worrying
about the cost of education.”
Kundu said that community service and
campus activities enriched her college
experience. She was president of Tau
Beta Pi, the engineering honor society,
and president of the UA student chapter
of ASME, the American Society of
Mechanical Engineers. “While these are
enjoyable activities,” she said, “they do
not pay for books or lab fees.”
Kundu recently began her PhD at MIT.
“I will continue my quest to help society
by specializing in biomechanics,” she
said. “My fellow classmates will follow
suit as they join graduate programs
or get jobs or conduct research in
pursuit of bettering society. All these
opportunities remain possible by your
generous scholarships.”
Ina Kundu
2012–2013 Alumni Donors by Class
John Andreas
Robert Svob
(Velasco) Berg
Phyllis (Blake)
Jane (Osburn)
Richard Rhoades
Richard Enz
Clarence Gauldin
Robert Hall
Jules Ellingboe
Rudy Jimenez
Ralph Montijo
Larry Schmich
John Stevens
James Attebery
Roy Hansen
Clark Hay
William Holderby
S. Jack McDuff
William Parks
Del Pilcher
R. Stanley Howard
Joseph Titus
Harry Valentine
R. Vick
Dyer Campbell
Lawrence Dreyer
Raymond Huebner
Donald Reppert
Jack Smith
Maurice Stephan
Patricia (Hill) Tolley
James Wickham
Russell Gilbert
Douglas Haag
Kenneth Hartwein
Charles Philips
James Stevens
David Allais
Agnes (Cordis)
Edwin Walker
Lorraine (McCollum)
Louis Enloe
Donald Foss
Donald Gilliam
Richard Guthrie
Josef Gartner
Karl Kohlhoff
Jerome Koupal
Charles Preble
John Schwartz
Frances (Sprawls)
Craig Berge
Jake Doss
George Freshwaters
Joseph Gervasio
William Henry
Martin O’Sullivan
James Patrick
Bruce Riggs
John Sheehey
Charles Aiello
John Britton
Richard Bushroe
Gary Cooper
Randolph Currin
Edward Flynn
James Harvey
John Kaminsky
Peter Kerwin
Ralph Miller
John Picone
Raymond Plock
Richard Schroeder
David Troupe
Paschel Young
Ben Allinder
Herbert Burton
Kim Fox
Glen Hiscox
August Jaxel
William Milam
John Reinhardt
Alex Richards
James Simms
Arthur Takemoto
Richard Therrien
James Uhler
Richard Vitales
Robert Wicks
John Benson
Gary Cropper
Frank Ensign
George Glenday
Ronald Hanson
Conrad Hernandez
Donald Johnson
Anthony Jones
Richard Lapkin
John Marietti
Gilbert Saltzman
Robert Sigfridson
Tim Tomko
Trinidad Valentin
Walter Wilcox
Charles Backus
Richard Carr
James Cashin
Edward Conway
John Edwards
Henry Frauenfelder
Joseph Genchi
John La Bar
Ellis Mascareno
Barry Meisels
Joseph Redmond
Narendra Shah
Gerald Smith
Jack Sykes
(Schumann) Tobey
Torao Yoshida
Raymond Bahm
Robert Eaglet
Sandra (Tanner)
James Elliott
Michael Elzey
Rolfe Erickson
Jan Falkenhagen
Samuel Lee
Milton Johnson
Kenneth Katsma
Bernard Kenny
Thomas McCormick
Bruce McLaren
Kalman Miller
Robert Petrucciani
Ralph Wood
Wayne Dawson
Ronald Fenelon
Henri Guyader
Gunnar Johanson
Kok Kwai See-Tho
Francis Leyva
Ward Stevens
David Areghini
David Brod
Gary Case
John Christian
James Forthman
Marino Fuentes
William Haidler
Walter Higgins
Vijayendra Kumar
Donald McGraw
John Pass
L. Rolf Peterson
Joseph Shea
Jerry Stafford
Thomas Swartz
Steven Tofel
Kenneth Workman
Cornell Collins
Michael Herrick
Janis (Tremble)
Budd Parrish
George Shirley
Steven Brock
Jerry Fossum
John Groh
Ronald Haxby
Ray Haynes
Charles Lee
Sylvia (Searcy)
George McInnis
Clyde McLennan
Frederick Monk
Edward Nowatzki
Robert Pfammatter
Michael Potter
Susan (Canatsey)
Leonard Shenfield
Kelton Thomson
William Whitty
Edwin Aguanno
Leon Borduin
Raj Daniel
Duane Dietrich
Michael Fleming
Ronald Franquero
Michael Kaiserman
Edwin Konrath
Walter Love
Paul Miller
James Peng
James Ramos
John Scofield
Joseph Spitler
Douglas Sticht
Ronald Thompson
Harvey Voss
Russell Alley
Craig Baldon
James Bly
Edward Bower
Franklin Broyles
Karen (Spaniol)
Eugene Cliff
Russell Davis
Newton Don
Gary Frere
Elmer Grubbs
Ernest Honig
J. Mercer Johnson
Michael Kleinrock
Paul Larmour
David Mooberry
Chimanbhai Patel
Jesse Saar
George Spindle
Charles Waitman
Gary Wonacott
Richard Anderson
John Belt
John Bernal
Sandra Bidwell
Daniel Chilton
William Clarke
Paul Curto
James Erwin
Ronald Frobel
George Frondorf
Barbara (Norman)
Alan Marshak
James Miletich
Jack Myers
Gregory Rasmussen
Edward Rovey
Roger Schoenherr
Paul Smith
Thomas Strong
Kristin (Larson) Teran
Humberto Teran
John Verdugo
Zavis Zavodni
Scott Clemans
Richard Crowell
Reay Dick
John Flores
Jerry Gay
Lee Knuppel
John Macek
John Ward
Raymond Allis
Stanley Beaver
Bruce Boyum
Zygmunt Cielak
Michael Cise
Eric Goldin
Gary Harper
John Johnson
William Johnson
Gregory Lorton
Michael McAnnis
Michael McCabe
James McGrath
William Mensch
Donald Newman
Mark Oksenhendler
P. Roger Pankey
Gale Perry
Paul Rihs
Maiden names are in parentheses. 14 arizona engineer 36:2 fall 2013
John Rodgers
University of Arizona Engineering
alumnus John Rodgers recently
established a perpetual scholarship
in honor of Tom Morris, former head
of the UA department of mining
and metallurgy.
Rodgers graduated from UA in 1972
with a bachelor’s in metallurgical
engineering, and in 1974 with a master’s
in the same.
Rodgers describes his former professor
and department head as “one of the
greatest gentlemen I’ve ever met.” Tom
Morris died in 1994 at age 78, and the
metallurgical engineering major no
longer exists, but both made an indelible
impression on Rodgers as a Prescott
High School senior in 1967.
Rodgers said that in high school he was
uncertain about his career direction
but had an interest in metallurgy, so
he visited Morris on senior day in the
spring of 1967. “He sat me down and
explained all the ways he could help
me nancially through the course
of my undergraduate education,”
Rodgers said. “Tom cared a lot about
his students.”
“I had no money, and neither did
my parents. I survived college on
scholarships and summer work in
mines that Tom helped me secure,”
Rodgers said. “Regardless of your
background or where you came from,
Tom was a very caring department
head and teacher, and he did a lot
for me and for many others. I’m
establishing the scholarship to pass on
the opportunity he gave me.”
After graduating from Columbia
University, Morris worked in mining
and served in the Navy as an executive
lieutenant rst class from 1944 to 1946.
He then taught at Missouri School of
Mines and got his PhD in 1950, and
in 1959 he was invited to become
head of the department of mining and
metallurgy at UA, where he stayed until
his retirement in 1981.
Over the years, metallurgical
engineering has morphed into materials
science and engineering, or MSE, and
“We need to help
young people stay in
school and graduate
without overly
burdensome debt.”
Randolph Rogers
Nick Schott
Larry Sternaman
C. Gregory Strickler
Chris Angleman
David Crawford
Mark Daniels
Robert Deppe
Daniel Donegan
Frederick Doten
Joseph Gates
Charles Lavarini
Honho Liu
Clifford Mansfield
Frank Martinjak
Robert Mitchell
David Newton
Thomas O’Neil
Kenneth Renard
John Rodgers
William Sheldon
Steven Spease
Stephen Thomas
Belle Tom
Ronald Watts
John Whalen
Thomas Wozniak
Barry Zilin
Barry Abbott
David Brown
Michael Butler
Salvatore Caccavale
John da Cunha
Janet Fertig
Gilbert Gonzales
Timothy Kasse
John Ketterl
Wayne King
Thomas McGovern
Bruce Moreton
Sean Murphy
J. Mark Richardson
Robert Simpson
Joseph Tylutki
Herbert Welhener
Farrell Wymore
Jonas Zukas
Michael Bradley
William Champion
Arthur Charrow
David Clark
Robert Feugate
Donald Gin
Darrel Harriman
Michael Henningsen
Donald Koterwas
Tomas Owen
William Rankin
Alex Reynoso
Kenneth Simpson
Teddy Simpson
Robert Sogge
Gene Sonu
James Spinhirne
Anton Veirup
William Ward
Thomas Yang
Ziaullah Yazdani
Benny Young
David Acklam
Michael Bartlett
Chappy Brown
John Derickson
Kenneth Dobbs
James Ekmann
Jerome Glass
Ronald Gorr
Glenn Harbour
Kenneth Heames
Theodore Moulin
David Naccarati
Joseph Pranulis
Diane Quinn
Larry Stoehr
Wylie Bearup
Nicolas Cocavessis
Robert Cummings
Bryan Dalton
Steven Davis
Lesley (Coombs)
Gregory Hill
Gary Lech
Addison Looney
David Marsh
James Nelson
Perry Powell
Lester Snow
David Soukup
John Stutz
Robin West
Robert Best
Fred DePorter
Jeffrey Glover
Robert Green
Charles Henry
Gary Jones
Maura (Phillips)
Michael Mackowski
Thomas Mahoney
Daniel McBride
Henry Morgen
William Moya
Jeffrey Park
Babajan Sarkis
George Schuler
Gregg St. Clair
William Wilson
Victor Bafaro
Mark Baker
Darlene (Crawford)
Kathleen (Johnson)
Peter Brown
Lawrence Bruskin
Michael Bunch
Rodrigo Carneiro
John Dangremond
William Dixon
(Appelin) Filas
David Gebauer
John Geyer
William Hirt
Judith (Botsford) Hume
James Komadina
Victor Miller
Dennis Neumann
Richard Newell
Mary (Nugent) Obee
Ignacio Orozco-
Rudolph Radau
David Roden
Robert Roscoe
Robert Rutherford
William Smith
Anthony Verbout
Dennis Angelo
David Clapp
Robert Davis
Peter De Mars
Christian Ellefson
Ali Fermawi
Stanley Harbour
Brian Kelly
Sally (Dunshee) Kizer
Louis Meschede
Diana (Reckart) Miles
Nina Ossanna
Larry Owsowitz
Monica (Kilcullen)
Steven Regis
Wayne Seames
William Staples
Paul Stauffer
William Taft
Mark Woodson
John Barberii
Michael Barclay
Michael Cease
Mark Chalmers
Liangruey Chang
Kathleen Chavez
Rinaldo DiCenzo
Robert Hamilton
Robert Hollyer
Robert Kondziolka
Dennis McLaughlin
Diane (Kusovska)
Willis Sawyer
Robert Schafer
Michael Schurr
Shane Shovestull
Greg Sims
James Willingham
Karl Allmendinger
Barry Brown
Scott Caldwell
Earl Cumming
Renee (Dudro)
(Levinson) Freeman
David Irish
Matthew Mullen
Yong (McHenry)
Timothy Nipper
Gonzalo Romero
Andrew Schaffer
Elliot Silverston
Wayne Stensrud
Prior Thwaits
Sarah Wolfe
(Manchenton) Andree
Charles Botsford
Scott Bulau
Seth Chalmers
John Clymer
Richard Daniels
James Davis
Denise Doctor
Lewis Dove
Rand Drake
Martha (Daugherty)
Lori (Thornton)
Donald McGough
Richard Milakovich
Coleman Miller
Carlos Navarrette
Roger Powell
Kyle Price
Manuel Rodriguez
Luis Rodriguez
Henry Seipt
Alan Tinseth
Nicholas Webb
Daniel Chen
Mark Cross
James Davidson
John Davis
Darcy (Wymore)
Joseph Drozd
Mark Fleming
Kevin Gardner
Martin Gronberg
Kenneth Head
Robert Hoover
Laura Jacobsen
William Jensen
Eric Kalivoda
John Linert
James Lonergan
Floyd Marsh
Carolyn (Sutter)
Theodore Moon
Thomas Moore
Lynette (KenKnight)
(Gunrud) Ort
Steven Pageau
Harry Patton
Marla Peterson
Steven Rothstein
Robert Schulte
Steven Short
Robert Stott
Kenneth Stumpe
Randall Thomas
Steven Tomkins
Robert Weyker
Anne (Moses)
Jeffrey Bool
Joseph Cannavino
Mark Casolara
Steven Den-Baars
David Dummeyer
Buu Duong
Dwayne Elliott
Irmgard Flaschka
Tony Freiman
Christopher Gypton
Raghavan Kalkunte
John LaBorde
Pamela Lemme
Robert Loftus
Anne McBride
Wellington Meier
Mark Phillips
Russell Pittman
Leslie (Arthur)
Mary (Makaus)
Samuel Rhodes
Scott Rudin
Michael Runde
Eduardo Saavedra
Wayne Schwab
David Scott
Stanley Stachowiak
Kevin Talverdian
John Terrell
Ann Wilkey
Mel Wymore
Dave Zaleski
Roderick Zastrow
Kevin Abreu
Machelle (Foster)
Brian Aviles
Laura (Fulton)
David Blackburn
Frank Burstrom
continued on page 16
36:2 fall 2013 arizona engineer 15
Rodgers has set up the Thomas M.
Morris Memorial Scholarship to benet
underclassmen in the UA College of
Engineering’s MSE department.
Rodgers is president of Acoustic
Emission Consulting Inc., based in
Sacramento, Calif. He was introduced to
acoustic emission while serving in the
Air Force from 1974 to 1979, and rened
his expertise working for Acoustic
Emission Technology Corp. from 1979 to
1991. Rodgers said that when he started
his own company in 1991, specializing in
using acoustic emission to detect cracks
and defects in power plant pipes, he did
so “with a great deal of trepidation.”
He was 43 at the time with no job and
a pregnant wife. “It’s never too late to
become an entrepreneur,” he said.
After building up his business for 22
years, Rodgers said he has reached a
point of nancial solvency that enables
him to give back to the University in
his professor’s name. He also wants to
convey a sense of obligation to current
UA Engineering students. “You’re the
best and the brightest, and you’ve got
people willing to help you get through
life and your education,” he said to the
assembled students.
Rodgers hopes his scholarship will
inspire others and is seeking additional
donors to the Thomas M. Morris
Memorial Scholarship. “As I near the end
of my working career, thoughts about the
plight of current and future students play
on my conscience,” he said.
“The need for skilled engineers in
materials science and engineering is
growing, and we need to help young
people stay in school and graduate
without overly burdensome debt.”
Passing on Opportunity—John Rodgers
addresses students at a College scholarship
reception. “I got to the point where I can
give back to the University, and I’d like to
convey that sense of obligation to all of
you,” he told his audience.
UA College of Engineering/Pete Brown
16 arizona engineer 36:2 fall 2013
John Coggins
Peter Davidson
Kelly Davis
Richard Dobes
Kenneth Eme
Gustavo Escobar
Thomas Fagan
William Geary
Beth Gottschall
Richard Gray
Pirooz Hojabri
Nancy (Hudon)
Rebecca (Oniell)
Scott Johnsen
Steven Komerska
Bruce Langone
Paul Lomayesva
Kenneth Lyle
George Maseeh
H. Erik McNair
John Michaud
Jason Nolander
Claire (Wheatley)
Robert Prescott
Christine (Coffer)
David Rhoades
Allen Sehloff
John Sternitzke
William Stevens
Janet (Struck)
Gordon Zaft
Gregory Zeihen
Ricardo Arenas
Dale Atkinson
Brian Benard
Amalia (Lopez)
Stephen Boerigter
(Barlow) Carbajal
Gustavo Castillo
Roland Downs
William Grizzell
David Gubbels
Robert Haines
David Heisley
Matthew Hinkey
Keith Jackson
John Keffer
Kanth Krishnan
David LaRoche
Michael Malvick
Frank Manning
Donna (Simek)
Marc Orman
Lindsey Philpott
Scott Prost-
Sandra Reel
David Robinson
William Russum
David Stacy
Wayne Wisdom
Joseph Alfieri
Kelly Au
James Cannon
Jaime Carbajal
Tanya (Nolen)
William Dowling
Prasad Erabelli
Donald Gee
Andrew Harris
Charles Johnson
Mark Kozik
Stuart Longgood
Donald Pool
Clarissa (Jacinto)
Ruth (Pullen)
Neal Wilkins
Jeffrey Boner
Lizzie Cheung
Peggy Christenson
Chitong Chuang
Thomas Cole
David Cooper
David Dratler
Randall Fink
Truco Fuhst
Lynne Gignac
John Goedert
Randall Harris
Craig Henden
Laura (Schlegel)
(Shannon) Kirby
Cynthia (Tang)
Susan Knittel
Miguel Lukau
Timothy Mann
Anthony Mulligan
Leslie (Wymore)
Carol Romero
David Paredes
Charles Parkes
Derek Reaban
Michael Sandford
Eric Stouffer
Joanna Autino
Jianming Chen
John Cox
David Crouthamel
Joshua Goldowitz
Gerald Jalkanen
Imad Karam
(Kares) Klein
Thomas Long
Praful Madhani
Mark McKinstry
Larry Milner
George Richard
Thomas Rohrer
Kevin Ross
Maher Salah
Ronald Semel
Robert Stone
William Vanarsdell
Paul Woolard
(Dudek) Barr
Brent Blevins
Thomas Cantrell
Lee Cheung
Tracy (Hunter)
Ren Egawa
Lisa Firestone
Jennifer (Kersey)
Ilya Glinsky
Cecil Honnas
Rachel (Jordan)
Eric Jackson
Paul John
Thomas McGuire
Jennifer (Chang) Ng
Charles Norman
Robert Perry
Marie Shepherd
Benjamin White
Branda (Baker)
James Wurth
Mark Albertson
Anthony Bowler
Kirk Damron
Qiping Dong
William Easton
Karen (Robinson)
Brian Hewitt
Kathryn Hughes
Mark Kahn
Stavros Kalafatis
Abhijit Kudrimoti
Janet (Loriz) Mayer
Susan (Couillard)
David Paullin
Susan Sparrold
Gregory Boner
Monica (Chacon)
George Gritt
Eric Hoyt
Teri (Breault)
Mark Levine
Douglas Merrill
Thomas Schmitt
Daniel Sherwood
Todd Smith
William Stephens
William Stewart
Gregory Strimbu
Aamer Syed
David Trager
Trang Van Camp
David Wittwer
Todd Zuercher
Jose Arce
Bruce Armitage
Shayne Aytes
Edward Bukoski
Grant Cameron
Jiurong Cheng
Kristen Curry
Christopher Green
Daryl Hild
Daniel Klingberg
Henry Knoepfle
Sherri (Kreppel)
Guillermo Orrantia
Edward Pohl
Bruce Rechichar
Ronald Seager
Jim Su
Mark Sullivan
Brian Tuohy
Jeffrey Berg
James Dancho
Gary Degeronimo
Cherie (McKay)
David Maher
Nirav Merchant
William Molina
Christine Peters
Matthew Ploor
Susan Schima
Vicki Seppala
Lisa (Tank)
Mark Smiley
Lee Sousley
Richard Te
Joseph Trinh
William Wilkening
Xingqiang Wu
Wei Yang
Iftekhar Ahmed
Ernesto Cholo
Paul Englehart
Otis Gorley
Jason Hinman
James Kasner
Rockwell King
Michael Koerner
Mary (Lynch)
Scott Leska
Francisco Leyva
Keith Nelson
Paul Ocansey
Boyd Pendleton
Lance Peterson
Guy Potucek
Claudia Rawn
Alfonso Rodriguez
Teng-I Wang
Dong Wang
Matthew Wilson
Dawn Collins
Craig Fischer
Glenn Gannon
Erika Hanson
Jessica Hogan
Caprice Krachmer
Sasko Kurciski
Ingrid (Nelson)
Huy Nguyen
Toni (Johnson)
Michael Ronayne
Mina (Stafford)
Paul Travis
Troy Turley
Shih Chieh
Ouatfa Chuffe-
Dov Citron
Gregory Ewing
Mary Garrity
Rene Gonzales
Kevin Harris
Craig Laux
Keshaw Mallick
Michael Massaro
Greta Orris
Jeffrey Patterson
Andrea Ursillo
Janet Brelin-
Carl Bueter
Anne Cooper
Todd Ellermann
Esteban Flores
Dongshan Guo
Leslie Henson-
Rita Martinez
Travis McCarthy
Mary Pierce
Carter Romero
Emil Rudolph
Brian Sichter
Jennifer Sinchak
Brian Debnam
Ivan Doliani
Rhett Donald
Jonathan Dunnigan
(Menzer) Fox
Charles Gajda
Ryan Goebel
Edward Gomez
Marc Greenberg
Ziyu Huang
2012–2013 Alumni Donors by Class
continued from page 15
Pete Hushek
“Financial assistance is simply a vehicle
to transport dreams to a place of
fruition,” said Pete Hushek, president of
Phoenix Heat Treating.
Hushek recently established the Charles
J. Hushek Scholarship in memory of
his father, Charles “Chuck” Hushek,
who founded Phoenix Heat Treating
in 1963. The younger Hushek’s
major – metallurgical engineering – no
longer exists at UA, and the endowed
scholarship will support undergraduate
students in the materials science and
engineering department.
Longtime Phoenix resident Pete
Hushek was born in Phoenix less than
a year after his parents moved from
Milwaukee, Wis., and comes from
a family that has been in the metals
business for almost a century. His
own involvement in the industry goes
back nearly 40 years to long before his
graduation from the UA.
“My UA education has beneted me
greatly,” Hushek said. “On any given
day I use the breadth of experience
that my education in the classroom
established, and which my practical plant
oor expanded upon, to help me solve
processing problems for a wide range of
industrial markets.” These two streams
of knowledge – theoretical and practical
– work hand in hand, Hushek said, to
help him make prudent decisions.
During a two-year hiatus between his
sophomore and junior years at UA,
Hushek worked on the shop oor at
his father’s company, where he saw
rst-hand the need for theoretical
knowledge to supplement his practical
experience. “Working the oor at PHT
enriched my vision of how, where,
when and why my studies would be of
benet,” he said.
Hushek said he established the
scholarship because his experiences
following graduation made him
realize that engineering was crucial to
society, and that it should have a more
prominent position in the economy. “We
can’t have full employment in nancial
services alone,” he noted.
“The economy needs manufacturing,”
Hushek said. “If students have a desire
“Financial assistance
is simply a vehicle to
transport dreams to a
place of fruition.”
36:2 fall 2013 arizona engineer 17
Bennett Irwin
Philip Joggerst
Brent Knezacek
Pingzhong Li
Tingyang Liu
Patrick Marcus
Carrol Rosado
Paul Seppala
Idith Suarez-Castro
Manuel Teran
Chia Torgeson
Hua Zhu
Jeffrey Zubel
Said Ahmad
Kaleem Beg
Robert Bruant
Steven Franks
Mark Hawthorne
Cade King
Stephen Kuenzli
Christopher Lee
Laura Lohner
Claudia Lopez
Lance Nelson
Scott Sayles
Michael Schwager
Daniel Seif
Hao Sun
Chad Van Liere
Adrian Arvizo
Kiran Bhumana
Laszlo Braun
Chi-Fu Chen
Lindy Cote
Galen Jokipii
Jingquan Li
Amber Morris
Christopher Pfeiff
Sara Seuberling
(Brady) Smith
Ricardo Solis
Scott Sundahl
Luis Tapia
Jessa Wright
Yuka Yoshioka
Alejandro Angel
Thomas Bail
Tara Burke
Nicholas Fifer
Mark Hamel
Eric Hein
Geoffrey Hill
Marisa (Zamora)
Susan Leonetti
Micah Lesmeister
Michael Machino
Hugo (Sesteaga)
Gary Newson
(Carroll) Ogle
Scott Smith
Jones Tembo
Joseph Chase
John Germain
Jason Godinez
David Hazelman
Mahesh Indran
Wende Kong
Gilbert Lucero
Heath MacDowell
Joshua Martin
Nathan Palmer
Henry Sarmiento
Ross Teske
Phat Tran
John Wallace
Douglas Westra
Justin Wheeler
Nathan Whigham
(Begay) Baum
Irail Cortinas
Daniel Czupryna
Richard Damron
Sridhar Dasika
Wen Huang
Timothy Juvera
Patrick Kelly
Michael Kiefer
Brian McMorrow
Eric Miller
Brett Miller
Andrew Osbrink
Alberto Ramos
Zachary Smith
Arsen Tonoyan
Kevin Zingale
Brian Alden
Joseph Augustine
Willis Begay
Kurt Bishop
Kevin Bukata
John Condon
Hector Coronado
Brian Cox
Gregory Dion
Judd Dyer
Matthew Gledhill
Ann Hoang
Brian Hogan
Jeffrey Kissinger
Joshua Koch
Jack Mumbo
Kevin Opalka
Kristy Pearson
Austin Potter
Eric Rosenwald
Debora Anjos
Eric Bette
James Gifford
Seth Ginter
Stephen Guzzo
Laura Hernandez
Jacob Holmstrom
Albert Jordan
Dominic Maes
Kerry (Ruiz)
Colin Mckenzie
Kyle Nath
Esteban Rios
Matthew Rounds
David Schaller
Marco Trujillo
Pablo Vasquez
Jessica Yeh
Zhen Zhou
Hussam Batshon
Cody Bliss
Gilbert Caballero
Richard Cook
Joseph Fico
Victor Foulk
(Hoblitzell) Green
Ryan Holloway
David Kraemer
Eduardo Lee-Eng
Adrian Leon
Dominic Leone
Lonnie Lucas
Bharani Malladi
Kyle Marr
Jose Rodriguez-
William Salus
Adam Sandifer
Ryan Sessions
Garrett Woods
Matthew Zerull
Ahmad Abou
William Baker
Aaron Boyd
Kyle Clary
John Dorso
Andrea Gains-
Logan Gaither
Jacob Gulotta
David Hahs
Jeffrey Hunt
Amit Kumar
Juan Mena-
Rachel Popp
Tremaine Powell
Adam Ritter
Rhiannon Scott
Sunil Seepuri
Patrick Spencer
Andrew Stevens
Geoffrey Steward
Bradley Stilley
Ian Tilford
David Todd
Spencer Tucker
Manuel Vasquez
Garrett Williams
Kemei Zhao
Anthony Alfonso
Rosanna Bolin
Jason Brockbank
Alicia Brown
Jeremy Coleman
Nathan Decker
Edward DeHoog
James Donovan
Jeffrey Egan
Garrett Ellis
Jennifer Elster
Andrew Friedman
Jesus Garcia
Leonard Klastow
Samuel Larson
Phuong Le
Hunter Mcanally
Kris Milster
Michael Moore
Desiree (Polson)
Andrew Shroads
Kevin Spencer
Phillip Toussaint
Kyle Van
James Williams
Phillip Zinsli
Sandeep Ahuja
John Ashton
Moussa Bari
Brandi Barraza
S. Beard
Stephen Beck
Andrew Bozzi
Joshua Breitung
Jaim Bucay
William Casson
Laura-Ann Chin
Wayne Chin-
Mellissa Cordova
Eleonora Demaria
Miguel Gaytan
Stephen Gomez
Troy Grossarth
Qing He
Erica Hoang
Brian Hochheim
Blake Koomar
Ryan Larsen
Chase Parker
Sergio Pesqueira
Eric Stratton
Michael Sunday
Agendia Taku
Cynthia Tay
Marco Alatorre
Ryan Badilla
Jay Chakkera
Danielle Craig
Bradley Dyal
Richard Ely
Michael Gaas
Kyle Johnston
Aaron Kapilivsky
Alexander Klauss
Robert Koven
Zhe Li
Eduardo Moreno
Kevin Pounds
William Radican
Collin Reynolds
Jorge Sanchez
Brandon Skalsky
Thomas Soukup
Josh Spivey
Nick Stylianos
Ryan Tatro
Austin Urton
Louis Woofenden
Jonathan Yeh
Puneet Bhardwaj
Erik Christenson
Erin Lauterbach
Joseph Levy
Edward Lira
David Maynard
Jose Monreal
Eric Prewitt
Zulima Rhodes
Stephen Tan
Todd Balls
Brian Franz
Ravi Garg
Mark Gregory
Garrett Hawes
Sean Henderson
Kelsey Hoyt
Cameron Kingsley
Matthew Nipper
Oscar Rico
Nicole (Montalvo)
Tyler Stibrich
Shanna Tune
Jeffrey Uhlorn
to understand at a core level more
about how things work, they should
be able to pursue an education without
accumulating debt.”
Echoing his own time on the shop oor
as a student, Hushek also provides
engineering undergraduates with
practical experience through an intern
program at Phoenix Heat Treating.
“They do fantastic work, and I am very
lucky to work with them,” he said.
“These students get to see the wonderful
world of manufacturing, where their
basic learning can provide them a path
to a satisfying career limited only by
their dreams and desires.”
Hushek described his father as “a third-
generation heat-treater and promoter
of all things possible in people.” Chuck
Hushek used to say that as an employer
all he could do was provide employees
with a piece of rope each day. The rope
was his metaphor for an opportunity to
do something good or to simply waste it
through inaction.
“I am glad that I have been able to
fashion my scraps of rope into a bridge
to a better place for our employees and
my family,” Hushak said, adding that
it is now time for him to extend the
piece of rope outside the connes of
his business in Phoenix. “I am hopeful
that the scholarship committee will
nd worthy candidates who will use
this nancial rope to haul in a great UA
Engineering education. This scholarship
will provide someone assistance, as my
parents did for me many years ago.”
Hushek will supplement his generous
initial gift of $40,000 with $5,000
annually during the rst two years
while the endowment grows.
A Century of Mettle—Pete Hushek (BS/
Metallurgical Engineering 1982) stands in
his shop at Phoenix Heat Treating. He has
established an endowed scholarship in
memory of his father, Chuck Hushek.
Pete Hushek
Donn Silberman
Light Fantastic —Donn Silberman, aka “Dr. Don, Wizard of Light,”
gives a presentation called “Optricks/Artricks” at a family event at the
UC Irvine Beall Center for Art + Technology in November 2010.
Donn Silberman
BS/Engr. Physics 1983
Donn Silberman, aka
“Dr. Donn, the Wizard of
Light,” has garnered a
few accolades recently. In
November 2012 he received
the UC Irvine Extension
dean’s Outstanding Service
Award for his efforts founding
and implementing the
optical engineering and
instrument design certicate
programs. A month later
he won the 2012-2013 UA
Honors College Advocate for
Education Award and gave
the keynote address at the
College’s precommencement
ceremony. More recently,
SPIE Professional magazine
published his article, Optics
Outreach Evolves, about
his OptoBotics program
at the Optics Institute of
Southern California that
combines optics, photonics
and robotics to encourage
high school students to get
into the optics-photonics
eld. “The past year has
been extraordinary for me
personally as many good
things have happened,” said
Silberman, who founded
the nonprot OISC in 2003
18 arizona engineer 36:2 fall 2013
The da Vinci Circle is a leadership
annual giving society that recognizes
the generosity of alumni, corporate
partners and friends who make
unrestricted contributions of $1,000
or more to the College of Engineering
or greater than $5,000 to a specific
department or program.
Ifeyinwa Amene Barbara (Hicks) Amos Anton Anderson Clarence and Phala
Andressen Jose Arce David and Dede Areghini Mike and Kathy Arnold Therese
(Velasco) Berg Craig and Nancy Berge Mary (Brown) and Raymond Bernal Edwin
Biggers James and Margaret Bly Alan and Lisa Boeckmann Boeing Company
Sandra (Clendennen) Brown Franklin and Elizabeth Broyles Herbert and Sylvia Burton
Elaine Burton-Resnick John and Barbara Carter Mark Casolara Daniel Chen
Michael and Janice Cise John Condon Debra (Garland) and Thomas Corbett Gary
and Barbara Cropper Louis Demer Don and Diane Dillon Joseph and Rita DiMatteo
Christopher and Darcy Dixon Denise Doctor Newton Don Jake and Beverly Doss
William and Ella Dresher Karl and Sandra (Tanner) Elers Todd Ellermann Ernest
& Sally Micek Family Foundation Robert and Amy Ewing LeRoy and Jean Farmer
Hermann and Janet Fasel Barbara (Appelin) and Frank Filas Shirley Fisher Kim and
Corinne Fox Roger and Evelyn Gallagher Joseph Gervasio Jerome and Jane Glass
Jeffrey and Donna Goldberg Gilbert and Patricia Gonzales Leston Goodding Belle
(Kulick) and Gary Griffiths Henry Grundstedt Richard and Patricia Guthrie Ronald
Hanson George Harper James and Maria Hess Lawrence and Virginia Hjalmarson
Helmut and Ellen Hof Samuel Holland
Mike Hoover Edward Jucevic Ryan
Kanto Maria Keonjian Lee and Beverly King Karl and Joan Kohlhoff Pinnaduwa
Kulatilake Bruce Langone Delbert and Sharron Lewis Linda (Robinson) and Robert
Lohse J. David and Edith Lowell Kenneth Lyle and Carol Romero Daniel and Cynthia
(Tang) Klingberg Oscar Lyon Charles Madison John and La Donna Marietti Sean
McCafferty Susan and Michael McDonald Sidney McDuff Scott and Kim McIntosh
William and Dianne Mensch Ernest and Sally Micek Larry and Jayne Milner David
and Magdalena Mooberry Genevieve (Atwood) Morrill Richard and Jeanne Norling
Edward and Patricia Nowatzki Thomas and Margaret O’Neil Leslie (Wymore) Owen
Tomas Owen and Lindy Cote Monica (Kilcullen) and Christopher Pastor Charles and
Maria Preble John and Elke Reagan Carol Romero and Kenneth Lyle Lisa (Gentry)
and Ross Rulney Robert and Ann Rutherford Peter and Nancy Salter Roger and Jane
Schoenherr Brice Schuller Timothy and Danielle Short Douglas and Dawna Silver
Joseph and Catherine Simmons Sarah (Brown) and David Smallhouse Ernest and
Joanne Smerdon Lenise (Mincks) and D. Alan Smith Mitchell and Magali Smith
Timothy and Rhonda Snider George and Kilcha Spindle William and Elizabeth Staples
Marjorie and Edwin Thomas Jack and Linda Thompson David and Joanna Travis
David Turner Andrea Ursillo Frances (Sprawls) Walker Herbert and Diane Welhener
Emma Whitenack Robert Wicks Ann Wilkey and Alfredo Baeza Gary and Bethany
Wonacott Farrell Wymore
Mel Wymore Paschel Young
Achen-Gardner Construction LLC Agilent Technologies Inc. AGM Container
Controls Inc. Airtronics Inc. Arizona Builders’ Alliance Association for Computing
Machinery Inc. B/E Aerospace Inc. Barrick Gold US C.A.B. Produce LLC Calixtro
Distributing Company Inc. Caterpillar Inc. CIC Resources Inc. Community Finance
Corp. Continental Automotive Systems Inc. DXP Enterprises Edmund Optics Inc.
ExxonMobil Corp. Freeport McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. GaN Corp. Gemini
Foundation General Electric Gomez International Goodwill Golf Tournament
Hankook Tire Co. Ltd. Honeywell Aerospace HP Labs IBM IDEMA Infinera
Corp. Infrared Laboratories Inc. Intel Foundation International Foundation for
Telemetering John Wesley Miller Companies Lam Research Corp. Lockheed Martin
M3 Engineering & Technology Media Connections Inc. Microsoft Global Finance
Mining Foundation of the SW Mintec Inc. MIT Lincoln Laboratory NeuroMetrix
Neustar Inc. Newmont Mining Corp. Nextgen Aeronautics Inc. NMode Solutions
Inc. Northrop Grumman Oracle Mining Corp. P&H Mining Equipment Peabody
Investments Corp. QuakeWrap Inc. Quick Mount PV R. D. Call Scholarship Fund
Rain Bird Corp. RASIRC Raytheon Company Rio Tinto Services Inc. Rosemont
Copper Rosztoczy Foundation Salt River Project
Sargent Controls and Aerospace
Scientek-12 Inc. Sensintel Inc. Sundt Companies Inc. SunEdison Sunora Energy
Solutions Suntricity Corp. Texas Instruments Inc. The Boeing Company The
Copper Club Inc. Trojan UV Tucson Electric Power Co. Tucson Embedded Systems
Inc. UniSource Energy Corp. Ventana Medical Systems Inc. VirtualTourist.com
VM Ware Inc. W. L. Gore & Associates Inc.
Members of the da Vinci Circle play a vital role in strengthening our long tradition of
engineering excellence by supporting annual scholarships to our brightest students,
providing faculty support to our top scholars, and allocating much-needed unrestricted
funds to meet the demands of today’s educational environment.
Contact the da Vinci Circle at
520.621.8051 • [email protected]ona.edu
36:2 fall 2013 arizona engineer 19
Nicole Rojas
BS/ME 2013
After graduation, Nicole
Rojas joined ExxonMobil
as a drilling engineer in
the company’s Worldwide
Ventures Unconventional
It has never been easier to get all the
latest news and information about the
people and programs at UA Engineering
J. Philip Barnes
BS/ME 1978
Phil Barnes is principal
engineer, air vehicle and
subsystems performance,
at Northrop Grumman
Corporation in California,
where he has worked for
32 years. He has published
papers with and given
presentations to SAE,
ASME and AIAA, including
one on dynamic soaring
and regenerative ight. The
paper features photos of
his travels to Antarctica
and an engineering
analysis and real-time
simulation explaining how
the wandering albatross
uses dynamic soaring to
remain aloft indenitely
on shoulder-locked wings
over a waveless sea. This
multidisciplinary study
applies paleontology,
oceanography, photography,
ight dynamics, computer
graphics, and a bit of poetry.
His other presentations
include an aerodynamic
and artistic study of the
German jets of WWII, and
conguration aerodynamics
– from the Wright Brothers
to the Delta Canard. All
his presentations, and
contact details, can be
found on his website:
Drill Team and now works in
Argentina. She is pictured
above representing UA
Engineering during a tour of
platform drilling contractor
Helmerich & Payne’s rig-up
yard in Houston.
Phil Barnes
to offer high-quality optics
education and outreach
programs. The “Dr. Don,
Wizard of Light” moniker
derives from his role as an
Edmund Optics Super Hero,
in which he seeks to inspire
young minds by creatively
teaching science and
optics with a fun, hands-on
approach. The objective,
he said, is to empower “the
young and young at heart”
to “embrace their love of
science” and help shape
the upcoming generation of
optical engineers.
Nicole Rojas
The University of Arizona
College of Engineering
P.O. Box 210072
Tucson, AZ 85721-0072
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• Name and year you graduated
• Major
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• Details of your activities
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