Board of Education
Most Recent Offer to NUEA
Submitted to IELRB
July 29, 2021
Status of Negotiations
The Board of Education has been working with the Naperville
Unit Education Association (NUEA) to negotiate a fair multiyear
contract that serves the best interests of all stakeholders our
students, parents, teachers, and taxpayer community.
After regular meetings with the NUEA since January, an
independent mediator was engaged last month to help bring
the parties closer to an agreement.
However, the NUEA has initiated the public posting process, in
which both the Board and the NUEA submit their most recent
offers to the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board (IELRB)
for public posting.
Continued Negotiation Efforts
The Board is committed to continuing negotiations with the
NUEA throughout the public posting process and until a fair
settlement is reached.
While the current NUEA contract expired on June 30, 2021, it is
common for teachers to return to the classroom without
disruption after a contract has expired.
The first day of student attendance for the forthcoming school
year is August 19, 2021. The Board is confident students can
return to the classroom this fall while we continue to meet with
the NUEA to reach an agreement.
Board of Education Priorities
Continue to deliver the excellent education our
students and community have come to expect and
Competitively compensate our teachers and staff at
every stage of their career for their excellent work in
educating our children.
Ensure the agreement reached is fiscally responsible
and allows the Board to preserve the long-term
financial health of our District.
Snapshot of the Board’s Offer:
Raises for Every Educator, Every Year
Proposed Educator Salary Schedule Increases
School Year Step and Base Increase
2021-2022 3.51% Increase
2022-2023 2.85% Increase
2023-2024 4.37% Increase*
2024-2025 55% CPI-U Plus Step
*Projected increase based on 2020 year-to-date actual
Consumer Price Index (CPI-U) of 4.3%
Snapshot of the Board’s Offer:
Raises for Every Educator, Every Year
See Appendix A for individual Year 1 salaries
Average Educator Salary Increases
School Year Average Raise Average Salary
2021-2022 3.60% $89,064
2022-2023 2.95% $91,658
2023-2024 4.43%* $95,705*
*Projected based on 2021 year-to-date actual CPI-U of 4.3%
Snapshot of the Board’s Offer:
Increased Paid Sick Leave
5 More Sick Days in Year 1
Increased Sick Day
Accumulation Cap to 365 Days
Current Contract:
Employees currently receive an annual
allotment of 15 sick days.
Board’s Offer:
The Board has offered to increase the annual
sick day allotment to 20 days in the 2021-2022
school year.
Current Contract:
Employees may accumulate up to 360 unused
sick days. The Union proposes increasing the
sick day accumulation cap to 370 days.
Board’s Offer:
The Board has offered to increase the sick day
accumulation cap to 365 days.
Snapshot of the Board’s Offer:
Increased Paid Parental Leave
Commonly Asked Questions
Does the Family and Medical Leave Act
(FMLA) require paid parental leave?
No. The FMLA entitles eligible employees up to
12 weeks of unpaid leave for certain qualifying
reasons, including the birth of a child.
Are teachers entitled to paid leave after
childbirth under Illinois law?
The Illinois School Code states teachers may
apply available sick days with no supporting
medical documentation required for up to 30
days following the birth of a child.
35 Paid Leave Days In Addition to
Medical Leave
Current Contract: 30 days available sick leave for
childbirth under the Illinois School Code applies. An
employee also may apply accumulated sick leave
for incapacity due to pregnancy, childbirth, or
recovery therefrom.
Board’s Offer: In addition to the 30 days of paid
sick leave for childbirth under the Illinois School
Code, employees may apply 5 more sick days that
are not dependent on the need to recover from
childbirth. An employee may apply accumulated
sick leave for incapacity due to pregnancy,
childbirth, or recovery therefrom.
Snapshot of the Board’s Offer:
Maintain Health Insurance Benefits and
Retirement Incentives
The Board’s offer maintains the current health insurance
contributions and retirement incentive program:
Maintains Board Payment of 85% Toward Employee
Health Insurance Costs
Maintains Retirement Incentives Including Post-
Retirement Health Insurance Reimbursement
What Percentage of District Funds is
Expended on Salaries and Benefits?
Professional Svs
Supplies & Utilities
Capital Outlay
Debt Svs Payments
Non Capital Equipment
FY 2022 Expenditures By Object - All Funds
Salaries &
How Do Naperville 203 Educator Salaries
Compare to Other Districts?
The 2020-2021 salary schedule is consistent with the Board’s priority of
competitively compensating our educators at every stage of their career.
How Do Naperville 203 Educator Salaries
Compare to Other Districts?
CUSD 220
CUSD 203
St. Charles
CUSD 303
Indian Prairie
Geneva CUSD
2020-2021 School Year: BA+0
How Do Naperville 203 Educator Salaries
Compare to Other Districts?
Indian Prairie 204 Naperville CUSD
Barrington CUSD
St. Charles
CUSD 303
Geneva CUSD
2020-2021 School Year: Masters + 0
How Do Naperville 203 Educator Salaries
Compare to Other Districts?
CUSD 203
Indian Prairie
St. Charles
CUSD 303
CUSD 220
Geneva CUSD
2020-2021 School Year: MA+0 / 10 years of Experience
How Much Do the Board’s Proposed
Salary Schedules Cost?
To determine the projected cost of salary proposals, the District
calculates the total increase in salaries for all employees on the
salary schedule based on:
1. Step Increases: Each employee’s step” movement at
the beginning of the applicable school year; and
2. Base Increase: Money added to the “base” salary
schedule for the applicable school year.
Increases to the “Base” Salary Schedule
An employee’s salary is determined
by cells on the salary schedule.
An employee’s assigned “cell” is
based on: (1) years of service; and
(2) education level.
When the parties negotiate an
increase to the “base” salary
schedule, the salaries in each cell
increase accordingly.
The salary schedule is also used to
determine extracurricular stipends
(% of BA+0).
Salaries Per
“Base” Salary:
Years of
Years of
2020-2021 Salary Schedule
“Step” and “Lane” Salary Increases
Employees may receive salary
increases at the beginning of each
school year through a “step” increase.
Employees move to the next “stepon
the salary schedule after a year of
service until they reach the last step.
An employee may also receive a
salary increase by moving to the next
“lane” based on education level.
However, because lane movements
are less predictable, the District does
not include lane movements in its
costing projections.
Years of Service
% Raise
to Next
BA+0 BA+12 BA+24 MA+0 MA+12 MA+24 MA+36 MA+42 MA+54
1 1.72% 2.53% 2.45% 3.43% 3.27% 3.13% 2.99% 2.87% 2.79%
2 1.68% 2.46% 2.39% 3.32% 3.17% 3.03% 2.91% 2.79% 2.71%
3 1.66% 2.40% 2.33% 3.21% 3.07% 2.94% 2.82% 2.72% 2.64%
4 1.62% 2.36% 2.29% 3.12% 2.98% 2.86% 2.75% 2.64% 2.57%
5 1.61% 2.42% 2.34% 3.29% 2.89% 2.79% 2.67% 2.58% 2.51%
6 2.63% 2.37% 2.30% 3.03% 2.91% 2.80% 2.70% 2.61% 2.54%
7 2.94% 2.84% 1.02% 2.63% 2.54% 2.47%
8 2.85% 2.75% 2.70% 2.56% 2.47% 2.41%
9 2.78% 2.68% 2.63% 2.49% 2.42% 2.36%
10 2.70% 2.62% 2.56% 2.44% 2.36% 2.30%
11 2.82% 2.73% 2.68% 2.55% 2.47% 2.42%
12 2.74% 2.66% 2.61% 2.49% 2.41% 2.36%
13 2.67% 2.59% 2.54% 2.43% 2.35% 2.30%
14 2.60% 2.52% 2.48% 2.36% 2.30% 2.25%
15 2.54% 2.45% 2.42% 2.31% 2.25% 2.20%
2.73% 2.68% 2.57% 2.49% 2.94%
17 2.65% 2.60% 2.50% 2.43% 2.37%
18 2.58% 2.54% 2.44% 2.37% 2.32%
19 2.51% 2.48% 2.38% 2.32% 2.26%
20 2.45% 3.41% 3.55% 3.47% 3.39%
21 2.39% 3.30% 3.44% 3.35% 3.27%
22 3.95% 4.76% 3.32% 3.40% 4.88%
2020-2021 Salary Schedule
Cost of the Board’s Proposed Salary
Schedule Increases
School Year 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024
Step and Base % 3.51% 2.85% 4.37%*
New Cost
Step and Base
$4,356,962 $3,668,852 $5,780,001*
Total Cost:
Step and Base
$128,534,912 $132,203,763 $137,983,764*
*Projected increase based on 2021 year-to-date actual CPI-U of 4.3%
Contract Year 4 projected cost dependent on 2022 CPI-U
The Board’s Proposed Salary Schedule:
2021-2022 School Year
Average salary: $89,064
Average salary increase: 3.6%
receive at least
a 4.0% increase
receive at least
a 3.6% increase
See Appendix A for individual Year 1 salaries
New Step 23
The Board’s Proposed Salary Schedule:
2022-2023 School Year
Average salary: $91,658
Average salary increase: 2.95%
receive at least
a 3.5% increase
receive at least
a 3.0% increase
BA+0 BA+12 BA+24 MA+0 MA+12 MA+24 MA+36 MA+42 MA+54
0 50,724 51,636 53,375 57,038 59,833 62,622 65,417 68,170 70,200
1 51,594 52,945 54,683 58,994 61,790 64,580 67,373 70,129 72,158
2 52,463 54,247 55,987 60,954 63,749 66,537 69,333 72,086 74,114
3 53,335 55,552 57,290 62,911 65,706 68,496 71,290 74,045 76,074
4 54,202 56,861 58,600 64,875 67,664 70,453 73,249 76,002 78,030
5 55,074 58,234 59,974 67,010 69,622 72,416 75,206 77,960 79,990
6 56,525 59,615 61,353 69,043 71,650 74,445 77,235 79,995 82,024
7 71,072 73,685 75,206 79,269 82,024 84,052
8 73,101 75,714 77,240 81,298 84,052 86,081
9 75,135 77,742 79,269 83,327 86,085 88,114
10 77,165 79,776 81,298 85,361 88,114 90,143
11 79,341 81,952 83,474 87,537 90,291 92,320
12 81,515 84,129 85,649 89,712 92,467 94,497
13 83,692 86,305 87,827 91,888 94,643 96,672
14 85,867 88,480 90,003 94,062 96,819
15 88,044 90,651 92,177 96,236 98,995 101,024
16 93,122 94,643 98,706 101,460 103,997
17 95,586 97,108 101,172 103,925 106,462
18 98,053 99,572 103,636 106,389 108,926
19 100,517 102,038 106,102 108,855 111,392
20 102,982 105,522 109,869 112,629 115,165
21 105,447 109,002 113,644 116,398 118,934
22 108,120 112,637 115,814 118,721 123,044
23 110,606 115,228 118,478 121,452 125,874
Longevity 1 111,221 115,868 119,136 122,126 126,573
Longevity increases to
Step 23
The Board’s Proposed Salary Schedule:
2023-2024 School Year
receive at least
a 5.0% increase*
receive at least
a 4.0% increase*
BA+0 BA+12 BA+24 MA+0 MA+12 MA+24 MA+36 MA+42 MA+54
0 51,924 52,857 54,637 58,387 61,248 64,103 66,964 69,782 71,860
1 52,814 54,197 55,976 60,389 63,251 66,107 68,966 71,788 73,865
2 53,704 55,530 57,311 62,396 65,257 68,111 70,973 73,791 75,867
3 54,596 56,866 58,645 64,399 67,260 70,116 72,976 75,796 77,873
4 55,484 58,206 59,986 66,409 69,264 72,119 74,981 77,799 79,875
5 56,377 59,611 61,392 68,595 71,269 74,129 76,985 79,804 81,882
6 57,862 61,025 62,804 70,676 73,345 76,206 79,062 81,887 83,964
7 72,753 75,428 76,985 81,144 83,964 86,040
8 74,830 77,505 79,067 83,221 86,040 88,117
9 76,912 79,581 81,144 85,298 88,121 90,198
10 78,990 81,663 83,221 87,380 90,198 92,275
11 81,217 83,890 85,448 89,607 92,426 94,503
12 83,443 86,119 87,675 91,834 94,654 96,732
13 85,671 88,346 89,904 94,061 96,881 98,958
14 87,898 90,573 92,132 96,287 99,109
15 90,126 92,795 94,357 98,512 101,336 103,413
16 95,324 96,881 101,040 103,860 106,457
17 97,847 99,405 103,565 106,383 108,980
18 100,372 101,927 106,087 108,905 111,502
19 102,894 104,451 108,611 111,429 114,026
20 105,418 108,018 112,467 115,293 117,889
21 107,941 111,580 116,332 119,151 121,747
22 110,677 115,301 118,553 121,529 125,954
23 113,222 117,953 121,280 124,324 128,851
Longevity 1 114,122 118,853 122,180 125,224 129,751
Longevity 2 115,022 119,753 123,080 126,124 130,651
Projected longevity increases
to Step 23
Average salary: $95,705*
Average salary increase: 4.43%*
*Projected based on 2021 year-to-date actual CPI-U of 4.3%
Example Educator Salary Increases
John is a teacher at the District and has a Masters Degree. John has
completed 14 years of service. Under the Board’s proposal, John
would receive a total step and base increase of 4.02%. John’s salary
for the 2021-2022 school year would be $85,152.
Sarah is a teacher at the District and has completed 20 years of
service. Sarah has a Masters Degree and has received 42 credits
toward a Doctorate Degree. Under the Board’s proposal, Sarah
would receive a total step and base increase of 4.89%. Sarah’s
salary for the 2021-2022 school year would be $111,691.
Board v. NUEA Most Recent Salary Offers
Board Proposed
Salary Increases
Union Proposed
Salary Increases
% Raise New Cost % Raise New Cost
2021-2022 SY 3.51% Increase $4,356,962 4.22% Increase $5,234,699
2022-2023 SY 2.85% Increase $3,668,852 3.23% Increase $4,180,963
2023-2024 SY 4.37% Increase* $5,780,001 5.63% Increase* $7,527,621*
Total Projected New Salary
Costs School Years 1-3:
Board Salary Proposal Union Salary Proposal
$13,805,814 $16,943,284
See Appendix A for Board individual Year 1 salaries
See Appendix B for NUEA individual Year 1 salaries
NUEA Most Recent Offer:
2020-2021 Individual Salary Increases
would receive at least a 5.0% increase
would receive at least a 4.5% increase
would receive at least a 4.75% increase
See Appendix B for NUEA individual Year 1 proposed salaries
Financial Impact of NUEA Offer:
2021-2022 School Year
Increased Tax Revenue Board Offer Union Offer
NUEA Offer:
Board Offer:
Fiscal Year 2021-
2022: 2.81%
Property tax extensions are the Districts main revenue source. The NUEAs proposed
4.22% salary increase for Year 1 is substantially higher than the District’s 2021-2022
increased tax revenue of 2.81%:
Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS)
What is a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS)?
MTSS is a framework to support educators with implementing responsive and fluid high-quality
curriculum and instruction focused on academic and social-emotional learning, including interventions
and extensions to ensure the success of all learners. Through the MTSS framework, educators provide
all students with access to the core curriculum and high-quality instruction.
Is the MTSS framework new to District 203?
No. The MTSS framework has been in place for years and has evolved to meet the needs of students.
How do educators implement the MTSS framework into the curriculum?
Educators work collaboratively to provide interventions and curricular enhancements for the academic
and social-emotional growth and achievement of all students. MTSS programming begins with high
quality “Tier 1” classroom instruction to over 85% of students. Intensive interventions that pull
students from their classrooms are used to provide additional support for 2-5% of general education
Commonly Asked Questions
Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS)
Will the District use the MTSS framework to support students after returning from remote
learning during the COVID-19 pandemic?
Yes. The District has hired 28 new staff members to support students returning from remote learning
in the areas of social work, special education, English language acquisition, and math specialists. The
District will continue to provide professional development to support all staff through existing and
additional support personnel.
Does the Board’s offer add time to educators’ workdays?
No. The Board has not proposed any additional time to the workday. Instead of providing MTSS
interventions to students during regular classroom periods, the Board has proposed carving out time
during the existing instructional minutes at the high school to allow educators to focus specifically on
these interventions. The Board has not proposed any alterations to class periods at the elementary or
junior high schools.
Commonly Asked Questions
Other Pending Proposals
Item NUEA Most Recent Offer Board Most Recent Offer
NUEA proposes increasing personal leave days available to
employees from 2 to 3 days per year.
The Board does not propose any increase to the 2 personal leave
days available per year.
Appendix B
Appendix B.4
NUEA proposes increasing supplemental compensation rates
and including base raises beginning the 2022-2023 school year.
The Board proposes increasing supplemental compensation rates.
The Board does not propose including base raises.
NUEA proposes beginning the 2022-2023 school year to
terminate the agreement on the last day of teacher attendance
during the applicable school year if the Property Tax Extension
Limitation is reduced to 0%.
The Board has proposed economic reopener language in the event
of an economic change to TRS pension rates, the District’s property
tax extension authority, health insurance penalties, or referendum
reducing the levy extension amount.
and Posting
NUEA proposes language regarding vacancy posting and
interview procedures.
The Board does not propose any changes to vacancy and posting
NUEA proposes revisions to stipend committee duties related
to stipend positions and posting.
The Board proposes revising the budget parameters of the stipend
NUEA proposes language for e-learning and emergency days. The Board has not proposed language regarding emergency days.
NUEA is no longer proposing changes to Appendix C. The Board proposes removing Appendix C.
The following proposals are also included in the Board’s and NUEAs most recent offers:
The first day of student attendance for the forthcoming
school year is August 19, 2021. The Board is confident
students can return to the classroom this fall while we
continue to meet with the NUEA to reach a fair agreement
that serves the best interests of all stakeholders – our
students, parents, teachers, and taxpayer community.
Appendix A
Page 1 of 31
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Bishop, Emily G 103,786 4.98% 108,954
Hill, Mary K 103,786 4.98% 108,954
Twietmeyer, Grace O 103,786 4.98% 108,954
Thompson, Jennifer J 103,786 4.98% 108,954
DeSantis, Michelle
103,786 4.98% 108,954
Otto-Waddell, Karen C 103,786 4.98% 108,954
Birch, Stephanie M 106,479 4.89% 111,691
O'Boyle, Cathleen M 106,479 4.89% 111,691
Sommer, Sarah M 106,479 4.89% 111,691
Kainrath, Patrice T 106,479 4.89% 111,691
Baldwin, Barry S 116,338 4.88% 122,019
Doman, Michael
116,338 4.88% 122,019
Fertel, Traci M 116,338 4.88% 122,019
Hantak, Ryan J 116,338 4.88% 122,019
Horner, Brian G 116,338 4.88% 122,019
Kedziora, Jerry 116,338 4.88% 122,019
Kiefer, Margaret M 116,338 4.88% 122,019
McManis, Michael P 116,338 4.88% 122,019
Muehsler, Hans E 116,338 4.88% 122,019
Smith, Katherine
116,338 4.88% 122,019
Stanley, Nadine N 116,338 4.88% 122,019
Yanke, Elizabeth
116,338 4.88% 122,019
Andrade, Catherine O 116,338 4.88% 122,019
Kraftson, Anna E 116,338 4.88% 122,019
Johnson, Theresa B 116,338 4.88% 122,019
Borjas, Veronica 116,338 4.88% 122,019
Breslin, Pamela M 107,471 4.86% 112,697
Dunnett, David F 107,471 4.86% 112,697
Mohn, Donna
107,471 4.86% 112,697
Papagiannis, Katherine 107,471 4.86% 112,697
Kopf, Emily B 55,793 4.86% 58,503
Adams, Sean M 55,793 4.86% 58,503
Dahowski, David E 55,793 4.86% 58,503
Hrydziuszko, Deborah A 55,793 4.86% 58,503
Gallagher, Patrick J 55,793 4.86% 58,503
Arzadon, Hannah
99,811 4.84% 104,643
Cano, Olga 99,811 4.84% 104,643
Anderson, Candice M 99,811 4.84% 104,643
Bedore, Jeffry M 108,960 4.81% 114,206
Bell, Barbara 108,960 4.81% 114,206
Davison, Deborah K 108,960 4.81% 114,206
Engeldahl, Jennifer S 108,960 4.81% 114,206
Ferro, Joseph P 108,960 4.81% 114,206
Free, Leslie A 108,960 4.81% 114,206
Ghouse, Naseem F 108,960 4.81% 114,206
Jay, Jerry B 108,960 4.81% 114,206
Naperville 203 Board of Education
Appendix A
Page 2 of 31
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Joyce, Deborah A 108,960 4.81% 114,206
Granatelli, Maxyne W 108,960 4.81% 114,206
Ferro, Jamie
108,960 4.81% 114,206
Palubicki, Elizabeth T 108,960 4.81% 114,206
Pour, Brian 108,960 4.81% 114,206
Ramsbottom, Todd J 108,960 4.81% 114,206
Sanborn, Scott
108,960 4.81% 114,206
Schmitt, Adam 108,960 4.81% 114,206
Brucker, Elizabeth A 108,960 4.81% 114,206
Kresl, Anthony P 108,960 4.81% 114,206
Csutak, Barbara
108,960 4.81% 114,206
Kleinmaier, Jeffrey J 108,960 4.81% 114,206
Lara, Milagros 108,960 4.81% 114,206
Wszolek, Sara A 108,960 4.81% 114,206
Ancira, Sara K 110,171 4.77% 115,428
Scherrman, John P 110,171 4.77% 115,428
Weir, Marisela I 110,171 4.77% 115,428
Czernik, Sandra
110,171 4.77% 115,428
Cortes, Damary
110,171 4.77% 115,428
Knott, Julie A 106,623 4.76% 111,699
Meyers, Kathryn M 57,707 4.75% 60,446
Braun, Sarah C 57,707 4.75% 60,446
Pucylowski, Adam M 57,707 4.75% 60,446
Kennedy, Claire E 57,707 4.75% 60,446
Chen, Ye 57,707 4.75% 60,446
South, Dana M 57,707 4.75% 60,446
Alstadt, David J 103,219 4.72% 108,094
Eissens, Amy M 103,219 4.72% 108,094
Reilly, Kristin M 103,219 4.72% 108,094
Leaf, Anthony W 103,219 4.72% 108,094
Knight, Julie M 103,219 4.72% 108,094
Haas, Eric A 103,219 4.72% 108,094
Sandborn, Elizabeth M 63,459 4.72% 66,452
Chaidez, Kelsey A 63,459 4.72% 66,452
Pettit, Kaelyn C 63,459 4.72% 66,452
Shin, Meenjung A 63,459 4.72% 66,452
Dada, Safa 63,459 4.72% 66,452
Groenendyk, Christopher
63,459 4.72% 66,452
Smith, Sara A 63,459 4.72% 66,452
O'Connor, Alexandra E 63,459 4.72% 66,452
Katsenes, Katherine A 63,459 4.72% 66,452
Ellig, Marissa N 63,459 4.72% 66,452
Stanley, Samantha D 63,459 4.72% 66,452
McKenzie, Emilly K 63,459 4.72% 66,452
Stercay, Lauren E 63,459 4.72% 66,452
Govostis, Roselyn M 63,459 4.72% 66,452
Naperville 203 Board of Education
Appendix A
Page 3 of 31
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Miller, Alyssa M 63,459 4.72% 66,452
Sindelar, Cortney G 63,459 4.72% 66,452
Burke, Tamara
112,651 4.70% 117,943
Chaney, Jeremiah P 112,651 4.70% 117,943
Chipman, Katrina A 112,651 4.70% 117,943
Michalek, Michelle
112,651 4.70% 117,943
Weiss, Nicole 112,651 4.70% 117,943
Fitzpatrick, Megan M 112,651 4.70% 117,943
Pjesky, Kirsten A 112,651 4.70% 117,943
Hitzeman, Helena M 112,651 4.70% 117,943
Johnson, Rodney D 112,651 4.70% 117,943
Guglielmucci, Stephanie A 112,651 4.70% 117,943
Kowalkowski, Jason M 112,651 4.70% 117,943
Lenz, Jason
112,651 4.70% 117,943
Moen, Lisa M 112,651 4.70% 117,943
Nelson, Eric J 112,651 4.70% 117,943
O'Connor, Michael F 112,651 4.70% 117,943
O'Neill, Kimberly E 112,651 4.70% 117,943
Rains, Erin E 112,651 4.70% 117,943
Hicks, Aislinn M 112,651 4.70% 117,943
Smith, Paula M 112,651 4.70% 117,943
Rees, Heidi 112,651 4.70% 117,943
Halama, Yaejung J 112,651 4.70% 117,943
Smith, Alisha
112,651 4.70% 117,943
Sands, Heidi N 59,623 4.64% 62,387
Snyder, Taylor M 59,623 4.64% 62,387
Vogelsang, Amy B 59,623 4.64% 62,387
Hanafi, Patricia A 59,623 4.64% 62,387
Molenda-Lesniak, Margaret 59,623 4.64% 62,387
Cusick, Grace M 59,623 4.64% 62,387
Shallcross, Stephanie
60,441 4.59% 63,218
Ullestad, Alison M 61,538 4.55% 64,335
Floeter-Bretag, Catherine J 61,538 4.55% 64,335
Czarnik, Rebecca C 61,538 4.55% 64,335
Winkler, Jennifer K 61,538 4.55% 64,335
Good, Megan E 61,538 4.55% 64,335
Borta, Emily A 61,538 4.55% 64,335
Reynoso, Raul A 61,538 4.55% 64,335
Karasewski, Abigail N 61,538 4.55% 64,335
Moriarty, Brandon
61,538 4.55% 64,335
Garcia, Maria D 61,538 4.55% 64,335
Valentine, Rachel A 61,538 4.55% 64,335
Lathan, Megan J 61,538 4.55% 64,335
Schultz, Andrew J 61,538 4.55% 64,335
Ramsden, Susanna J 61,538 4.55% 64,335
Neal, Mario 61,538 4.55% 64,335
Naperville 203 Board of Education
Appendix A
Page 4 of 31
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Davis, Jennifer C 61,538 4.55% 64,335
Nguyen, Kerry C 61,538 4.55% 64,335
Konatarevic, Stefany 62,357 4.49% 65,159
Sowell, Jillian
65,547 4.46% 68,468
Ruiz, Valerie
65,547 4.46% 68,468
Rogers, Lauren G 65,547 4.46% 68,468
Kuklinski, Rafal 65,547 4.46% 68,468
Mitchell, Joseph T 65,547 4.46% 68,468
Forde, Michael M 65,547 4.46% 68,468
Bollinger, Sarah C 65,547 4.46% 68,468
Boente, Melissa A 65,547 4.46% 68,468
Harper, Kevin M 65,547 4.46% 68,468
Many, Kristine M 65,547 4.46% 68,468
Rudy, Rebecca G 65,547 4.46% 68,468
Engimann, Emily B 65,547 4.46% 68,468
Miller, Sean
65,547 4.46% 68,468
Hughes, David C 65,547 4.46% 68,468
Phalon, Deirdre A 65,547 4.46% 68,468
Schwerin, Marisa 63,989 4.41% 66,812
Kurtides, Alexa C 63,989 4.41% 66,812
Murray, Sarah E 63,989 4.41% 66,812
Hasse, Matthew A 64,272 4.40% 67,100
Panega, Timothy
64,272 4.40% 67,100
Zarembski, Mary M 64,272 4.40% 67,100
Silva, Miguel A 64,272 4.40% 67,100
Schertz, Nicole T 64,272 4.40% 67,100
Brady, Seth T 98,818 4.36% 103,131
Story, Lauren
98,818 4.36% 103,131
Gebel, Susan T 98,818 4.36% 103,131
Giuliani, Mary M 98,818 4.36% 103,131
Hodge, Christopher J 98,818 4.36% 103,131
Kocisko, Heather E 98,818 4.36% 103,131
Spence, Julie A 98,818 4.36% 103,131
Rakes, Marissa A 98,818 4.36% 103,131
Pinelli, Jason D 98,818 4.36% 103,131
Rechkemmer, Stephanie
98,818 4.36% 103,131
Rehberg, Melissa
98,818 4.36% 103,131
Ossey, Ann E 98,818 4.36% 103,131
Shamrock, Lisa M 98,818 4.36% 103,131
Whitt, Jeremy D 98,818 4.36% 103,131
Billings, Natalie
98,818 4.36% 103,131
Kopec, Kimberly A 98,818 4.36% 103,131
Allen, Dana
98,818 4.36% 103,131
Freed, Adam W 98,818 4.36% 103,131
Gonzalez-Pino, Ana M 98,818 4.36% 103,131
Barrios, Carmen
98,818 4.36% 103,131
Naperville 203 Board of Education
Appendix A
Page 5 of 31
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Mauloff, Christel M 67,536 4.36% 70,480
Heatherly, Taylor K 67,536 4.36% 70,480
Vollmer, Suzanne V 67,536 4.36% 70,480
Yee, Amanda S 67,536 4.36% 70,480
Haiser, Amanda M 67,536 4.36% 70,480
Feightner, Courtney A 67,536 4.36% 70,480
Peterson, Sarah E 67,536 4.36% 70,480
Egan, Margaret C 67,536 4.36% 70,480
LaFleur, Julianne E 67,536 4.36% 70,480
Linder, Alexis M 67,536 4.36% 70,480
Benson, Michael
67,536 4.36% 70,480
Freed, Julia M 67,536 4.36% 70,480
Wirtz, Laura A 67,536 4.36% 70,480
Corder, Madalyn D 67,536 4.36% 70,480
Crawford, Kathryn A 67,536 4.36% 70,480
Krzyszkowski, Kimberly A 67,536 4.36% 70,480
Paige, Anna M 67,536 4.36% 70,480
Carrizales, Michelle F 67,536 4.36% 70,480
Alvarez, Marilyn S 68,102 4.33% 71,053
Lynch, Megan M 68,102 4.33% 71,053
Tolcher, Kelly M 68,102 4.33% 71,053
Gross, Jesse E 68,102 4.33% 71,053
Parry, Amy E 68,102 4.33% 71,053
King, Tiauna M 68,102 4.33% 71,053
Scherzer, Catherine J 68,102 4.33% 71,053
Barrera, Michelle 68,102 4.33% 71,053
Keough, Erin M 65,903 4.33% 68,755
Halicky, Roni M 65,903 4.33% 68,755
Callaghan, Matthew C 66,187 4.31% 69,042
Parent, Cathryn J 66,187 4.31% 69,042
Bice, Megan E 66,187 4.31% 69,042
McCaffery, Diana A 67,000 4.28% 69,866
McDonald, Stephanie
69,521 4.27% 72,492
Hanson, Ellen
69,521 4.27% 72,492
Mehon, Lauren M 69,521 4.27% 72,492
Johnson, Susan A 69,521 4.27% 72,492
Callaghan, Heather M 69,521 4.27% 72,492
Shields, Katelyn
69,521 4.27% 72,492
Gilbert, Mary F 69,521 4.27% 72,492
Kulzick, Margaret C 69,521 4.27% 72,492
Nugent, Mitchell 69,521 4.27% 72,492
Kischuk, Daniel A 69,521 4.27% 72,492
Gibson, Chelsea E 69,521 4.27% 72,492
Kopsel, April A 69,521 4.27% 72,492
Kittilsen, Kelsie D 69,521 4.27% 72,492
Mason, Meghan
69,521 4.27% 72,492
Naperville 203 Board of Education
Appendix A
Page 6 of 31
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
LaRue, Kristen M 69,521 4.27% 72,492
Michels, Lauren E 69,521 4.27% 72,492
O'Neill, Kaitlyn M 69,521 4.27% 72,492
March, Shannon E 69,521 4.27% 72,492
Sheley, Samantha J 69,521 4.27% 72,492
Keller, Melissa A 69,521 4.27% 72,492
Welsh, Holly
69,521 4.27% 72,492
Eich, Devon A 69,521 4.27% 72,492
Crawford, Ryan A 69,521 4.27% 72,492
Rebus, David J 69,521 4.27% 72,492
Furibondo, Nicole D 69,521 4.27% 72,492
Ontiveros, Cynthia 69,521 4.27% 72,492
Daly, Margaret A 69,521 4.27% 72,492
Crawford, Melanie F 69,521 4.27% 72,492
Bean, Holly S 69,521 4.27% 72,492
Ambrose, Margaret M 69,521 4.27% 72,492
Svejda, Andrea
69,521 4.27% 72,492
Brennan, Brandy M 69,521 4.27% 72,492
Bax, Andrew T 69,521 4.27% 72,492
Pitner, Keith W 69,521 4.27% 72,492
Mulligan, Angela M 69,521 4.27% 72,492
Werve, Kristin M 69,521 4.27% 72,492
Combs, Mallory N 69,521 4.27% 72,492
Spriggs, Madeline 70,086 4.26% 73,071
Novak, Eric C 70,086 4.26% 73,071
Lin, Jeremy S 70,086 4.26% 73,071
Kelly, Erica
70,086 4.26% 73,071
Halblander, Christine M 70,086 4.26% 73,071
White, Brian M 70,086 4.26% 73,071
Martino, Carina
70,086 4.26% 73,071
Willer, Amy C 70,086 4.26% 73,071
O'Donnell, Jennifer M 70,086 4.26% 73,071
Jablenski, Cortni E 67,819 4.24% 70,696
Fries, Michael F 75,480 4.24% 78,680
Minhas, Elyse M 75,480 4.24% 78,680
Levin, Courtney A 75,480 4.24% 78,680
Coppersmith, Eric
75,480 4.24% 78,680
Vande Guchte, Matthew 75,480 4.24% 78,680
Brown, Danielle N 75,480 4.24% 78,680
Camp, Lisa Marie 75,480 4.24% 78,680
Lewis, Emily A 75,480 4.24% 78,680
Lenz, Katherine D 75,480 4.24% 78,680
Monteleone, Jessica A 75,480 4.24% 78,680
Piekarz, Jodi A 75,480 4.24% 78,680
Marcordes-Bruns, Courtney E 75,480 4.24% 78,680
Grubb, Amy
75,480 4.24% 78,680
Naperville 203 Board of Education
Appendix A
Page 7 of 31
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Lara, Megan M 75,480 4.24% 78,680
Vock, Angela M 75,480 4.24% 78,680
Boogerd, Annette C 70,835 4.22% 73,825
Dejmek, Katherine M 70,835 4.22% 73,825
Conway, Erica
70,835 4.22% 73,825
Anderson, Allison M 70,835 4.22% 73,825
Cortez, Raquel 70,835 4.22% 73,825
Seymour-Ells, Karen S 68,598 4.21% 71,486
Baxter, Sarah J 68,667 4.21% 71,557
Pyle, Sarah E 68,667 4.21% 71,557
Ludlam, Kristen N 68,915 4.21% 71,813
Cole, Jenna M 71,505 4.20% 74,509
Whang, Deborah 71,505 4.20% 74,509
Magnuson, Angela J 71,505 4.20% 74,509
Golminas, Sandra P 71,505 4.20% 74,509
Lackey, Stephanie
71,505 4.20% 74,509
Shipbaugh, Jennifer D 71,505 4.20% 74,509
Bell, Martin B 71,505 4.20% 74,509
Siambekos, Stacey 71,505 4.20% 74,509
Driscoll, Taylor A 71,505 4.20% 74,509
Zinzer, Anne E 71,505 4.20% 74,509
Hynes, Emily
71,505 4.20% 74,509
Anderson, Kaitlyn A 71,505 4.20% 74,509
Oliver, Emma K 71,505 4.20% 74,509
Bratland, Karl A 71,505 4.20% 74,509
Columbus, Amy S 71,505 4.20% 74,509
Blank, Anne I 71,505 4.20% 74,509
Straka, Nicholas
71,505 4.20% 74,509
Feid, Christopher T 71,505 4.20% 74,509
Sujak, Samantha E 71,505 4.20% 74,509
Nungaray, Reyna
71,505 4.20% 74,509
Pellegrini, Anthony D 71,505 4.20% 74,509
Fehrenbacher, Andrew T 71,505 4.20% 74,509
Jimenez, Elsa N 71,505 4.20% 74,509
Schultze, Maureen A 71,505 4.20% 74,509
Carrizales, Ryan A 71,505 4.20% 74,509
Germany, Christine M 71,505 4.20% 74,509
Solorio, Ilse 71,505 4.20% 74,509
Freese, Marissa 72,076 4.17% 75,083
Kahl, Amanda J 72,076 4.17% 75,083
Strack-Hymen, Stephanie K 72,076 4.17% 75,083
Espinoza, Marlene 72,076 4.17% 75,083
Parry, Thomas
72,076 4.17% 75,083
Foreman, Morgan A 72,076 4.17% 75,083
Karlov, Evett
72,076 4.17% 75,083
Palicka, Courtney M 72,076 4.17% 75,083
Naperville 203 Board of Education
Appendix A
Page 8 of 31
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Ulrich, Brooke A 72,076 4.17% 75,083
Green, Amanda M 72,076 4.17% 75,083
Loughlin, Dana
72,076 4.17% 75,083
Robbins, Samantha D 72,076 4.17% 75,083
Wroblewski, Elizabeth 69,734 4.17% 72,639
Wood, Hannah
69,734 4.17% 72,639
Wolf, Jennifer S 69,734 4.17% 72,639
Langdon, Jonathan A 69,734 4.17% 72,639
Bowman, Susan M 69,734 4.17% 72,639
Handel, Patricia A 77,609 4.16% 80,836
Kandl, Sarah A 77,609 4.16% 80,836
Pak, Jennifer J 77,609 4.16% 80,836
Keleghan, Julie 77,609 4.16% 80,836
Mackrie, Thomas 77,609 4.16% 80,836
Figueroa, Danielle N 77,609 4.16% 80,836
Nutt, Michael D 77,609 4.16% 80,836
Vrchota, Tristin A 77,609 4.16% 80,836
Torres, Dennise 77,609 4.16% 80,836
Gborigi, Kerri
77,609 4.16% 80,836
Clow, Megan A 77,609 4.16% 80,836
Crement, Bonnie J 77,609 4.16% 80,836
Simon, Jennifer
77,609 4.16% 80,836
Evans, Zoe Z 77,609 4.16% 80,836
Scott, Lauren E 77,609 4.16% 80,836
Pavona, Ruth H 77,609 4.16% 80,836
Carr, Megan 78,034 4.15% 81,269
Kolbe, Tammy S 78,034 4.15% 81,269
Bahr, Jacqueline
78,034 4.15% 81,269
Todd, Patricia K 78,034 4.15% 81,269
Krok, Lauren M 78,034 4.15% 81,269
Ulreich, Katherine
78,034 4.15% 81,269
Rorer, Terri A 78,034 4.15% 81,269
Gale, Courtney A 78,034 4.15% 81,269
Walsh, Jennifer N 78,034 4.15% 81,269
Nichols, Kathryn M 78,034 4.15% 81,269
Zimmerman, Shawna N 78,034 4.15% 81,269
Dermos, Mary M 78,034 4.15% 81,269
Rehs, Shannon
88,672 4.14% 92,346
Lisnich, Allen J 88,672 4.14% 92,346
Eide, Heather
88,672 4.14% 92,346
Markelz, Jessica
88,672 4.14% 92,346
Trannon, Jennifer A 88,672 4.14% 92,346
Figueroa, Leslie J 88,672 4.14% 92,346
Valdez, Flaudiano 88,672 4.14% 92,346
Wollemann, Kelly
88,672 4.14% 92,346
Perez, Rodolfo 88,672 4.14% 92,346
Naperville 203 Board of Education
Appendix A
Page 9 of 31
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Olejnik, Michelle
70,583 4.13% 73,497
Ranallo, Victoria
73,565 4.12% 76,597
Donnelly, Victoria M 73,565 4.12% 76,597
Radasevich, Julia E 73,565 4.12% 76,597
Mennella, Amanda
73,565 4.12% 76,597
Hashiguchi, Mallory G 73,565 4.12% 76,597
Smith, Candy 73,495 4.12% 76,522
Silder, Amie K 73,495 4.12% 76,522
Dengel, Ryan
73,495 4.12% 76,522
Koziol, Danielle M 73,495 4.12% 76,522
Poremba, Kelsey B 73,495 4.12% 76,522
Braun, Erin B 73,495 4.12% 76,522
Aguilera, Domenica 73,495 4.12% 76,522
Lynch, Katharine I 73,495 4.12% 76,522
Fitzenreider, Noah J 73,495 4.12% 76,522
Weber, Gina E 73,495 4.12% 76,522
Carloss, Meagan K 73,495 4.12% 76,522
Viager, Sarah A 73,495 4.12% 76,522
Klett, Katherine E 73,495 4.12% 76,522
Lichtenberg, Lindsey
73,495 4.12% 76,522
Bucz, Edwin J 73,495 4.12% 76,522
Klen, Dana C 73,495 4.12% 76,522
DeNio, Brady
73,495 4.12% 76,522
Dolinar, Christopher J 73,495 4.12% 76,522
Gonzalez, Eduardo A 73,495 4.12% 76,522
Zieman, Matthew
73,495 4.12% 76,522
Schusler, Lisa M 73,495 4.12% 76,522
Golz, Jessica
73,495 4.12% 76,522
Bilik, Kristin M 73,495 4.12% 76,522
Dexl, Melissa C 73,495 4.12% 76,522
Bird, Taylor C 73,495 4.12% 76,522
Havinga, Eric J 73,495 4.12% 76,522
Pietrus, Victoria E 73,495 4.12% 76,522
Mullenix, Nicole
73,495 4.12% 76,522
Daker, Vanessa B 73,495 4.12% 76,522
Widd, Jennifer E 73,495 4.12% 76,522
Yung, Emily A 73,495 4.12% 76,522
Hellwig, Erin K 73,565 4.11% 76,592
Girgis, Alyssa
73,565 4.11% 76,592
Cooper, Rachel A 73,565 4.11% 76,592
Ondrus, Steven G 73,565 4.11% 76,592
Gonzalez, Angelica 73,565 4.11% 76,592
Salter, Amie C 74,061 4.10% 77,094
Graham, Benjamin J 74,061 4.10% 77,094
Moravec, Daniela M 74,061 4.10% 77,094
Mullin, Kathleen M 74,061 4.10% 77,094
Naperville 203 Board of Education
Appendix A
Page 10 of 31
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Lee, Kristin E 74,061 4.10% 77,094
Justice, Jonathan E 74,061 4.10% 77,094
Clifford, Jessica
74,061 4.10% 77,094
Pennings, Lindsay D 74,061 4.10% 77,094
Andrzejuk, Laura A 74,061 4.10% 77,094
Schultz, Michael C 74,061 4.10% 77,094
Crawford, Jonathan
74,061 4.10% 77,094
Pak, Tony 74,061 4.10% 77,094
Banas, Timothy B 74,061 4.10% 77,094
Stiger, Maribel 79,524 4.09% 82,779
Douglas, Christa
79,524 4.09% 82,779
Southon, Amy S 79,524 4.09% 82,779
Rauen, Anne N 79,524 4.09% 82,779
Hillyer, Allison M 79,524 4.09% 82,779
Pellegrino, Gina A 79,524 4.09% 82,779
Golden, Tulia E 79,524 4.09% 82,779
Bodach, Renee J 79,524 4.09% 82,779
Headtke, Teresa S 79,524 4.09% 82,779
Phillips, Kristin 90,165 4.09% 93,855
Murphy, Amy
90,165 4.09% 93,855
Mackall, Mary Beth 90,165 4.09% 93,855
Quintanar, Jessica
90,165 4.09% 93,855
South, Brian M 90,165 4.09% 93,855
Zinn, Blake C 90,165 4.09% 93,855
Rudolph, Courtney
90,165 4.09% 93,855
Szewczyk, Lindsay C 90,165 4.09% 93,855
McCabe, Francine M 71,650 4.09% 74,580
Boyer, Alyssa J 71,650 4.09% 74,580
Cephus, Sherita
71,650 4.09% 74,580
Lucas, Alyse
71,650 4.09% 74,580
Jumbeck, Emily J 79,736 4.09% 82,995
Pearlman, David N 79,736 4.09% 82,995
Williams, Noelle C 79,736 4.09% 82,995
Blondell, Matthew 79,736 4.09% 82,995
Early, Marissa C 79,736 4.09% 82,995
Steger, Michael S 79,736 4.09% 82,995
Kelley, Marianne K 79,736 4.09% 82,995
Wingle, Christy M 79,736 4.09% 82,995
Czerak, Deborah M 79,736 4.09% 82,995
Keiner, Emily J 79,736 4.09% 82,995
McCaw, Christina A 79,736 4.09% 82,995
Bass, Laura A 79,736 4.09% 82,995
Hernandez, Eulalia 79,736 4.09% 82,995
Hemmens, Daniel J 79,736 4.09% 82,995
Reichel, Kristen K 79,736 4.09% 82,995
Jacobs, Kathleen H 80,163 4.07% 83,428
Naperville 203 Board of Education
Appendix A
Page 11 of 31
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Cook, Janel K 80,163 4.07% 83,428
Polykandriotis, Taryen
80,163 4.07% 83,428
Tuggle, Kelyn N 80,163 4.07% 83,428
Meyers, Valerie
80,163 4.07% 83,428
Pena, Perla 80,163 4.07% 83,428
Anderson, Laurel E 80,163 4.07% 83,428
Barcelona, Lilybell O 80,163 4.07% 83,428
Dunn, Brian P 91,089 4.06% 94,790
Hirst, Rebecca 91,089 4.06% 94,790
King, Wright J 91,089 4.06% 94,790
Rusnak, Kathryn A 91,089 4.06% 94,790
Blitek, Kimberly
91,089 4.06% 94,790
Wainwright, Matthew J 91,089 4.06% 94,790
Teeling, Pamela M 91,089 4.06% 94,790
Nierman, Brian E 91,089 4.06% 94,790
Derybowski, Victoria
91,089 4.06% 94,790
Bruehl, Rebecca J 72,428 4.06% 75,369
Moynihan, Michelle C 72,428 4.06% 75,369
Westberg, Erica A 72,428 4.06% 75,369
Wunderlich, Alyssa C 72,428 4.06% 75,369
Colson, Christopher J 72,497 4.06% 75,440
Langosch, Keith A 75,549 4.05% 78,609
Wick, Rachel A 75,549 4.05% 78,609
Paul, Rebecca K 53,872 4.05% 56,054
Talac, Christopher M 53,872 4.05% 56,054
Baig, Yusra F 53,872 4.05% 56,054
Benedyk-Fuglsang, Kathleen
53,872 4.05% 56,054
Henry, Heidi A 53,872 4.05% 56,054
Liskey, Nicole E 53,872 4.05% 56,054
Yu, Jennifer 53,872 4.05% 56,054
Wenkel, Lauren E 53,872 4.05% 56,054
Schreiner, Stephanie A 75,554 4.04% 78,609
Bosley, Meghan
75,554 4.04% 78,609
Morrissey, Kevin F 75,554 4.04% 78,609
McNamara, Elise 75,554 4.04% 78,609
Schmidt, Jennifer
75,554 4.04% 78,609
Labriola, Lauren M 75,554 4.04% 78,609
Comer, Julie A 75,554 4.04% 78,609
Heilicser, Cheryl M 75,554 4.04% 78,609
Roberts, Vicki A 76,045 4.03% 79,111
Kime, Julia M 76,045 4.03% 79,111
Padilla, Emily 76,045 4.03% 79,111
Burns, Patrick J 76,045 4.03% 79,111
Cirone, Daniela 76,045 4.03% 79,111
Rauen, Sean M 76,045 4.03% 79,111
Hobday, Lisa E 76,045 4.03% 79,111
Naperville 203 Board of Education
Appendix A
Page 12 of 31
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Marshall, Jennifer A 76,045 4.03% 79,111
Carius, Brent M 76,045 4.03% 79,111
LaPerna, Joanna M 76,045 4.03% 79,111
Hey, Sheri A 76,045 4.03% 79,111
Zieman, Kristine E 76,045 4.03% 79,111
Indelli, Christine M 76,045 4.03% 79,111
Pittman, David D 76,045 4.03% 79,111
Shears, Cody
76,045 4.03% 79,111
Sprovieri, Alyssa 81,652 4.02% 84,936
Harris, Molly 81,652 4.02% 84,936
Dexter, Gretchen M 81,652 4.02% 84,936
Nameche, Mary
81,652 4.02% 84,936
Cibils, Lynn M 92,577 4.02% 96,299
Cortes-Markle, Leslie N 92,577 4.02% 96,299
Pagano, Nichole B 92,577 4.02% 96,299
Serbinski, Michael J 92,577 4.02% 96,299
Specht, Anne S 92,577 4.02% 96,299
Ryan, Jason A 92,577 4.02% 96,299
Phillips-O'Neill, Corey S 92,577 4.02% 96,299
Conte-Russian, Leslie A 92,577 4.02% 96,299
Ganesan, Melody E 92,577 4.02% 96,299
Koretke, Sharon C 81,865 4.02% 85,152
Cardenas, Lisa M 81,865 4.02% 85,152
Lullo, James
81,865 4.02% 85,152
Frendewey, Brad J 81,865 4.02% 85,152
Sanoshy, Thomas J 81,865 4.02% 85,152
Bergantino, Angela 81,865 4.02% 85,152
Micensky, Kathryn E 81,865 4.02% 85,152
West, Olga
81,865 4.02% 85,152
Vanecek, Robert
81,865 4.02% 85,152
Beck, Brittany C 81,865 4.02% 85,152
Howe, Renee M 81,865 4.02% 85,152
Stines, Melissa A 81,865 4.02% 85,152
Donohue, Patrick M 81,865 4.02% 85,152
Delgado, Michele 82,292 4.00% 85,586
Groves, Julietta J 82,292 4.00% 85,586
Pace, Melanie K 82,292 4.00% 85,586
Pantol, Karin M 82,292 4.00% 85,586
Pellegrini, Kimberly A 82,292 4.00% 85,586
Simon, Andrew
82,292 4.00% 85,586
Skopec, Elizabeth C 82,292 4.00% 85,586
Loos, Courtney W 82,292 4.00% 85,586
Neubauer, Bradley J 82,292 4.00% 85,586
Johnson, Ashley A 82,292 4.00% 85,586
Leonard, Meredith J 82,292 4.00% 85,586
Billish, Renee
93,500 4.00% 97,236
Naperville 203 Board of Education
Appendix A
Page 13 of 31
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Stevens, Nicole
93,500 4.00% 97,236
Graefen, Robin 93,500 4.00% 97,236
Staub, Lisa J 93,500 4.00% 97,236
Lehman, Hilary K 93,500 4.00% 97,236
Colbert, Matthew J 93,500 4.00% 97,236
Cundiff, Jesse C 93,500 4.00% 97,236
Nolan, Gene A 93,500 4.00% 97,236
Buchanan, Caressa
74,343 3.99% 77,311
Holba, Andrea
74,413 3.99% 77,380
Miles, Shanta C 74,413 3.99% 77,380
Gohla, Alexandria A 74,413 3.99% 77,380
Turner, Sydney S 74,413 3.99% 77,380
Fors, Katie E 94,135 3.98% 97,884
Rosner, Jill M 94,135 3.98% 97,884
Barboza, Michelle 94,135 3.98% 97,884
Klein, Stephanie M 94,135 3.98% 97,884
Kedziora, Kimberly M 77,539 3.97% 80,621
Sterrett, Jane 77,539 3.97% 80,621
Nikkel, Joseph V 77,539 3.97% 80,621
Walter, Abby E 77,539 3.97% 80,621
Aukers, Jennifer
77,539 3.97% 80,621
Arthurs, Christopher
77,539 3.97% 80,621
Oeffling, Amy E 77,539 3.97% 80,621
McLeod, Joshua T 77,539 3.97% 80,621
Cravatta, Ashlee N 77,539 3.97% 80,621
Schweinberg, Michael G 77,539 3.97% 80,621
Ryan, Rachel M 77,539 3.97% 80,621
Waller, Katharine V 77,539 3.97% 80,621
Schaberger, Jenna
77,539 3.97% 80,621
Duffy, Patrick M 77,539 3.97% 80,621
Helbig, Claire K 77,539 3.97% 80,621
Maita, Jennifer A 77,539 3.97% 80,621
McKenney, Rachael
77,539 3.97% 80,621
Frye, Russell M 77,539 3.97% 80,621
Mazzaferro, Kristina M 83,498 3.96% 86,808
Gates, Alyssa K 83,498 3.96% 86,808
Jurkiw, Stephanie
83,498 3.96% 86,808
Gabrielli, Georganne F 83,498 3.96% 86,808
Reicher, Melanie S 83,498 3.96% 86,808
Benters, Lauren V 83,498 3.96% 86,808
Kearney, Kaitlin K 83,498 3.96% 86,808
Dugger, Katherine A 83,498 3.96% 86,808
Shaw, Miranda A 78,244 3.96% 81,341
Pontow, Tiffanie H 78,244 3.96% 81,341
Hendrick, Brendan D 78,244 3.96% 81,341
Smith, Jennifer
83,780 3.96% 87,095
Naperville 203 Board of Education
Appendix A
Page 14 of 31
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Volpe, Ashley N 83,780 3.96% 87,095
Holman, Leah D 83,780 3.96% 87,095
Torne, Jaime C 83,780 3.96% 87,095
Highland, Cristina 83,780 3.96% 87,095
Cotrano, Amber
94,988 3.95% 98,743
Khan, Noor F 94,988 3.95% 98,743
Baumgartner, Andria
94,988 3.95% 98,743
Heiden, Rebecca
94,988 3.95% 98,743
Kurtz, Jamie
78,249 3.95% 81,341
Kiszkowski, Lindsay A 78,249 3.95% 81,341
Shah, Brittanie M 78,249 3.95% 81,341
Conant, Elizabeth A 83,993 3.95% 87,311
Koenes, Ashlee N 83,993 3.95% 87,311
Blaskovitz, Jennifer A 83,993 3.95% 87,311
Zedrow, Patrick J 83,993 3.95% 87,311
Arndt, Jeffrey M 83,993 3.95% 87,311
Estes, Brandon 83,993 3.95% 87,311
Phillips, Tracy
83,993 3.95% 87,311
Bornancin, Nathan A 83,993 3.95% 87,311
Janssen, Nicholas P 83,993 3.95% 87,311
Lundquist, Paige C 83,993 3.95% 87,311
Walters-Beach, Victoria A 83,993 3.95% 87,311
O'Leary, Kari A 83,993 3.95% 87,311
Seal, Karen
83,993 3.95% 87,311
Herrera, Annette 83,993 3.95% 87,311
Chisausky, Gwendolyn E 83,993 3.95% 87,311
Todnem, Sarah N 83,993 3.95% 87,311
Ghiotto, Christina A 50,509 3.95% 52,504
Lueken, Sara E 103,146 3.95% 107,219
Reich, Jane E 103,146 3.95% 107,219
Stebnicki, Lisa
103,146 3.95% 107,219
Whildin, Thaddeus M 103,146 3.95% 107,219
Anderson, Stacy J 103,146 3.95% 107,219
Edge, Becky J 103,146 3.95% 107,219
Wilson, Ritu 84,421 3.94% 87,743
Ulreich, Michael 84,421 3.94% 87,743
Hall, Ryan
84,421 3.94% 87,743
Casey, Edward J 84,421 3.94% 87,743
Klenner, Jamie A 84,421 3.94% 87,743
Wood, Kyle J 84,421 3.94% 87,743
Striedl, Sue J 84,421 3.94% 87,743
Aguilar, Jesus M 84,421 3.94% 87,743
Volkening, Jo 84,421 3.94% 87,743
Jardine, Sonja M 84,421 3.94% 87,743
Munoz-Swaninger, Yenny 84,421 3.94% 87,743
Accardo, Jill
84,421 3.94% 87,743
Naperville 203 Board of Education
Appendix A
Page 15 of 31
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Yborra, Jessica A 84,421 3.94% 87,743
Mancuso, Rebecca
95,912 3.93% 99,680
Widbin, Lisa A 95,912 3.93% 99,680
Kay, Janet
95,912 3.93% 99,680
Morris, Debra S 95,912 3.93% 99,680
Albiniak, Sarah 95,912 3.93% 99,680
Young, Lisa A 95,912 3.93% 99,680
Romano, Claudia K 95,912 3.93% 99,680
Moore, Stephanie K 95,912 3.93% 99,680
Barr, Katherine M 96,552 3.91% 100,329
Todd, Amy
96,552 3.91% 100,329
Hernandez, Monica M 96,552 3.91% 100,329
Oczki, Mary E 96,552 3.91% 100,329
Donahue, Nicole D 79,524 3.91% 82,633
Bratland, Mary P 79,524 3.91% 82,633
Arnold, Stephanie A 79,524 3.91% 82,633
Allison, Patricia 96,834 3.90% 100,615
Cunningham, Stacy J 96,834 3.90% 100,615
Richardson, Kristin N 96,834 3.90% 100,615
Vitale, Stephanie
96,834 3.90% 100,615
Martin, Lee M 96,834 3.90% 100,615
Katsma, Ross W 96,834 3.90% 100,615
Pyzik, Amanda E 96,834 3.90% 100,615
Weinstein, Kate 85,626 3.90% 88,965
Glazik, Elizabeth A 85,626 3.90% 88,965
Gonzalez, Humberto 85,626 3.90% 88,965
Harper, Shannon M 85,626 3.90% 88,965
Giglio, Amanda
85,626 3.90% 88,965
Hartwig, Jennifer S 85,626 3.90% 88,965
Malatia, Dawn M 85,626 3.90% 88,965
Mitev, Lisa B 85,626 3.90% 88,965
Smith, Shana
85,909 3.89% 89,253
Kaisling, Kelly M 85,909 3.89% 89,253
Nix, Claudia G 85,909 3.89% 89,253
Schmitt, Emily B 85,909 3.89% 89,253
Hetrick, Jennifer
85,909 3.89% 89,253
Clarke, Jennifer D 97,399 3.89% 101,188
Murray, Kevin M 97,399 3.89% 101,188
Theisen, Melissa 97,399 3.89% 101,188
Wiencek, Lisa F 97,399 3.89% 101,188
O'Shea, Marc E 97,399 3.89% 101,188
Yanke, Jeffrey J 97,399 3.89% 101,188
Zamora, Beth 97,399 3.89% 101,188
Gordon, Kevin S 97,399 3.89% 101,188
Smirnov, Maya 97,399 3.89% 101,188
Almaraz, Yvette 97,399 3.89% 101,188
Naperville 203 Board of Education
Appendix A
Page 16 of 31
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Stack, Steven J 80,234 3.89% 83,352
Johnson, Leah
80,234 3.89% 83,352
Witt, Jennifer
80,234 3.89% 83,352
Chorney, Melissa B 80,234 3.89% 83,352
Greenspan, Rachel E 80,234 3.89% 83,352
Oswald, Sydney M 80,234 3.89% 83,352
Clifford, Ryan T 86,191 3.88% 89,539
Bentel, Christina I 86,191 3.88% 89,539
Chenelle, Julia 86,191 3.88% 89,539
Williams, Sean A 86,191 3.88% 89,539
Markwell, Kelley A 86,191 3.88% 89,539
Irwin, Michelle M 51,789 3.87% 53,795
Wantland, Jacob M 51,789 3.87% 53,795
Waterman, Lisa E 51,789 3.87% 53,795
Amundsen, Karen M 86,549 3.87% 89,896
Goldstein, Dan J 86,549 3.87% 89,896
Havenaar, Nancy J 86,549 3.87% 89,896
Tomei, Melissa C 86,549 3.87% 89,896
Stokes, Karen
86,549 3.87% 89,896
Duddy, Dianna F 86,549 3.87% 89,896
Albiniak, Michael J 98,323 3.87% 102,124
Wu, Ronnie 98,323 3.87% 102,124
Kinsella, Kelly A 98,323 3.87% 102,124
Kozlik, Ashley J 98,323 3.87% 102,124
Phelan, Howard V 98,323 3.87% 102,124
Schramer, Michelle
98,323 3.87% 102,124
Goff, Donna
98,323 3.87% 102,124
Wilko, Amber D 98,323 3.87% 102,124
Rattary, Valerie I 98,323 3.87% 102,124
Freeding, Erin
98,323 3.87% 102,124
Schwartz, Erin M 52,210 3.86% 54,227
Noffke, John 81,508 3.85% 84,650
Becvar, Paul
81,508 3.85% 84,650
Bartman, Amanda T 81,508 3.85% 84,650
Gottlieb, Catherine J 81,508 3.85% 84,650
Olenek, Colleen J 81,508 3.85% 84,650
Heinz, Jacquelyn B 81,508 3.85% 84,650
Hastings, Amy M 98,963 3.85% 102,773
Maschman, Aaron D 98,963 3.85% 102,773
Dunlap, Kari W 98,963 3.85% 102,773
Atiq, Jihan 99,245 3.84% 103,059
Miller, Christine A 99,245 3.84% 103,059
Denius, Lisha B 99,245 3.84% 103,059
Pearson, Michael D 99,245 3.84% 103,059
Stemm, Kimberly C 87,754 3.84% 91,123
Dempster, Allison
87,754 3.84% 91,123
Naperville 203 Board of Education
Appendix A
Page 17 of 31
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Zimmermann, Geoffrey B 87,754 3.84% 91,123
Positano, Michael
87,754 3.84% 91,123
Valkanos, Christa A 87,754 3.84% 91,123
Ross, Lisa
87,754 3.84% 91,123
Kimberley, Laura M 82,217 3.83% 85,368
Larson, Janell M 82,217 3.83% 85,368
Carlson, Timothy
82,217 3.83% 85,368
Sayler, Jessica M 55,619 3.83% 57,749
Correa, Elizabeth 55,619 3.83% 57,749
Bora, Katherine E 55,619 3.83% 57,749
Gardner, Stacie N 55,619 3.83% 57,749
Borgetti, Cayla M 55,619 3.83% 57,749
McKissic, Caryn M 55,619 3.83% 57,749
Zurales, Angela C 55,619 3.83% 57,749
Schindler, Teresa
55,619 3.83% 57,749
Cantu, Joey 88,038 3.83% 91,409
Ramos, Vanessa A 88,038 3.83% 91,409
Rowzee, Mark V 88,038 3.83% 91,409
Madzinski, Michael E 88,038 3.83% 91,409
Brodeur, Rachel A 88,038 3.83% 91,409
Wehrli, Sharon 88,038 3.83% 91,409
Barker, Jacquelyn 88,038 3.83% 91,409
Porter, Dena
88,038 3.83% 91,409
Hadad, Jorge 88,038 3.83% 91,409
Galaria, Azima H 88,038 3.83% 91,409
Eberly, Stacy
88,038 3.83% 91,409
Peters, Courtney G 88,175 3.83% 91,551
Verdier, Brenna
88,175 3.83% 91,551
Benages, Kevin A 88,175 3.83% 91,551
Alltop, Jessica 88,175 3.83% 91,551
Majchrowski, Jason M 88,175 3.83% 91,551
Quinn, Anna T 88,175 3.83% 91,551
Smith, Ryan
88,175 3.83% 91,551
Zamora, Veronica 88,175 3.83% 91,551
Colletti, Erin M 88,175 3.83% 91,551
Pate, Heather M 88,175 3.83% 91,551
Sheridan, Nancy 82,217 3.83% 85,364
Kowalkowski, Kristen
82,217 3.83% 85,364
Ortmann, Bridget P 82,217 3.83% 85,364
Glowacki, Jennifer A 82,217 3.83% 85,364
Ditch, Gregory D 82,217 3.83% 85,364
Malik, Sarah E 88,320 3.82% 91,697
Becker, Karen M 88,320 3.82% 91,697
Johns, Ashley
88,320 3.82% 91,697
Cuny, Jamie C 53,063 3.82% 55,089
Nalefski, Kevin E 53,063 3.82% 55,089
Naperville 203 Board of Education
Appendix A
Page 18 of 31
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Clark, Jodi A 53,063 3.82% 55,089
Gallagher, Kara K 100,734 3.81% 104,569
Zeller, Elaine P 100,734 3.81% 104,569
Ebervein, Beth K 100,734 3.81% 104,569
Sayles, Lauren C 53,489 3.80% 55,521
Carlson, Keith
101,374 3.79% 105,218
Epstein, Nikole M 101,374 3.79% 105,218
Ceresa, Andaree C 101,374 3.79% 105,218
Meyers, Sarah K 101,374 3.79% 105,218
Gatenby, Griffin
101,656 3.78% 105,503
Plackett, Jeffrey T 101,656 3.78% 105,503
Silder, Scott M 101,656 3.78% 105,503
Terada, Brent M 101,656 3.78% 105,503
Gamez, Annamaria 101,656 3.78% 105,503
Johnson, Jennifer M 101,656 3.78% 105,503
Grezlik, Sharyl E 101,656 3.78% 105,503
Brown, Steven J 56,963 3.78% 59,118
Skrbec, Caitlin
56,963 3.78% 59,118
Siambekos, Rebecca M 56,963 3.78% 59,118
Vollstedt, Taylor
56,963 3.78% 59,118
Henaghan, Kaitlyn M 56,963 3.78% 59,118
Olsen, Morgan E 56,963 3.78% 59,118
Fiedler, Emily M 56,963 3.78% 59,118
Canty, Araceli 56,963 3.78% 59,118
Bock, Lindsey M 101,727 3.78% 105,575
Danbom, Jeff 101,727 3.78% 105,575
DeBora, Ryan J 101,727 3.78% 105,575
Dill, Marcellina A 101,727 3.78% 105,575
Miller, April 101,727 3.78% 105,575
Gorey, James M 101,727 3.78% 105,575
Gray, Alison
101,727 3.78% 105,575
Gebbie, Lisa M 101,727 3.78% 105,575
Jarvis, Michael D 101,727 3.78% 105,575
LaFleur, Mari Anne 101,727 3.78% 105,575
Shin, Alison S 101,727 3.78% 105,575
Michael, Janna
101,727 3.78% 105,575
Sullivan, Stephanie 101,727 3.78% 105,575
Morenus, Theresa 101,727 3.78% 105,575
O'Dowd, Brian T 101,727 3.78% 105,575
O'Malley, Stephen C 101,727 3.78% 105,575
McCann, Erika 101,727 3.78% 105,575
Urban, Jennifer
101,727 3.78% 105,575
Eclavea, Sarah A 101,727 3.78% 105,575
Smith, Linda W 101,727 3.78% 105,575
Stumpenhorst, Joshua D 101,727 3.78% 105,575
Chesters, Katherine
101,727 3.78% 105,575
Naperville 203 Board of Education
Appendix A
Page 19 of 31
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Reid, Jason T 101,727 3.78% 105,575
Vivian, Susan J 101,727 3.78% 105,575
Chiu, Piling E 101,727 3.78% 105,575
Dahlstrom, Brian D 101,727 3.78% 105,575
Dahn, Eric 89,883 3.78% 93,278
Barrett, Andrea
89,883 3.78% 93,278
Goletz, Steven 89,883 3.78% 93,278
Buttera, Kari A 89,883 3.78% 93,278
Nolten, Jennifer E 84,202 3.77% 87,380
Murray, Molly
84,202 3.77% 87,380
Wilkerson, Mary E 90,305 3.77% 93,710
Mitchell, Kyle 90,305 3.77% 93,710
Hopkins, Megan E 90,305 3.77% 93,710
Zwickert, Letitia M 90,305 3.77% 93,710
Bradley, Charles H 90,305 3.77% 93,710
Berg, Joanna M 90,305 3.77% 93,710
Mrozinski, Debrah H 90,305 3.77% 93,710
Stevenson, Lindsey S 90,305 3.77% 93,710
Vargas, Misael 90,305 3.77% 93,710
Arseneau, Allison P 90,305 3.77% 93,710
Morrow, Alexandra J 84,206 3.77% 87,380
Pardungkiattisak, Tanya 84,206 3.77% 87,380
Veronico, Lisa M 84,206 3.77% 87,380
LaPorte, Brian P 84,206 3.77% 87,380
Georgacopoulos, Angelo
84,206 3.77% 87,380
Bran, Cynthia 84,206 3.77% 87,380
Graske, Sarah
84,206 3.77% 87,380
Boesso, Kiersten
54,339 3.77% 56,387
Weis, Mallory A 54,339 3.77% 56,387
Filer, Christine
54,339 3.77% 56,387
Horan, Matthew 90,449 3.77% 93,855
Sabo, Robert A 90,449 3.77% 93,855
Poro, Gerald M 90,449 3.77% 93,855
Rubo, Justin
57,321 3.76% 59,474
Stock, Sarah C 57,321 3.76% 59,474
Carrico, Shannon C 57,321 3.76% 59,474
Lombardo, Marissa C 57,321 3.76% 59,474
Schreiner, Mei-lin E 54,765 3.74% 56,813
Kinn, Terrence P 104,067 3.73% 107,948
Pignatelli, Jamie D 104,067 3.73% 107,948
Platt, Robert D 104,067 3.73% 107,948
Weigand, Jennifer M 104,067 3.73% 107,948
Anderson, Kristen C 104,067 3.73% 107,948
Loehmann, Laura
104,067 3.73% 107,948
Hafer, Megan 104,067 3.73% 107,948
Ameri, Charity A 104,138 3.73% 108,019
Naperville 203 Board of Education
Appendix A
Page 20 of 31
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Lafferty, Crystal
104,138 3.73% 108,019
Kane, Christen 104,138 3.73% 108,019
Mueller, Tricia
104,138 3.73% 108,019
Ewanic, Lauren A 104,138 3.73% 108,019
Nikkel, Breanne M 104,138 3.73% 108,019
Falk, Joshua
104,138 3.73% 108,019
Kennel, Betty J 104,138 3.73% 108,019
Korntheuer, Stephanie S 104,138 3.73% 108,019
Pitts, Michelle E 104,138 3.73% 108,019
Liszka, David J 104,138 3.73% 108,019
Rizzo, Jannette K 104,138 3.73% 108,019
Contois, Amy
104,138 3.73% 108,019
Rzepka, Nicole M 104,138 3.73% 108,019
Guimon-Warren, Maura E 104,138 3.73% 108,019
Bentley, Jeromy T 104,138 3.73% 108,019
LeRoy, Erin P 104,138 3.73% 108,019
Krenek, Kathleen J 104,138 3.73% 108,019
Konrad, Natasha D 104,138 3.73% 108,019
Girard, Erika
104,138 3.73% 108,019
Cremins, Connie A 104,138 3.73% 108,019
Campbell, Kristine
104,138 3.73% 108,019
Blanco, Colleen M 104,138 3.73% 108,019
DeAngelis, Kathryn 104,138 3.73% 108,019
Geraghty, Katherine 92,008 3.72% 95,434
Silvestri, Anthony 92,008 3.72% 95,434
Ashton, Cary D 92,008 3.72% 95,434
Searcy, Kathryn J 92,008 3.72% 95,434
Park, Susan M 92,008 3.72% 95,434
Folley, Corie E 92,008 3.72% 95,434
Mitchell, Meredith A 92,434 3.71% 95,867
Wilson, Michael T 92,434 3.71% 95,867
Adams, Kyle 92,434 3.71% 95,867
Crannell, Cara 92,434 3.71% 95,867
Robbins, Suzanna S 92,434 3.71% 95,867
Schmit, Geoffrey C 92,434 3.71% 95,867
Franta, Jennie F 92,434 3.71% 95,867
Okarma, Jennifer
92,434 3.71% 95,867
Bert, Amanda E 92,434 3.71% 95,867
Vinton, Stephanie M 92,434 3.71% 95,867
Szopinski, Samantha J 92,434 3.71% 95,867
Guerrero, Maribel 92,434 3.71% 95,867
Meehan-Browning, Erin E 92,434 3.71% 95,867
Stumpf, Catherine A 92,434 3.71% 95,867
Barrick, Sara
92,434 3.71% 95,867
Seyring, Erin O 86,191 3.71% 89,392
Gallagher, Stephanie A 86,191 3.71% 89,392
Naperville 203 Board of Education
Appendix A
Page 21 of 31
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Dawson, Lauren K 86,191 3.71% 89,392
Colletti, Anthony N 86,191 3.71% 89,392
Folsom, Nicole C 86,191 3.71% 89,392
Glasby, Colleen M 58,664 3.71% 60,842
Miller, Mary Z 58,664 3.71% 60,842
McIntosh, Justin D 58,664 3.71% 60,842
Watson, Barbara J 92,577 3.71% 96,012
Sanford, Tobey 92,577 3.71% 96,012
Schild, Heather
92,577 3.71% 96,012
Gafrick, Fred S 92,577 3.71% 96,012
Louis, Jennifer A 92,577 3.71% 96,012
Liace, Margaret K 92,577 3.71% 96,012
Saar, Kristy
92,577 3.71% 96,012
Dreisbach, Kimberly
92,577 3.71% 96,012
Jessen, Karl A 56,040 3.70% 58,112
Lugiai, Robert S 56,040 3.70% 58,112
Smid, Alexander J 56,040 3.70% 58,112
Zehnal, Madeline
56,040 3.70% 58,112
Malzone, Alyssa A 56,040 3.70% 58,112
Keuer, Leslie A 106,549 3.67% 110,464
Barth, Amy M 106,549 3.67% 110,464
Trowbridge, Kathryn S 106,549 3.67% 110,464
Brown, Timothy P 106,549 3.67% 110,464
Diorio, Rebecca
106,549 3.67% 110,464
Groom, Renae D 106,549 3.67% 110,464
Meluch, Darla K 106,549 3.67% 110,464
Plackett, Megan A 106,549 3.67% 110,464
Lukawski, Kimberly 106,549 3.67% 110,464
Toczylowski, Sandy 106,549 3.67% 110,464
Gilbert, Sara M 106,549 3.67% 110,464
Vandenbergh, Elida J 106,549 3.67% 110,464
Shambo, Ryan T 106,549 3.67% 110,464
Talaga, Kelly J 106,549 3.67% 110,464
Danbom, Deborah 106,549 3.67% 110,464
Manganello, Karyn E 106,549 3.67% 110,464
Warren, Maria A 106,549 3.67% 110,464
Biskup, Jamie
106,549 3.67% 110,464
Damery, Brian K 106,549 3.67% 110,464
Spragg, Mary F 106,549 3.67% 110,464
O'Brien-Wolf, Jamie
106,549 3.67% 110,464
Florence, Mark A 106,549 3.67% 110,464
Hervey, Jennifer M 106,549 3.67% 110,464
Velazquez, Gabriela D 106,549 3.67% 110,464
Casey, Candace F 94,562 3.66% 98,024
Richardson, Kristen A 94,562 3.66% 98,024
Howley, Gina A 94,562 3.66% 98,024
Naperville 203 Board of Education
Appendix A
Page 22 of 31
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Chiappetta, James 94,562 3.66% 98,024
Newcomb, Sara 94,562 3.66% 98,024
Griffith, Crystal
94,562 3.66% 98,024
Liszka, Emily A 94,562 3.66% 98,024
Lago, Nicholas 94,562 3.66% 98,024
Leo, Caitlin A 94,562 3.66% 98,024
Murphy, Andrea M 94,562 3.66% 98,024
Girup, Kyle J 94,562 3.66% 98,024
Oskroba, Melissa K 94,562 3.66% 98,024
Arnold, Lisette M 94,562 3.66% 98,024
Shammas, Noor Z 94,562 3.66% 98,024
Lulic, McKenna
94,562 3.66% 98,024
Miller, Derek J 94,562 3.66% 98,024
Barbino, Eleanor 94,705 3.66% 98,170
Warriner, Christine D 94,705 3.66% 98,170
Martin, Leann D 94,705 3.66% 98,170
Mitchell, Amy A 94,705 3.66% 98,170
McGroarty, Kelly K 94,705 3.66% 98,170
Sjordal, Lisa S 94,705 3.66% 98,170
Degraff, Tricia M 96,690 3.61% 100,182
Aspan, Stephanie A 96,690 3.61% 100,182
Gebbie, Thomas J 96,690 3.61% 100,182
Kaisling, Eric
96,690 3.61% 100,182
Konrad, Michelle E 96,690 3.61% 100,182
Figi, Nicole M 96,690 3.61% 100,182
McManis, Melisa 96,690 3.61% 100,182
Ramsay, Anne 96,690 3.61% 100,182
Smith, Debra
96,690 3.61% 100,182
Widlacki, Ann M 96,690 3.61% 100,182
Pan, Yvonne Y 96,690 3.61% 100,182
Berkley, Ross P 96,690 3.61% 100,182
Getting, Creighton
96,690 3.61% 100,182
Thomson, Tracy S 96,690 3.61% 100,182
Heslinga, Heidi
96,690 3.61% 100,182
Reitz, Hazel E 96,690 3.61% 100,182
Walsh, Katrina E 96,690 3.61% 100,182
Martinez, Jeanette E 96,690 3.61% 100,182
Bennett, Linda 96,690 3.61% 100,182
Rayborn, Lauren M 96,690 3.61% 100,182
John, Jessica
96,690 3.61% 100,182
Volling, Sandra E 96,690 3.61% 100,182
Park, Janet S 96,690 3.61% 100,182
Boyens, Kathryn M 96,690 3.61% 100,182
Suman, Meghan O 96,690 3.61% 100,182
Nave Stawasz, Rosemary
96,690 3.61% 100,182
Cavlovic, Amy K 113,857 3.40% 117,732
Naperville 203 Board of Education
Appendix A
Page 23 of 31
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Frost, Sandra
113,857 3.40% 117,732
Gerwig, Matthew
113,857 3.40% 117,732
Henricksen, Heather
113,857 3.40% 117,732
Metoyer, Jennifer A 113,857 3.40% 117,732
Atseff, Laura E 113,857 3.40% 117,732
Matas, Janell
113,857 3.40% 117,732
Mougette, Jessie
113,857 3.40% 117,732
Robertson, Ann A 113,857 3.40% 117,732
Richards, Tracy K 113,857 3.40% 117,732
Heffernan, Christopher P 111,163 3.32% 114,849
Nesci, Deanna
111,163 3.32% 114,849
Quaid, Kevin M 111,163 3.32% 114,849
Pusateri, Kathleen M 49,616 3.12% 51,164
Donahue, Emma M 49,616 3.12% 51,164
Kinder, Alexandria E 49,616 3.12% 51,164
Dille, Nathanael J 49,616 3.12% 51,164
Ciesla, Rebecca C 49,616 3.12% 51,164
Herron, Samantha
49,616 3.12% 51,164
Maveus, Tyler J 49,616 3.12% 51,164
Croci, Lucas M 49,616 3.12% 51,164
Nunez, Yazmin 49,616 3.12% 51,164
Betthauser, Jennifer C 49,616 3.12% 51,164
Schaefer, Maria
49,616 3.12% 51,164
Hernandez, Naneth 49,616 3.12% 51,164
Rohl, Nicholas
49,616 3.12% 51,164
Rutkowski, Kayla M 49,616 3.12% 51,164
Estvander, Alyssa M 49,616 3.12% 51,164
Dolph, Margaret C 49,616 3.12% 51,164
Funk, Stacey E 49,616 3.12% 51,164
Rogalski, Cameron M 49,616 3.12% 51,164
Der, Tara C 49,616 3.12% 51,164
Nudera, Catherine E 49,616 3.12% 51,164
Wittstock, Kimberly J 49,616 3.12% 51,164
Hill, Rachel A 49,616 3.12% 51,164
Medlock, Elijah P 49,616 3.12% 51,164
Roth, Luke W 50,468 3.09% 52,026
Caldwell, Kelsey N 50,468 3.09% 52,026
Burns, Liza P 50,468 3.09% 52,026
Arnot, Sandra N 50,468 3.09% 52,026
Monyek, Haleigh K 50,468 3.09% 52,026
Doran, Liam J 50,468 3.09% 52,026
Morrison, Alexis K 50,468 3.09% 52,026
Kolbe, Jacob S 50,468 3.09% 52,026
McCauley, Stephanie A 50,468 3.09% 52,026
Wisinski, Courtney S 50,468 3.09% 52,026
Moss, Nolan H 50,468 3.09% 52,026
Naperville 203 Board of Education
Appendix A
Page 24 of 31
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Zoephel, Brenna E 50,468 3.09% 52,026
McGuire, Christina M 50,468 3.09% 52,026
Borre, Richard J 50,468 3.09% 52,026
McNamara, Kelly M 50,468 3.09% 52,026
Ross, Rodney E 50,468 3.09% 52,026
Pilmer, Matthew F 50,468 3.09% 52,026
Eriksen, Anna J 50,468 3.09% 52,026
Bhatia, Shraya A 50,468 3.09% 52,026
Chmielewski, Hanna
50,468 3.09% 52,026
McNeill, Trista J 50,468 3.09% 52,026
Kirk, Brett E 51,318 3.07% 52,891
Jensen, Andrew J 51,318 3.07% 52,891
Klimczak, Caila
51,318 3.07% 52,891
Fansler, Lindsey N 51,318 3.07% 52,891
Kielminski, Katie D 51,318 3.07% 52,891
Brodette, Elizabeth J 51,318 3.07% 52,891
Brown, Alexis N 51,318 3.07% 52,891
Fabbri, Allison P 51,318 3.07% 52,891
Willis, Kendall J 51,318 3.07% 52,891
Dumler, Sarah E 51,318 3.07% 52,891
Zeeb, Abigail
51,318 3.07% 52,891
Dunlap, Remi E 51,318 3.07% 52,891
Cosgrove, Megan M 51,318 3.07% 52,891
Stanford, Kelli C 51,318 3.07% 52,891
Forrest, Megan M 51,318 3.07% 52,891
Stevens, Casandra M 51,318 3.07% 52,891
Laxton, Joan M 51,318 3.07% 52,891
Taamallah, Nisrine E 51,318 3.07% 52,891
Cooper, Megan J 51,318 3.07% 52,891
Miller, Jeffrey W 52,171 3.03% 53,750
McMahon, Ashley
52,171 3.03% 53,750
Hoffmann, Jennifer A 52,171 3.03% 53,750
Witort, Teresa J 52,171 3.03% 53,750
Gargano, Alexandra N 52,171 3.03% 53,750
White, Colin T 52,171 3.03% 53,750
Carnrike, Amanda M 52,171 3.03% 53,750
Curtis, Hannah N 52,171 3.03% 53,750
MacDuff, Lauren A 52,171 3.03% 53,750
Rusenas, Viktor A 52,171 3.03% 53,750
Gilbert, Amy C 52,171 3.03% 53,750
Cherry, Samantha C 52,171 3.03% 53,750
Dwyer, Mya C 52,171 3.03% 53,750
Kwon, Hye Won 52,171 3.03% 53,750
Roy, Madelynn J 52,171 3.03% 53,750
Wilson, Morgan E 52,171 3.03% 53,750
Paulson, Grace C 52,171 3.03% 53,750
Naperville 203 Board of Education
Appendix A
Page 25 of 31
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Furgason, Kristen F 52,171 3.03% 53,750
Weston, Marie A 52,171 3.03% 53,750
Dugdale, Dylan A 52,171 3.03% 53,750
Stephanides, Nina K 52,171 3.03% 53,750
Krzak, Jennifer E 52,171 3.03% 53,750
Krzak, Eric M 52,171 3.03% 53,750
Salerno, Patrice M 53,018 3.01% 54,615
Allen, Samantha A 53,018 3.01% 54,615
Blonn, Kathleen P 53,018 3.01% 54,615
Curry, Macey J 53,018 3.01% 54,615
Kelly, Bridget K 53,018 3.01% 54,615
Huston, Lisa M 53,018 3.01% 54,615
Mildice, Lauren A 53,018 3.01% 54,615
Marshall, Morgan K 53,018 3.01% 54,615
Sneyd, Sara J 53,018 3.01% 54,615
Jones, Nicole E 53,018 3.01% 54,615
Carrillo, Lilliana 53,018 3.01% 54,615
Wood, Michala M 53,018 3.01% 54,615
Cain, Kimberly A 53,018 3.01% 54,615
Curley, Michael E 72,820 2.42% 74,580
Conner, Phoebe C 72,820 2.42% 74,580
Ma, Anna 72,820 2.42% 74,580
Charvat, Stephanie M 72,820 2.42% 74,580
Ralph, Lauren N 72,820 2.42% 74,580
Budzon, Gabrielle A 72,820 2.42% 74,580
Considine, Traci
114,849 2.30% 117,491
Hegranes, Victoria
114,849 2.30% 117,491
Iverson, Dan G 114,849 2.30% 117,491
Rivera, Melana A 114,849 2.30% 117,491
Rivera, Irisbelsy 114,849 2.30% 117,491
Robinson, Sheryl
114,849 2.30% 117,491
Shumate, Dena M 114,849 2.30% 117,491
Arizaga, Sylvia
114,849 2.30% 117,491
Fleck, Amanda C 114,849 2.30% 117,491
Ekis, Christine M 114,849 2.30% 117,491
Champion, Thomas W 117,732 2.30% 120,440
Chidley, Carin S 117,732 2.30% 120,440
Engler, Tami
117,732 2.30% 120,440
Hayman, Christine A 117,732 2.30% 120,440
Hoff, Charles J 117,732 2.30% 120,440
Hollander, David
117,732 2.30% 120,440
Johnson, Timothy A 117,732 2.30% 120,440
Kreiling, Janelle
117,732 2.30% 120,440
Nicoski, Cheryl A 117,732 2.30% 120,440
Benyo, Jacqueline 117,732 2.30% 120,440
Sacher, Robert E 117,732 2.30% 120,440
Naperville 203 Board of Education
Appendix A
Page 26 of 31
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Fiduccia, Rose Marie 117,732 2.30% 120,440
Tarson, Susan
117,732 2.30% 120,440
Mitchler, Deborah
117,732 2.30% 120,440
Wheeler, Dawn T 117,732 2.30% 120,440
Wilks, Tracy M 117,732 2.30% 120,440
Williams, Tana
117,732 2.30% 120,440
Denny-Northrup, Rochelle M 117,732 2.30% 120,440
Barry, Kathleen 117,732 2.30% 120,440
Stec, Ann M 117,732 2.30% 120,440
Papafotopoulos, Tiffany 117,732 2.30% 120,440
Bochenski, Michael A 107,219 2.30% 109,685
Fiore, John B 107,219 2.30% 109,685
Howard, Corbett W 107,219 2.30% 109,685
Loan, Jane A 107,219 2.30% 109,685
Mulholland, Virginia C 107,219 2.30% 109,685
Olson, Diane M 107,219 2.30% 109,685
Polites, James W 107,219 2.30% 109,685
Reilly, Marybeth 107,219 2.30% 109,685
Tomek-Erdman, Anne Marie 107,219 2.30% 109,685
Warren, Laura
107,219 2.30% 109,685
McCormick, Rosa X 107,219 2.30% 109,685
Riddle, Jason E 107,219 2.30% 109,685
Day, Christine M 111,699 2.30% 114,268
Hayward, John M 111,699 2.30% 114,268
Madsen, David J 111,699 2.30% 114,268
Matteson, Angela J 111,699 2.30% 114,268
Gamboa, Tracey A 111,699 2.30% 114,268
Reeves, Michelle 111,699 2.30% 114,268
Roy, Christine M 111,699 2.30% 114,268
Stanicek, Christian F 111,699 2.30% 114,268
Sturgeon, Juliann M 111,699 2.30% 114,268
Wright, John O 111,699 2.30% 114,268
Bukusi, Wanjugu W 111,699 2.30% 114,268
Lehmann, Donna 111,699 2.30% 114,268
Benyo, Christopher A 122,228 2.30% 125,039
Giese, Terry E 122,228 2.30% 125,039
Wills, Curtis
122,228 2.30% 125,039
Crockett, Jeanine M 123,104 2.30% 125,935
Nussbaum, Andrew J 123,104 2.30% 125,935
Schmidt, Jayne A 123,104 2.30% 125,935
Abbott, Jean M 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Auld, Thomas W 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Bell, Elizabeth A 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Bilardello, John M 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Brady, Lori A 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Brindle, Kristin M 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Naperville 203 Board of Education
Appendix A
Page 27 of 31
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Buckley, Michael D 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Burke, Jeffrey J 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Cabrera, Karen
122,019 2.30% 124,825
Cannon-Ruffo, Colleen 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Carroll, David
122,019 2.30% 124,825
Catalano, Lisa G 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Churchill, Keri
122,019 2.30% 124,825
Clark, Lorraine M 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Connell, Lisa
122,019 2.30% 124,825
Dalton, Lisa A 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Davis, David D 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Davis, Karyn 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Dethrow, Matthew W 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Dohm, Tina S 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Dore, Judith A 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Dycus, Jason W 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Ellberg, Michael W 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Eysturlid, Erica J 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Farrell, Kathleen M 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Farrell, Kevin J 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Fedderly, Kathleen
122,019 2.30% 124,825
Flack, Suzy J 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Gardner, Lisa M 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Galdikas, Sara J 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Gamboa, Ignacio 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Gasser, Kathleen E 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Gedz, Susan G 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Greenfield, Jennie J 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Hannan, Karen S 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Havenaar, Jay J 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Heinson, Denise A 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Henz, Lynn A 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Herrmann, Beth Ann 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Hodonicky, Jennifer
122,019 2.30% 124,825
Holmberg, Todd A 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Horwath, Rebecca A 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Reed, Kristyn M 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Hunt, Robin
122,019 2.30% 124,825
Iverson, Laura B 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Jansen, Jennifer K 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Johnson, Brian G 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Joyce, Edward A 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Kainrath, Kristen N 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Kane, Timothy T 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Kessler, Brian 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Klein-Collins, John J 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Naperville 203 Board of Education
Appendix A
Page 28 of 31
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Konrad, Jay C 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Kramer, Peter J 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Labedz, Karen
122,019 2.30% 124,825
Larucci, Frank V 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Madden, Jennifer S 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Madden, Timothy A 122,019 2.30% 124,825
McGrath, Thomas D 122,019 2.30% 124,825
McNeeley, Pamela
122,019 2.30% 124,825
McWhirter, Andrew
122,019 2.30% 124,825
Miller, Scott A 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Miller-Bucholz, Danis D 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Moore, Elizabeth T 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Moreau, Angela S 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Most, Karen
122,019 2.30% 124,825
Myers, John C 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Nauman, Jean M 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Nekolny, Jennifer 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Nudera, Beth C 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Nudera, Jeffrey A 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Paladino, Cheryl N 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Pankow, Suzanne
122,019 2.30% 124,825
Peller, Jeffrey J 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Pisarski, Tracey
122,019 2.30% 124,825
Porter, Robert D 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Racey, David J 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Rader, Lori F 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Reagan, Kristine M 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Rester, Christopher A 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Tilt, Cindy M 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Cummings, Debra S 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Roesler, Mary Jane 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Rogers, Jennifer T 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Curless, Victoria M 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Roucka, Mark P 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Salentine, William S 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Sardone, Jennifer
122,019 2.30% 124,825
Schatz, Kimberly A 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Schoengrund, Kathleen S 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Scott, Allan C 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Seubold, Pamela J 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Skarr, Mark J 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Sladkey, David U 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Smith, Randall S 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Sniadecki, Matthew
122,019 2.30% 124,825
Sommerville, Janet E 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Sundstrom, Amanda J 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Naperville 203 Board of Education
Appendix A
Page 29 of 31
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Thompson, Brett A 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Watson, Edgar 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Johnson, Theresa J 122,019 2.30% 124,825
White, Allison K 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Williams, Robert E 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Winiecki, Adam M 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Wisinski, Lisa M 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Wood, Cynthia
122,019 2.30% 124,825
Wukitsch, Lisa S 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Rampy, Susan K 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Kalat, Angelica
122,019 2.30% 124,825
Seguino, Katherine M 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Bell, Christine
122,019 2.30% 124,825
Sniadecki, Patricia A 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Tan Torres, Alma
122,019 2.30% 124,825
Andrees, Lynn A 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Ortiz, Michael E 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Ryan, Jill 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Leonardo, Katherine P 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Rembrecht, Jennifer A 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Saucedo, Leticia T 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Cruz-Manrique, Diana E 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Newell, Laura 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Anderson, Maura B 122,019 2.30% 124,825
Alonso, Janet
122,019 2.30% 124,825
Piraino, Laura A 58,313 1.38% 59,118
Parks, Katelyn 58,313 1.38% 59,118
Haack, Katelyn J 58,313 1.38% 59,118
Noffke, Jaime N 58,313 1.38% 59,118
Stablein, Erin M 58,313 1.38% 59,118
Shabel, Elizabeth A 58,313 1.38% 59,118
Bennington, Ann T 58,313 1.38% 59,118
Rzeszutko, Todd J 58,313 1.38% 59,118
Ingram, Dawn D 58,313 1.38% 59,118
Hall, Eileen M 58,313 1.38% 59,118
Casey, Kathleen M 58,313 1.38% 59,118
Werve, Christopher P 58,313 1.38% 59,118
Vicicondi, Nina V 58,313 1.38% 59,118
Burke, Kimberly 61,007 1.38% 61,849
Olisar, Noreen 67,750 1.38% 68,685
Kim, Jong Ho 67,750 1.38% 68,685
Grier, Lindsay A 67,750 1.38% 68,685
Anderson, Noel K 104,277 1.38% 105,716
Hamann, Robert C 104,277 1.38% 105,716
Hayes, Kevin T 104,277 1.38% 105,716
Meehan, Kevin
104,277 1.38% 105,716
Naperville 203 Board of Education
Appendix A
Page 30 of 31
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Schmecht, Diane M 104,277 1.38% 105,716
Atwater, Susan
55,291 1.38% 56,054
Pradel, Anne M 55,291 1.38% 56,054
Dickerson, Amy M 55,291 1.38% 56,054
Dostal, Laura J 55,291 1.38% 56,054
Jacobucci, Jillian M 55,291 1.38% 56,054
Serchuk, Melisa F 55,291 1.38% 56,054
Mielcarz, Kelly S 55,291 1.38% 56,054
Rivera, Kelly N 55,291 1.38% 56,054
Getzin, Shelby B 55,291 1.38% 56,054
Smith, Joan E 55,291 1.38% 56,054
Brunski, Marti A 55,291 1.38% 56,054
Golz, Hannah C 55,291 1.38% 56,054
Yager, Angela S 55,291 1.38% 56,054
Indelicato, Kelsey M 55,291 1.38% 56,054
Blazek, Adam
55,291 1.38% 56,054
Vine, Joanne 97,470 1.38% 98,815
Hayes, Julie T 60,014 1.38% 60,842
Peterson, Brian J 60,014 1.38% 60,842
Cone, Eva 60,014 1.38% 60,842
Sass, Heidi S 60,014 1.38% 60,842
Berghoff, Kayla M 60,014 1.38% 60,842
Padgett, Gregory S 60,014 1.38% 60,842
Mask, Carrie A 60,014 1.38% 60,842
Kralovic, Michael D 60,014 1.38% 60,842
Jaime, Olivia C 60,014 1.38% 60,842
Hansen, Adam M 60,014 1.38% 60,842
Harris, Samantha
60,014 1.38% 60,842
Quinn, Kelly C 65,669 1.38% 66,575
Splendoria, Suzanne 86,123 1.38% 87,311
Campise, Gino 86,123 1.38% 87,311
Canty, Karen 86,123 1.38% 87,311
Cole, John S 86,123 1.38% 87,311
Duncan, Neil M 86,123 1.38% 87,311
Alberts, Sarah I 86,123 1.38% 87,311
Gresk, Matthew W 86,123 1.38% 87,311
Christenson, Lynette P 86,123 1.38% 87,311
Higgins, Carol M 86,123 1.38% 87,311
Jankowski, Melissa M 86,123 1.38% 87,311
Kirincich, Ann M 86,123 1.38% 87,311
Munro, Denise D 86,123 1.38% 87,311
Oberbeck, Jennifer A 86,123 1.38% 87,311
Pajor, Jacquelyn A 86,123 1.38% 87,311
Hagenbaumer, Kristina J 86,123 1.38% 87,311
Dinon, Lisa M 86,123 1.38% 87,311
Jachim, Kimberly E 86,123 1.38% 87,311
Naperville 203 Board of Education
Appendix A
Page 31 of 31
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Petrovic, Julie A 86,123 1.38% 87,311
Shaner, Amber C 86,123 1.38% 87,311
Van Harlingen, Jeffrey A 86,123 1.38% 87,311
Eilers, Connie J 86,123 1.38% 87,311
Weigel, John P 86,123 1.38% 87,311
Williams, Greta C 86,123 1.38% 87,311
Winborne, Kerry A 86,123 1.38% 87,311
Furbee, Traci C 86,123 1.38% 87,311
Norgaard, Jennifer
86,123 1.38% 87,311
Reible, Jennifer 86,123 1.38% 87,311
Hanley, Lynne E 86,123 1.38% 87,311
South, Sarah N 86,123 1.38% 87,311
Jacobs, Paulina
86,123 1.38% 87,311
Valaitis, Emily
86,123 1.38% 87,311
Liabo, Kathryn J 86,123 1.38% 87,311
Bontkowski, Holly A 86,123 1.38% 87,311
Englishharden, Angela B 86,123 1.38% 87,311
Sturgeon, Jeffrey M 86,123 1.38% 87,311
Bornancin, Rachel F 86,123 1.38% 87,311
Cabrera, Jennifer J 86,123 1.38% 87,311
Naperville 203 Board of Education
Appendix A
Appendix B
Copy of NUEA Proposal 7-28-21 Page 1 of 32
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Bishop, Emily G 103,786 5.79% 109,795
Hill, Mary K 103,786 5.79% 109,795
Twietmeyer, Grace O 103,786 5.79% 109,795
Thompson, Jennifer J 103,786 5.79% 109,795
DeSantis, Michelle R 103,786 5.79% 109,795
Otto-Waddell, Karen C 103,786 5.79% 109,795
Birch, Stephanie M 106,479 5.70% 112,553
O'Boyle, Cathleen M 106,479 5.70% 112,553
Sommer, Sarah M 106,479 5.70% 112,553
Kainrath, Patrice T 106,479 5.70% 112,553
Breslin, Pamela M 107,471 5.67% 113,566
Dunnett, David F 107,471 5.67% 113,566
Mohn, Donna R 107,471 5.67% 113,566
Papagiannis, Katherine 107,471 5.67% 113,566
Kopf, Emily B 55,793 5.67% 58,955
Adams, Sean M 55,793 5.67% 58,955
Dahowski, David E 55,793 5.67% 58,955
Hrydziuszko, Deborah A 55,793 5.67% 58,955
Gallagher, Patrick J 55,793 5.67% 58,955
Arzadon, Hannah R 99,811 5.65% 105,451
Cano, Olga 99,811 5.65% 105,451
Anderson, Candice M 99,811 5.65% 105,451
Bedore, Jeffry M 108,960 5.62% 115,087
Bell, Barbara 108,960 5.62% 115,087
Davison, Deborah K 108,960 5.62% 115,087
Engeldahl, Jennifer S 108,960 5.62% 115,087
Ferro, Joseph P 108,960 5.62% 115,087
Free, Leslie A 108,960 5.62% 115,087
Ghouse, Naseem F 108,960 5.62% 115,087
Jay, Jerry B 108,960 5.62% 115,087
Joyce, Deborah A 108,960 5.62% 115,087
Granatelli, Maxyne W 108,960 5.62% 115,087
Ferro, Jamie L 108,960 5.62% 115,087
Palubicki, Elizabeth T 108,960 5.62% 115,087
Pour, Brian 108,960 5.62% 115,087
Ramsbottom, Todd J 108,960 5.62% 115,087
Sanborn, Scott R 108,960 5.62% 115,087
Schmitt, Adam 108,960 5.62% 115,087
Brucker, Elizabeth A 108,960 5.62% 115,087
Kresl, Anthony P 108,960 5.62% 115,087
Csutak, Barbara R 108,960 5.62% 115,087
Kleinmaier, Jeffrey J 108,960 5.62% 115,087
Lara, Milagros 108,960 5.62% 115,087
Wszolek, Sara A 108,960 5.62% 115,087
Ancira, Sara K 110,171 5.58% 116,319
Appendix B
Copy of NUEA Proposal 7-28-21 Page 2 of 32
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Scherrman, John P 110,171 5.58% 116,319
Weir, Marisela I 110,171 5.58% 116,319
Czernik, Sandra L 110,171 5.58% 116,319
Cortes, Damary L 110,171 5.58% 116,319
Meyers, Kathryn M 57,707 5.55% 60,912
Braun, Sarah C 57,707 5.55% 60,912
Pucylowski, Adam M 57,707 5.55% 60,912
Kennedy, Claire E 57,707 5.55% 60,912
Chen, Ye 57,707 5.55% 60,912
South, Dana M 57,707 5.55% 60,912
Alstadt, David J 103,219 5.53% 108,928
Eissens, Amy M 103,219 5.53% 108,928
Reilly, Kristin M 103,219 5.53% 108,928
Leaf, Anthony W 103,219 5.53% 108,928
Knight, Julie M 103,219 5.53% 108,928
Haas, Eric A 103,219 5.53% 108,928
Sandborn, Elizabeth M 63,459 5.52% 66,964
Chaidez, Kelsey A 63,459 5.52% 66,964
Pettit, Kaelyn C 63,459 5.52% 66,964
Shin, Meenjung A 63,459 5.52% 66,964
Dada, Safa 63,459 5.52% 66,964
Groenendyk, Christopher R 63,459 5.52% 66,964
Smith, Sara A 63,459 5.52% 66,964
O'Connor, Alexandra E 63,459 5.52% 66,964
Katsenes, Katherine A 63,459 5.52% 66,964
Ellig, Marissa N 63,459 5.52% 66,964
Stanley, Samantha D 63,459 5.52% 66,964
McKenzie, Emilly K 63,459 5.52% 66,964
Stercay, Lauren E 63,459 5.52% 66,964
Govostis, Roselyn M 63,459 5.52% 66,964
Miller, Alyssa M 63,459 5.52% 66,964
Sindelar, Cortney G 63,459 5.52% 66,964
Burke, Tamara L 112,651 5.51% 118,853
Chaney, Jeremiah P 112,651 5.51% 118,853
Chipman, Katrina A 112,651 5.51% 118,853
Michalek, Michelle R 112,651 5.51% 118,853
Weiss, Nicole 112,651 5.51% 118,853
Fitzpatrick, Megan M 112,651 5.51% 118,853
Pjesky, Kirsten A 112,651 5.51% 118,853
Hitzeman, Helena M 112,651 5.51% 118,853
Johnson, Rodney D 112,651 5.51% 118,853
Guglielmucci, Stephanie A 112,651 5.51% 118,853
Kowalkowski, Jason M 112,651 5.51% 118,853
Lenz, Jason R 112,651 5.51% 118,853
Moen, Lisa M 112,651 5.51% 118,853
Appendix B
Copy of NUEA Proposal 7-28-21 Page 3 of 32
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Nelson, Eric J 112,651 5.51% 118,853
O'Connor, Michael F 112,651 5.51% 118,853
O'Neill, Kimberly E 112,651 5.51% 118,853
Rains, Erin E 112,651 5.51% 118,853
Hicks, Aislinn M 112,651 5.51% 118,853
Smith, Paula M 112,651 5.51% 118,853
Rees, Heidi 112,651 5.51% 118,853
Halama, Yaejung J 112,651 5.51% 118,853
Smith, Alisha R 112,651 5.51% 118,853
Sands, Heidi N 59,623 5.44% 62,868
Snyder, Taylor M 59,623 5.44% 62,868
Vogelsang, Amy B 59,623 5.44% 62,868
Hanafi, Patricia A 59,623 5.44% 62,868
Molenda-Lesniak, Margaret 59,623 5.44% 62,868
Cusick, Grace M 59,623 5.44% 62,868
Shallcross, Stephanie L 60,441 5.40% 63,705
Ullestad, Alison M 61,538 5.35% 64,831
Floeter-Bretag, Catherine J 61,538 5.35% 64,831
Czarnik, Rebecca C 61,538 5.35% 64,831
Winkler, Jennifer K 61,538 5.35% 64,831
Good, Megan E 61,538 5.35% 64,831
Borta, Emily A 61,538 5.35% 64,831
Reynoso, Raul A 61,538 5.35% 64,831
Karasewski, Abigail N 61,538 5.35% 64,831
Moriarty, Brandon R 61,538 5.35% 64,831
Garcia, Maria D 61,538 5.35% 64,831
Valentine, Rachel A 61,538 5.35% 64,831
Lathan, Megan J 61,538 5.35% 64,831
Schultz, Andrew J 61,538 5.35% 64,831
Ramsden, Susanna J 61,538 5.35% 64,831
Neal, Mario 61,538 5.35% 64,831
Davis, Jennifer C 61,538 5.35% 64,831
Nguyen, Kerry C 61,538 5.35% 64,831
Konatarevic, Stefany 62,357 5.30% 65,662
Sowell, Jillian R 65,547 5.26% 68,996
Ruiz, Valerie R 65,547 5.26% 68,996
Rogers, Lauren G 65,547 5.26% 68,996
Kuklinski, Rafal 65,547 5.26% 68,996
Mitchell, Joseph T 65,547 5.26% 68,996
Forde, Michael M 65,547 5.26% 68,996
Bollinger, Sarah C 65,547 5.26% 68,996
Boente, Melissa A 65,547 5.26% 68,996
Harper, Kevin M 65,547 5.26% 68,996
Many, Kristine M 65,547 5.26% 68,996
Rudy, Rebecca G 65,547 5.26% 68,996
Appendix B
Copy of NUEA Proposal 7-28-21 Page 4 of 32
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Engimann, Emily B 65,547 5.26% 68,996
Miller, Sean R 65,547 5.26% 68,996
Hughes, David C 65,547 5.26% 68,996
Phalon, Deirdre A 65,547 5.26% 68,996
Schwerin, Marisa 63,989 5.22% 67,328
Kurtides, Alexa C 63,989 5.22% 67,328
Murray, Sarah E 63,989 5.22% 67,328
Hasse, Matthew A 64,272 5.21% 67,618
Panega, Timothy R 64,272 5.21% 67,618
Zarembski, Mary M 64,272 5.21% 67,618
Silva, Miguel A 64,272 5.21% 67,618
Schertz, Nicole T 64,272 5.21% 67,618
Brady, Seth T 98,818 5.17% 103,926
Story, Lauren L 98,818 5.17% 103,926
Gebel, Susan T 98,818 5.17% 103,926
Giuliani, Mary M 98,818 5.17% 103,926
Hodge, Christopher J 98,818 5.17% 103,926
Kocisko, Heather E 98,818 5.17% 103,926
Spence, Julie A 98,818 5.17% 103,926
Rakes, Marissa A 98,818 5.17% 103,926
Pinelli, Jason D 98,818 5.17% 103,926
Rechkemmer, Stephanie L 98,818 5.17% 103,926
Rehberg, Melissa R 98,818 5.17% 103,926
Ossey, Ann E 98,818 5.17% 103,926
Shamrock, Lisa M 98,818 5.17% 103,926
Whitt, Jeremy D 98,818 5.17% 103,926
Billings, Natalie R 98,818 5.17% 103,926
Kopec, Kimberly A 98,818 5.17% 103,926
Allen, Dana L 98,818 5.17% 103,926
Freed, Adam W 98,818 5.17% 103,926
Gonzalez-Pino, Ana M 98,818 5.17% 103,926
Barrios, Carmen R 98,818 5.17% 103,926
Mauloff, Christel M 67,536 5.16% 71,024
Heatherly, Taylor K 67,536 5.16% 71,024
Vollmer, Suzanne V 67,536 5.16% 71,024
Yee, Amanda S 67,536 5.16% 71,024
Haiser, Amanda M 67,536 5.16% 71,024
Feightner, Courtney A 67,536 5.16% 71,024
Peterson, Sarah E 67,536 5.16% 71,024
Egan, Margaret C 67,536 5.16% 71,024
LaFleur, Julianne E 67,536 5.16% 71,024
Linder, Alexis M 67,536 5.16% 71,024
Benson, Michael L 67,536 5.16% 71,024
Freed, Julia M 67,536 5.16% 71,024
Wirtz, Laura A 67,536 5.16% 71,024
Appendix B
Copy of NUEA Proposal 7-28-21 Page 5 of 32
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Corder, Madalyn D 67,536 5.16% 71,024
Crawford, Kathryn A 67,536 5.16% 71,024
Krzyszkowski, Kimberly A 67,536 5.16% 71,024
Paige, Anna M 67,536 5.16% 71,024
Carrizales, Michelle F 67,536 5.16% 71,024
Alvarez, Marilyn S 68,102 5.14% 71,601
Lynch, Megan M 68,102 5.14% 71,601
Tolcher, Kelly M 68,102 5.14% 71,601
Gross, Jesse E 68,102 5.14% 71,601
Parry, Amy E 68,102 5.14% 71,601
King, Tiauna M 68,102 5.14% 71,601
Scherzer, Catherine J 68,102 5.14% 71,601
Barrera, Michelle 68,102 5.14% 71,601
Keough, Erin M 65,903 5.13% 69,285
Halicky, Roni M 65,903 5.13% 69,285
Callaghan, Matthew C 66,187 5.12% 69,574
Parent, Cathryn J 66,187 5.12% 69,574
Bice, Megan E 66,187 5.12% 69,574
McCaffery, Diana A 67,000 5.08% 70,405
McDonald, Stephanie R 69,521 5.08% 73,051
Hanson, Ellen L 69,521 5.08% 73,051
Mehon, Lauren M 69,521 5.08% 73,051
Johnson, Susan A 69,521 5.08% 73,051
Callaghan, Heather M 69,521 5.08% 73,051
Shields, Katelyn R 69,521 5.08% 73,051
Gilbert, Mary F 69,521 5.08% 73,051
Kulzick, Margaret C 69,521 5.08% 73,051
Nugent, Mitchell 69,521 5.08% 73,051
Kischuk, Daniel A 69,521 5.08% 73,051
Gibson, Chelsea E 69,521 5.08% 73,051
Kopsel, April A 69,521 5.08% 73,051
Kittilsen, Kelsie D 69,521 5.08% 73,051
Mason, Meghan L 69,521 5.08% 73,051
LaRue, Kristen M 69,521 5.08% 73,051
Michels, Lauren E 69,521 5.08% 73,051
O'Neill, Kaitlyn M 69,521 5.08% 73,051
March, Shannon E 69,521 5.08% 73,051
Sheley, Samantha J 69,521 5.08% 73,051
Keller, Melissa A 69,521 5.08% 73,051
Welsh, Holly L 69,521 5.08% 73,051
Eich, Devon A 69,521 5.08% 73,051
Crawford, Ryan A 69,521 5.08% 73,051
Rebus, David J 69,521 5.08% 73,051
Furibondo, Nicole D 69,521 5.08% 73,051
Ontiveros, Cynthia 69,521 5.08% 73,051
Appendix B
Copy of NUEA Proposal 7-28-21 Page 6 of 32
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Daly, Margaret A 69,521 5.08% 73,051
Crawford, Melanie F 69,521 5.08% 73,051
Bean, Holly S 69,521 5.08% 73,051
Ambrose, Margaret M 69,521 5.08% 73,051
Svejda, Andrea L 69,521 5.08% 73,051
Brennan, Brandy M 69,521 5.08% 73,051
Bax, Andrew T 69,521 5.08% 73,051
Pitner, Keith W 69,521 5.08% 73,051
Mulligan, Angela M 69,521 5.08% 73,051
Werve, Kristin M 69,521 5.08% 73,051
Combs, Mallory N 69,521 5.08% 73,051
Spriggs, Madeline 70,086 5.06% 73,634
Novak, Eric C 70,086 5.06% 73,634
Lin, Jeremy S 70,086 5.06% 73,634
Kelly, Erica L 70,086 5.06% 73,634
Halblander, Christine M 70,086 5.06% 73,634
White, Brian M 70,086 5.06% 73,634
Martino, Carina L 70,086 5.06% 73,634
Willer, Amy C 70,086 5.06% 73,634
O'Donnell, Jennifer M 70,086 5.06% 73,634
Jablenski, Cortni E 67,819 5.05% 71,242
Fries, Michael F 75,480 5.04% 79,287
Minhas, Elyse M 75,480 5.04% 79,287
Levin, Courtney A 75,480 5.04% 79,287
Coppersmith, Eric L 75,480 5.04% 79,287
Vande Guchte, Matthew 75,480 5.04% 79,287
Brown, Danielle N 75,480 5.04% 79,287
Camp, Lisa Marie 75,480 5.04% 79,287
Lewis, Emily A 75,480 5.04% 79,287
Lenz, Katherine D 75,480 5.04% 79,287
Monteleone, Jessica A 75,480 5.04% 79,287
Piekarz, Jodi A 75,480 5.04% 79,287
Marcordes-Bruns, Courtney E
75,480 5.04% 79,287
Grubb, Amy L 75,480 5.04% 79,287
Lara, Megan M 75,480 5.04% 79,287
Vock, Angela M 75,480 5.04% 79,287
Boogerd, Annette C 70,835 5.02% 74,394
Dejmek, Katherine M 70,835 5.02% 74,394
Conway, Erica L 70,835 5.02% 74,394
Anderson, Allison M 70,835 5.02% 74,394
Cortez, Raquel 70,835 5.02% 74,394
Seymour-Ells, Karen S 68,598 5.01% 72,037
Baxter, Sarah J 68,667 5.01% 72,109
Pyle, Sarah E 68,667 5.01% 72,109
Ludlam, Kristen N 68,915 5.01% 72,366
Appendix B
Copy of NUEA Proposal 7-28-21 Page 7 of 32
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Cole, Jenna M 71,505 5.01% 75,084
Whang, Deborah 71,505 5.01% 75,084
Magnuson, Angela J 71,505 5.01% 75,084
Golminas, Sandra P 71,505 5.01% 75,084
Lackey, Stephanie L 71,505 5.01% 75,084
Shipbaugh, Jennifer D 71,505 5.01% 75,084
Bell, Martin B 71,505 5.01% 75,084
Siambekos, Stacey 71,505 5.01% 75,084
Driscoll, Taylor A 71,505 5.01% 75,084
Zinzer, Anne E 71,505 5.01% 75,084
Hynes, Emily R 71,505 5.01% 75,084
Anderson, Kaitlyn A 71,505 5.01% 75,084
Oliver, Emma K 71,505 5.01% 75,084
Bratland, Karl A 71,505 5.01% 75,084
Columbus, Amy S 71,505 5.01% 75,084
Blank, Anne I 71,505 5.01% 75,084
Straka, Nicholas R 71,505 5.01% 75,084
Feid, Christopher T 71,505 5.01% 75,084
Sujak, Samantha E 71,505 5.01% 75,084
Nungaray, Reyna L 71,505 5.01% 75,084
Pellegrini, Anthony D 71,505 5.01% 75,084
Fehrenbacher, Andrew T 71,505 5.01% 75,084
Jimenez, Elsa N 71,505 5.01% 75,084
Schultze, Maureen A 71,505 5.01% 75,084
Carrizales, Ryan A 71,505 5.01% 75,084
Germany, Christine M 71,505 5.01% 75,084
Solorio, Ilse 71,505 5.01% 75,084
Freese, Marissa 72,076 4.98% 75,662
Kahl, Amanda J 72,076 4.98% 75,662
Strack-Hymen, Stephanie K 72,076 4.98% 75,662
Espinoza, Marlene 72,076 4.98% 75,662
Parry, Thomas R 72,076 4.98% 75,662
Foreman, Morgan A 72,076 4.98% 75,662
Karlov, Evett R 72,076 4.98% 75,662
Palicka, Courtney M 72,076 4.98% 75,662
Ulrich, Brooke A 72,076 4.98% 75,662
Green, Amanda M 72,076 4.98% 75,662
Loughlin, Dana L 72,076 4.98% 75,662
Robbins, Samantha D 72,076 4.98% 75,662
Wroblewski, Elizabeth 69,734 4.97% 73,199
Wood, Hannah R 69,734 4.97% 73,199
Wolf, Jennifer S 69,734 4.97% 73,199
Langdon, Jonathan A 69,734 4.97% 73,199
Bowman, Susan M 69,734 4.97% 73,199
Handel, Patricia A 77,609 4.96% 81,460
Appendix B
Copy of NUEA Proposal 7-28-21 Page 8 of 32
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Kandl, Sarah A 77,609 4.96% 81,460
Pak, Jennifer J 77,609 4.96% 81,460
Keleghan, Julie 77,609 4.96% 81,460
Mackrie, Thomas 77,609 4.96% 81,460
Figueroa, Danielle N 77,609 4.96% 81,460
Nutt, Michael D 77,609 4.96% 81,460
Vrchota, Tristin A 77,609 4.96% 81,460
Torres, Dennise 77,609 4.96% 81,460
Gborigi, Kerri L 77,609 4.96% 81,460
Clow, Megan A 77,609 4.96% 81,460
Crement, Bonnie J 77,609 4.96% 81,460
Simon, Jennifer L 77,609 4.96% 81,460
Evans, Zoe Z 77,609 4.96% 81,460
Scott, Lauren E 77,609 4.96% 81,460
Pavona, Ruth H 77,609 4.96% 81,460
Carr, Megan 78,034 4.95% 81,896
Kolbe, Tammy S 78,034 4.95% 81,896
Bahr, Jacqueline L 78,034 4.95% 81,896
Todd, Patricia K 78,034 4.95% 81,896
Krok, Lauren M 78,034 4.95% 81,896
Ulreich, Katherine R 78,034 4.95% 81,896
Rorer, Terri A 78,034 4.95% 81,896
Gale, Courtney A 78,034 4.95% 81,896
Walsh, Jennifer N 78,034 4.95% 81,896
Nichols, Kathryn M 78,034 4.95% 81,896
Zimmerman, Shawna N 78,034 4.95% 81,896
Dermos, Mary M 78,034 4.95% 81,896
Rehs, Shannon L 88,672 4.95% 93,058
Lisnich, Allen J 88,672 4.95% 93,058
Eide, Heather L 88,672 4.95% 93,058
Markelz, Jessica L 88,672 4.95% 93,058
Trannon, Jennifer A 88,672 4.95% 93,058
Figueroa, Leslie J 88,672 4.95% 93,058
Valdez, Flaudiano 88,672 4.95% 93,058
Wollemann, Kelly L 88,672 4.95% 93,058
Perez, Rodolfo 88,672 4.95% 93,058
Olejnik, Michelle L 70,583 4.93% 74,064
Ranallo, Victoria L 73,565 4.92% 77,187
Donnelly, Victoria M 73,565 4.92% 77,187
Radasevich, Julia E 73,565 4.92% 77,187
Mennella, Amanda L 73,565 4.92% 77,187
Hashiguchi, Mallory G 73,565 4.92% 77,187
Smith, Candy 73,495 4.92% 77,112
Silder, Amie K 73,495 4.92% 77,112
Dengel, Ryan R 73,495 4.92% 77,112
Appendix B
Copy of NUEA Proposal 7-28-21 Page 9 of 32
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Koziol, Danielle M 73,495 4.92% 77,112
Poremba, Kelsey B 73,495 4.92% 77,112
Braun, Erin B 73,495 4.92% 77,112
Aguilera, Domenica 73,495 4.92% 77,112
Lynch, Katharine I 73,495 4.92% 77,112
Fitzenreider, Noah J 73,495 4.92% 77,112
Weber, Gina E 73,495 4.92% 77,112
Carloss, Meagan K 73,495 4.92% 77,112
Viager, Sarah A 73,495 4.92% 77,112
Klett, Katherine E 73,495 4.92% 77,112
Lichtenberg, Lindsey R 73,495 4.92% 77,112
Bucz, Edwin J 73,495 4.92% 77,112
Klen, Dana C 73,495 4.92% 77,112
DeNio, Brady L 73,495 4.92% 77,112
Dolinar, Christopher J 73,495 4.92% 77,112
Gonzalez, Eduardo A 73,495 4.92% 77,112
Zieman, Matthew R 73,495 4.92% 77,112
Schusler, Lisa M 73,495 4.92% 77,112
Golz, Jessica L 73,495 4.92% 77,112
Bilik, Kristin M 73,495 4.92% 77,112
Dexl, Melissa C 73,495 4.92% 77,112
Bird, Taylor C 73,495 4.92% 77,112
Havinga, Eric J 73,495 4.92% 77,112
Pietrus, Victoria E 73,495 4.92% 77,112
Mullenix, Nicole R 73,495 4.92% 77,112
Daker, Vanessa B 73,495 4.92% 77,112
Widd, Jennifer E 73,495 4.92% 77,112
Yung, Emily A 73,495 4.92% 77,112
Hellwig, Erin K 73,565 4.92% 77,182
Girgis, Alyssa R 73,565 4.92% 77,182
Cooper, Rachel A 73,565 4.92% 77,182
Ondrus, Steven G 73,565 4.92% 77,182
Gonzalez, Angelica 73,565 4.92% 77,182
Salter, Amie C 74,061 4.90% 77,689
Graham, Benjamin J 74,061 4.90% 77,689
Moravec, Daniela M 74,061 4.90% 77,689
Mullin, Kathleen M 74,061 4.90% 77,689
Lee, Kristin E 74,061 4.90% 77,689
Justice, Jonathan E 74,061 4.90% 77,689
Clifford, Jessica L 74,061 4.90% 77,689
Pennings, Lindsay D 74,061 4.90% 77,689
Andrzejuk, Laura A 74,061 4.90% 77,689
Schultz, Michael C 74,061 4.90% 77,689
Crawford, Jonathan R 74,061 4.90% 77,689
Pak, Tony 74,061 4.90% 77,689
Appendix B
Copy of NUEA Proposal 7-28-21 Page 10 of 32
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Banas, Timothy B 74,061 4.90% 77,689
Stiger, Maribel 79,524 4.90% 83,417
Douglas, Christa L 79,524 4.90% 83,417
Southon, Amy S 79,524 4.90% 83,417
Rauen, Anne N 79,524 4.90% 83,417
Hillyer, Allison M 79,524 4.90% 83,417
Pellegrino, Gina A 79,524 4.90% 83,417
Golden, Tulia E 79,524 4.90% 83,417
Bodach, Renee J 79,524 4.90% 83,417
Headtke, Teresa S 79,524 4.90% 83,417
Phillips, Kristin 90,165 4.90% 94,579
Murphy, Amy L 90,165 4.90% 94,579
Mackall, Mary Beth 90,165 4.90% 94,579
Quintanar, Jessica L 90,165 4.90% 94,579
South, Brian M 90,165 4.90% 94,579
Zinn, Blake C 90,165 4.90% 94,579
Rudolph, Courtney L 90,165 4.90% 94,579
Szewczyk, Lindsay C 90,165 4.90% 94,579
McCabe, Francine M 71,650 4.89% 75,155
Boyer, Alyssa J 71,650 4.89% 75,155
Cephus, Sherita R 71,650 4.89% 75,155
Lucas, Alyse R 71,650 4.89% 75,155
Jumbeck, Emily J 79,736 4.89% 83,635
Pearlman, David N 79,736 4.89% 83,635
Williams, Noelle C 79,736 4.89% 83,635
Blondell, Matthew 79,736 4.89% 83,635
Early, Marissa C 79,736 4.89% 83,635
Steger, Michael S 79,736 4.89% 83,635
Kelley, Marianne K 79,736 4.89% 83,635
Wingle, Christy M 79,736 4.89% 83,635
Czerak, Deborah M 79,736 4.89% 83,635
Keiner, Emily J 79,736 4.89% 83,635
McCaw, Christina A 79,736 4.89% 83,635
Bass, Laura A 79,736 4.89% 83,635
Hernandez, Eulalia 79,736 4.89% 83,635
Hemmens, Daniel J 79,736 4.89% 83,635
Reichel, Kristen K 79,736 4.89% 83,635
Jacobs, Kathleen H 80,163 4.88% 84,071
Cook, Janel K 80,163 4.88% 84,071
Polykandriotis, Taryen L 80,163 4.88% 84,071
Tuggle, Kelyn N 80,163 4.88% 84,071
Meyers, Valerie L 80,163 4.88% 84,071
Pena, Perla 80,163 4.88% 84,071
Anderson, Laurel E 80,163 4.88% 84,071
Barcelona, Lilybell O 80,163 4.88% 84,071
Appendix B
Copy of NUEA Proposal 7-28-21 Page 11 of 32
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Dunn, Brian P 91,089 4.87% 95,521
Hirst, Rebecca 91,089 4.87% 95,521
King, Wright J 91,089 4.87% 95,521
Rusnak, Kathryn A 91,089 4.87% 95,521
Blitek, Kimberly L 91,089 4.87% 95,521
Wainwright, Matthew J 91,089 4.87% 95,521
Teeling, Pamela M 91,089 4.87% 95,521
Nierman, Brian E 91,089 4.87% 95,521
Derybowski, Victoria L 91,089 4.87% 95,521
Bruehl, Rebecca J 72,428 4.86% 75,950
Moynihan, Michelle C 72,428 4.86% 75,950
Westberg, Erica A 72,428 4.86% 75,950
Wunderlich, Alyssa C 72,428 4.86% 75,950
Colson, Christopher J 72,497 4.86% 76,022
Paul, Rebecca K 53,872 4.85% 56,486
Talac, Christopher M 53,872 4.85% 56,486
Baig, Yusra F 53,872 4.85% 56,486
Benedyk-Fuglsang, Kathleen
53,872 4.85% 56,486
Henry, Heidi A 53,872 4.85% 56,486
Liskey, Nicole E 53,872 4.85% 56,486
Yu, Jennifer 53,872 4.85% 56,486
Wenkel, Lauren E 53,872 4.85% 56,486
Langosch, Keith A 75,549 4.85% 79,215
Wick, Rachel A 75,549 4.85% 79,215
Schreiner, Stephanie A 75,554 4.85% 79,215
Bosley, Meghan L 75,554 4.85% 79,215
Morrissey, Kevin F 75,554 4.85% 79,215
McNamara, Elise 75,554 4.85% 79,215
Schmidt, Jennifer L 75,554 4.85% 79,215
Labriola, Lauren M 75,554 4.85% 79,215
Comer, Julie A 75,554 4.85% 79,215
Heilicser, Cheryl M 75,554 4.85% 79,215
Roberts, Vicki A 76,045 4.83% 79,721
Kime, Julia M 76,045 4.83% 79,721
Padilla, Emily 76,045 4.83% 79,721
Burns, Patrick J 76,045 4.83% 79,721
Cirone, Daniela 76,045 4.83% 79,721
Rauen, Sean M 76,045 4.83% 79,721
Hobday, Lisa E 76,045 4.83% 79,721
Marshall, Jennifer A 76,045 4.83% 79,721
Carius, Brent M 76,045 4.83% 79,721
LaPerna, Joanna M 76,045 4.83% 79,721
Hey, Sheri A 76,045 4.83% 79,721
Zieman, Kristine E 76,045 4.83% 79,721
Indelli, Christine M 76,045 4.83% 79,721
Appendix B
Copy of NUEA Proposal 7-28-21 Page 12 of 32
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Pittman, David D 76,045 4.83% 79,721
Shears, Cody L 76,045 4.83% 79,721
Sprovieri, Alyssa 81,652 4.82% 85,591
Harris, Molly 81,652 4.82% 85,591
Dexter, Gretchen M 81,652 4.82% 85,591
Nameche, Mary L 81,652 4.82% 85,591
Cibils, Lynn M 92,577 4.82% 97,042
Cortes-Markle, Leslie N 92,577 4.82% 97,042
Pagano, Nichole B 92,577 4.82% 97,042
Serbinski, Michael J 92,577 4.82% 97,042
Specht, Anne S 92,577 4.82% 97,042
Ryan, Jason A 92,577 4.82% 97,042
Phillips-O'Neill, Corey S 92,577 4.82% 97,042
Conte-Russian, Leslie A 92,577 4.82% 97,042
Ganesan, Melody E 92,577 4.82% 97,042
Koretke, Sharon C 81,865 4.82% 85,809
Cardenas, Lisa M 81,865 4.82% 85,809
Lullo, James R 81,865 4.82% 85,809
Frendewey, Brad J 81,865 4.82% 85,809
Sanoshy, Thomas J 81,865 4.82% 85,809
Bergantino, Angela 81,865 4.82% 85,809
Micensky, Kathryn E 81,865 4.82% 85,809
West, Olga L 81,865 4.82% 85,809
Vanecek, Robert L 81,865 4.82% 85,809
Beck, Brittany C 81,865 4.82% 85,809
Howe, Renee M 81,865 4.82% 85,809
Stines, Melissa A 81,865 4.82% 85,809
Donohue, Patrick M 81,865 4.82% 85,809
Delgado, Michele 82,292 4.80% 86,246
Groves, Julietta J 82,292 4.80% 86,246
Pace, Melanie K 82,292 4.80% 86,246
Pantol, Karin M 82,292 4.80% 86,246
Pellegrini, Kimberly A 82,292 4.80% 86,246
Simon, Andrew R 82,292 4.80% 86,246
Skopec, Elizabeth C 82,292 4.80% 86,246
Loos, Courtney W 82,292 4.80% 86,246
Neubauer, Bradley J 82,292 4.80% 86,246
Johnson, Ashley A 82,292 4.80% 86,246
Leonard, Meredith J 82,292 4.80% 86,246
Billish, Renee L 93,500 4.80% 97,986
Stevens, Nicole L 93,500 4.80% 97,986
Graefen, Robin 93,500 4.80% 97,986
Staub, Lisa J 93,500 4.80% 97,986
Lehman, Hilary K 93,500 4.80% 97,986
Colbert, Matthew J 93,500 4.80% 97,986
Appendix B
Copy of NUEA Proposal 7-28-21 Page 13 of 32
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Cundiff, Jesse C 93,500 4.80% 97,986
Nolan, Gene A 93,500 4.80% 97,986
Buchanan, Caressa L 74,343 4.80% 77,908
Holba, Andrea L 74,413 4.79% 77,977
Miles, Shanta C 74,413 4.79% 77,977
Gohla, Alexandria A 74,413 4.79% 77,977
Turner, Sydney S 74,413 4.79% 77,977
Fors, Katie E 94,135 4.78% 98,639
Rosner, Jill M 94,135 4.78% 98,639
Barboza, Michelle 94,135 4.78% 98,639
Klein, Stephanie M 94,135 4.78% 98,639
Kedziora, Kimberly M 77,539 4.78% 81,243
Sterrett, Jane 77,539 4.78% 81,243
Nikkel, Joseph V 77,539 4.78% 81,243
Walter, Abby E 77,539 4.78% 81,243
Aukers, Jennifer L 77,539 4.78% 81,243
Arthurs, Christopher L 77,539 4.78% 81,243
Ryan, Rachel M 77,539 4.78% 81,243
Schaberger, Jenna R 77,539 4.78% 81,243
Helbig, Claire K 77,539 4.78% 81,243
Maita, Jennifer A 77,539 4.78% 81,243
Oeffling, Amy E 77,539 4.78% 81,243
McLeod, Joshua T 77,539 4.78% 81,243
Cravatta, Ashlee N 77,539 4.78% 81,243
Schweinberg, Michael G 77,539 4.78% 81,243
Waller, Katharine V 77,539 4.78% 81,243
Duffy, Patrick M 77,539 4.78% 81,243
McKenney, Rachael L 77,539 4.78% 81,243
Frye, Russell M 77,539 4.78% 81,243
Mazzaferro, Kristina M 83,498 4.77% 87,477
Gates, Alyssa K 83,498 4.77% 87,477
Jurkiw, Stephanie L 83,498 4.77% 87,477
Gabrielli, Georganne F 83,498 4.77% 87,477
Reicher, Melanie S 83,498 4.77% 87,477
Benters, Lauren V 83,498 4.77% 87,477
Kearney, Kaitlin K 83,498 4.77% 87,477
Dugger, Katherine A 83,498 4.77% 87,477
Shaw, Miranda A 78,244 4.76% 81,969
Pontow, Tiffanie H 78,244 4.76% 81,969
Hendrick, Brendan D 78,244 4.76% 81,969
Smith, Jennifer L 83,780 4.76% 87,766
Volpe, Ashley N 83,780 4.76% 87,766
Holman, Leah D 83,780 4.76% 87,766
Torne, Jaime C 83,780 4.76% 87,766
Highland, Cristina 83,780 4.76% 87,766
Appendix B
Copy of NUEA Proposal 7-28-21 Page 14 of 32
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Cotrano, Amber L 94,988 4.76% 99,505
Khan, Noor F 94,988 4.76% 99,505
Baumgartner, Andria R 94,988 4.76% 99,505
Heiden, Rebecca L 94,988 4.76% 99,505
Kurtz, Jamie L 78,249 4.75% 81,969
Kiszkowski, Lindsay A 78,249 4.75% 81,969
Shah, Brittanie M 78,249 4.75% 81,969
Conant, Elizabeth A 83,993 4.75% 87,985
Koenes, Ashlee N 83,993 4.75% 87,985
Blaskovitz, Jennifer A 83,993 4.75% 87,985
Zedrow, Patrick J 83,993 4.75% 87,985
Arndt, Jeffrey M 83,993 4.75% 87,985
Estes, Brandon 83,993 4.75% 87,985
Phillips, Tracy L 83,993 4.75% 87,985
Bornancin, Nathan A 83,993 4.75% 87,985
Janssen, Nicholas P 83,993 4.75% 87,985
Lundquist, Paige C 83,993 4.75% 87,985
Walters-Beach, Victoria A 83,993 4.75% 87,985
O'Leary, Kari A 83,993 4.75% 87,985
Seal, Karen L 83,993 4.75% 87,985
Herrera, Annette 83,993 4.75% 87,985
Chisausky, Gwendolyn E 83,993 4.75% 87,985
Todnem, Sarah N 83,993 4.75% 87,985
Ghiotto, Christina A 50,509 4.75% 52,909
Baldwin, Barry S 116,338 4.88% 122,019
Doman, Michael L 116,338 4.88% 122,019
Fertel, Traci M 116,338 4.88% 122,019
Hantak, Ryan J 116,338 4.88% 122,019
Horner, Brian G 116,338 4.88% 122,019
Kedziora, Jerry 116,338 4.88% 122,019
Kiefer, Margaret M 116,338 4.88% 122,019
McManis, Michael P 116,338 4.88% 122,019
Muehsler, Hans E 116,338 4.88% 122,019
Smith, Katherine R 116,338 4.88% 122,019
Stanley, Nadine N 116,338 4.88% 122,019
Yanke, Elizabeth L 116,338 4.88% 122,019
Andrade, Catherine O 116,338 4.88% 122,019
Kraftson, Anna E 116,338 4.88% 122,019
Johnson, Theresa B 116,338 4.88% 122,019
Borjas, Veronica 116,338 4.88% 122,019
Wilson, Ritu 84,421 4.74% 88,420
Ulreich, Michael 84,421 4.74% 88,420
Hall, Ryan L 84,421 4.74% 88,420
Casey, Edward J 84,421 4.74% 88,420
Klenner, Jamie A 84,421 4.74% 88,420
Appendix B
Copy of NUEA Proposal 7-28-21 Page 15 of 32
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Wood, Kyle J 84,421 4.74% 88,420
Striedl, Sue J 84,421 4.74% 88,420
Aguilar, Jesus M 84,421 4.74% 88,420
Volkening, Jo 84,421 4.74% 88,420
Jardine, Sonja M 84,421 4.74% 88,420
Munoz-Swaninger, Yenny 84,421 4.74% 88,420
Accardo, Jill R 84,421 4.74% 88,420
Yborra, Jessica A 84,421 4.74% 88,420
Mancuso, Rebecca L 95,912 4.73% 100,449
Widbin, Lisa A 95,912 4.73% 100,449
Kay, Janet L 95,912 4.73% 100,449
Morris, Debra S 95,912 4.73% 100,449
Albiniak, Sarah 95,912 4.73% 100,449
Young, Lisa A 95,912 4.73% 100,449
Romano, Claudia K 95,912 4.73% 100,449
Moore, Stephanie K 95,912 4.73% 100,449
Barr, Katherine M 96,552 4.71% 101,103
Todd, Amy L 96,552 4.71% 101,103
Hernandez, Monica M 96,552 4.71% 101,103
Oczki, Mary E 96,552 4.71% 101,103
Donahue, Nicole D 79,524 4.71% 83,270
Bratland, Mary P 79,524 4.71% 83,270
Arnold, Stephanie A 79,524 4.71% 83,270
Allison, Patricia 96,834 4.71% 101,391
Cunningham, Stacy J 96,834 4.71% 101,391
Richardson, Kristin N 96,834 4.71% 101,391
Vitale, Stephanie L 96,834 4.71% 101,391
Martin, Lee M 96,834 4.71% 101,391
Katsma, Ross W 96,834 4.71% 101,391
Pyzik, Amanda E 96,834 4.71% 101,391
Weinstein, Kate 85,626 4.70% 89,651
Glazik, Elizabeth A 85,626 4.70% 89,651
Gonzalez, Humberto 85,626 4.70% 89,651
Harper, Shannon M 85,626 4.70% 89,651
Giglio, Amanda L 85,626 4.70% 89,651
Hartwig, Jennifer S 85,626 4.70% 89,651
Malatia, Dawn M 85,626 4.70% 89,651
Mitev, Lisa B 85,626 4.70% 89,651
Smith, Shana L 85,909 4.69% 89,941
Kaisling, Kelly M 85,909 4.69% 89,941
Nix, Claudia G 85,909 4.69% 89,941
Schmitt, Emily B 85,909 4.69% 89,941
Hetrick, Jennifer L 85,909 4.69% 89,941
Clarke, Jennifer D 97,399 4.69% 101,969
Murray, Kevin M 97,399 4.69% 101,969
Appendix B
Copy of NUEA Proposal 7-28-21 Page 16 of 32
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Theisen, Melissa 97,399 4.69% 101,969
Wiencek, Lisa F 97,399 4.69% 101,969
O'Shea, Marc E 97,399 4.69% 101,969
Yanke, Jeffrey J 97,399 4.69% 101,969
Zamora, Beth 97,399 4.69% 101,969
Gordon, Kevin S 97,399 4.69% 101,969
Smirnov, Maya 97,399 4.69% 101,969
Almaraz, Yvette 97,399 4.69% 101,969
Stack, Steven J 80,234 4.69% 83,995
Johnson, Leah R 80,234 4.69% 83,995
Witt, Jennifer L 80,234 4.69% 83,995
Greenspan, Rachel E 80,234 4.69% 83,995
Chorney, Melissa B 80,234 4.69% 83,995
Oswald, Sydney M 80,234 4.69% 83,995
Clifford, Ryan T 86,191 4.68% 90,229
Bentel, Christina I 86,191 4.68% 90,229
Chenelle, Julia 86,191 4.68% 90,229
Williams, Sean A 86,191 4.68% 90,229
Markwell, Kelley A 86,191 4.68% 90,229
Irwin, Michelle M 51,789 4.67% 54,210
Wantland, Jacob M 51,789 4.67% 54,210
Waterman, Lisa E 51,789 4.67% 54,210
Amundsen, Karen M 86,549 4.67% 90,589
Goldstein, Dan J 86,549 4.67% 90,589
Havenaar, Nancy J 86,549 4.67% 90,589
Tomei, Melissa C 86,549 4.67% 90,589
Stokes, Karen L 86,549 4.67% 90,589
Duddy, Dianna F 86,549 4.67% 90,589
Albiniak, Michael J 98,323 4.67% 102,912
Wu, Ronnie 98,323 4.67% 102,912
Kinsella, Kelly A 98,323 4.67% 102,912
Kozlik, Ashley J 98,323 4.67% 102,912
Phelan, Howard V 98,323 4.67% 102,912
Schramer, Michelle L 98,323 4.67% 102,912
Goff, Donna R 98,323 4.67% 102,912
Wilko, Amber D 98,323 4.67% 102,912
Rattary, Valerie I 98,323 4.67% 102,912
Freeding, Erin L 98,323 4.67% 102,912
Schwartz, Erin M 52,210 4.66% 54,645
Noffke, John 81,508 4.66% 85,303
Becvar, Paul R 81,508 4.66% 85,303
Bartman, Amanda T 81,508 4.66% 85,303
Gottlieb, Catherine J 81,508 4.66% 85,303
Olenek, Colleen J 81,508 4.66% 85,303
Heinz, Jacquelyn B 81,508 4.66% 85,303
Appendix B
Copy of NUEA Proposal 7-28-21 Page 17 of 32
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Hastings, Amy M 98,963 4.65% 103,566
Maschman, Aaron D 98,963 4.65% 103,566
Dunlap, Kari W 98,963 4.65% 103,566
Atiq, Jihan 99,245 4.64% 103,854
Miller, Christine A 99,245 4.64% 103,854
Denius, Lisha B 99,245 4.64% 103,854
Pearson, Michael D 99,245 4.64% 103,854
Stemm, Kimberly C 87,754 4.64% 91,826
Dempster, Allison R 87,754 4.64% 91,826
Zimmermann, Geoffrey B 87,754 4.64% 91,826
Positano, Michael L 87,754 4.64% 91,826
Valkanos, Christa A 87,754 4.64% 91,826
Ross, Lisa R 87,754 4.64% 91,826
Kimberley, Laura M 82,217 4.63% 86,027
Larson, Janell M 82,217 4.63% 86,027
Carlson, Timothy R 82,217 4.63% 86,027
Cantu, Joey 88,038 4.63% 92,114
Ramos, Vanessa A 88,038 4.63% 92,114
Rowzee, Mark V 88,038 4.63% 92,114
Madzinski, Michael E 88,038 4.63% 92,114
Brodeur, Rachel A 88,038 4.63% 92,114
Wehrli, Sharon 88,038 4.63% 92,114
Barker, Jacquelyn 88,038 4.63% 92,114
Porter, Dena L 88,038 4.63% 92,114
Hadad, Jorge 88,038 4.63% 92,114
Galaria, Azima H 88,038 4.63% 92,114
Eberly, Stacy L 88,038 4.63% 92,114
Sayler, Jessica M 55,619 4.63% 58,195
Correa, Elizabeth 55,619 4.63% 58,195
Bora, Katherine E 55,619 4.63% 58,195
Gardner, Stacie N 55,619 4.63% 58,195
Borgetti, Cayla M 55,619 4.63% 58,195
McKissic, Caryn M 55,619 4.63% 58,195
Zurales, Angela C 55,619 4.63% 58,195
Schindler, Teresa L 55,619 4.63% 58,195
Peters, Courtney G 88,175 4.63% 92,257
Verdier, Brenna R 88,175 4.63% 92,257
Benages, Kevin A 88,175 4.63% 92,257
Alltop, Jessica 88,175 4.63% 92,257
Majchrowski, Jason M 88,175 4.63% 92,257
Quinn, Anna T 88,175 4.63% 92,257
Smith, Ryan L 88,175 4.63% 92,257
Zamora, Veronica 88,175 4.63% 92,257
Colletti, Erin M 88,175 4.63% 92,257
Pate, Heather M 88,175 4.63% 92,257
Appendix B
Copy of NUEA Proposal 7-28-21 Page 18 of 32
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Sheridan, Nancy 82,217 4.63% 86,022
Kowalkowski, Kristen L 82,217 4.63% 86,022
Ortmann, Bridget P 82,217 4.63% 86,022
Glowacki, Jennifer A 82,217 4.63% 86,022
Ditch, Gregory D 82,217 4.63% 86,022
Malik, Sarah E 88,320 4.63% 92,405
Becker, Karen M 88,320 4.63% 92,405
Johns, Ashley R 88,320 4.63% 92,405
Knott, Julie A 106,623 4.76% 111,699
Cuny, Jamie C 53,063 4.62% 55,514
Nalefski, Kevin E 53,063 4.62% 55,514
Clark, Jodi A 53,063 4.62% 55,514
Gallagher, Kara K 100,734 4.61% 105,376
Zeller, Elaine P 100,734 4.61% 105,376
Ebervein, Beth K 100,734 4.61% 105,376
Sayles, Lauren C 53,489 4.60% 55,949
Carlson, Keith R 101,374 4.59% 106,030
Epstein, Nikole M 101,374 4.59% 106,030
Ceresa, Andaree C 101,374 4.59% 106,030
Meyers, Sarah K 101,374 4.59% 106,030
Gatenby, Griffin R 101,656 4.59% 106,317
Plackett, Jeffrey T 101,656 4.59% 106,317
Silder, Scott M 101,656 4.59% 106,317
Terada, Brent M 101,656 4.59% 106,317
Gamez, Annamaria 101,656 4.59% 106,317
Johnson, Jennifer M 101,656 4.59% 106,317
Grezlik, Sharyl E 101,656 4.59% 106,317
Bock, Lindsey M 101,727 4.58% 106,389
Danbom, Jeff 101,727 4.58% 106,389
DeBora, Ryan J 101,727 4.58% 106,389
Dill, Marcellina A 101,727 4.58% 106,389
Miller, April 101,727 4.58% 106,389
Gorey, James M 101,727 4.58% 106,389
Gray, Alison L 101,727 4.58% 106,389
Gebbie, Lisa M 101,727 4.58% 106,389
Jarvis, Michael D 101,727 4.58% 106,389
LaFleur, Mari Anne 101,727 4.58% 106,389
Shin, Alison S 101,727 4.58% 106,389
Michael, Janna L 101,727 4.58% 106,389
Sullivan, Stephanie 101,727 4.58% 106,389
Morenus, Theresa 101,727 4.58% 106,389
O'Dowd, Brian T 101,727 4.58% 106,389
O'Malley, Stephen C 101,727 4.58% 106,389
McCann, Erika 101,727 4.58% 106,389
Urban, Jennifer L 101,727 4.58% 106,389
Appendix B
Copy of NUEA Proposal 7-28-21 Page 19 of 32
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Eclavea, Sarah A 101,727 4.58% 106,389
Smith, Linda W 101,727 4.58% 106,389
Stumpenhorst, Joshua D 101,727 4.58% 106,389
Chesters, Katherine R 101,727 4.58% 106,389
Reid, Jason T 101,727 4.58% 106,389
Vivian, Susan J 101,727 4.58% 106,389
Chiu, Piling E 101,727 4.58% 106,389
Dahlstrom, Brian D 101,727 4.58% 106,389
Brown, Steven J 56,963 4.58% 59,574
Skrbec, Caitlin R 56,963 4.58% 59,574
Siambekos, Rebecca M 56,963 4.58% 59,574
Vollstedt, Taylor R 56,963 4.58% 59,574
Henaghan, Kaitlyn M 56,963 4.58% 59,574
Olsen, Morgan E 56,963 4.58% 59,574
Fiedler, Emily M 56,963 4.58% 59,574
Canty, Araceli 56,963 4.58% 59,574
Dahn, Eric 89,883 4.58% 93,997
Barrett, Andrea R 89,883 4.58% 93,997
Goletz, Steven 89,883 4.58% 93,997
Buttera, Kari A 89,883 4.58% 93,997
Nolten, Jennifer E 84,202 4.57% 88,054
Murray, Molly R 84,202 4.57% 88,054
Wilkerson, Mary E 90,305 4.57% 94,432
Mitchell, Kyle 90,305 4.57% 94,432
Hopkins, Megan E 90,305 4.57% 94,432
Zwickert, Letitia M 90,305 4.57% 94,432
Bradley, Charles H 90,305 4.57% 94,432
Berg, Joanna M 90,305 4.57% 94,432
Mrozinski, Debrah H 90,305 4.57% 94,432
Stevenson, Lindsey S 90,305 4.57% 94,432
Vargas, Misael 90,305 4.57% 94,432
Arseneau, Allison P 90,305 4.57% 94,432
Morrow, Alexandra J 84,206 4.57% 88,054
Pardungkiattisak, Tanya 84,206 4.57% 88,054
Veronico, Lisa M 84,206 4.57% 88,054
LaPorte, Brian P 84,206 4.57% 88,054
Georgacopoulos, Angelo L 84,206 4.57% 88,054
Bran, Cynthia 84,206 4.57% 88,054
Graske, Sarah L 84,206 4.57% 88,054
Boesso, Kiersten L 54,339 4.57% 56,821
Weis, Mallory A 54,339 4.57% 56,821
Filer, Christine L 54,339 4.57% 56,821
Horan, Matthew 90,449 4.57% 94,579
Sabo, Robert A 90,449 4.57% 94,579
Poro, Gerald M 90,449 4.57% 94,579
Appendix B
Copy of NUEA Proposal 7-28-21 Page 20 of 32
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Rubo, Justin R 57,321 4.56% 59,932
Stock, Sarah C 57,321 4.56% 59,932
Carrico, Shannon C 57,321 4.56% 59,932
Lombardo, Marissa C 57,321 4.56% 59,932
Schreiner, Mei-lin E 54,765 4.54% 57,252
Kinn, Terrence P 104,067 4.53% 108,781
Pignatelli, Jamie D 104,067 4.53% 108,781
Platt, Robert D 104,067 4.53% 108,781
Weigand, Jennifer M 104,067 4.53% 108,781
Anderson, Kristen C 104,067 4.53% 108,781
Loehmann, Laura L 104,067 4.53% 108,781
Hafer, Megan 104,067 4.53% 108,781
Ameri, Charity A 104,138 4.53% 108,853
Lafferty, Crystal L 104,138 4.53% 108,853
Kane, Christen 104,138 4.53% 108,853
Mueller, Tricia L 104,138 4.53% 108,853
Ewanic, Lauren A 104,138 4.53% 108,853
Nikkel, Breanne M 104,138 4.53% 108,853
Falk, Joshua R 104,138 4.53% 108,853
Kennel, Betty J 104,138 4.53% 108,853
Korntheuer, Stephanie S 104,138 4.53% 108,853
Pitts, Michelle E 104,138 4.53% 108,853
Liszka, David J 104,138 4.53% 108,853
Rizzo, Jannette K 104,138 4.53% 108,853
Contois, Amy R 104,138 4.53% 108,853
Rzepka, Nicole M 104,138 4.53% 108,853
Guimon-Warren, Maura E 104,138 4.53% 108,853
Bentley, Jeromy T 104,138 4.53% 108,853
LeRoy, Erin P 104,138 4.53% 108,853
Krenek, Kathleen J 104,138 4.53% 108,853
Konrad, Natasha D 104,138 4.53% 108,853
Girard, Erika L 104,138 4.53% 108,853
Cremins, Connie A 104,138 4.53% 108,853
Campbell, Kristine L 104,138 4.53% 108,853
Blanco, Colleen M 104,138 4.53% 108,853
DeAngelis, Kathryn 104,138 4.53% 108,853
Geraghty, Katherine 92,008 4.52% 96,170
Silvestri, Anthony 92,008 4.52% 96,170
Ashton, Cary D 92,008 4.52% 96,170
Searcy, Kathryn J 92,008 4.52% 96,170
Park, Susan M 92,008 4.52% 96,170
Folley, Corie E 92,008 4.52% 96,170
Mitchell, Meredith A 92,434 4.51% 96,606
Wilson, Michael T 92,434 4.51% 96,606
Adams, Kyle 92,434 4.51% 96,606
Appendix B
Copy of NUEA Proposal 7-28-21 Page 21 of 32
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Crannell, Cara 92,434 4.51% 96,606
Robbins, Suzanna S 92,434 4.51% 96,606
Schmit, Geoffrey C 92,434 4.51% 96,606
Franta, Jennie F 92,434 4.51% 96,606
Okarma, Jennifer L 92,434 4.51% 96,606
Bert, Amanda E 92,434 4.51% 96,606
Vinton, Stephanie M 92,434 4.51% 96,606
Szopinski, Samantha J 92,434 4.51% 96,606
Guerrero, Maribel 92,434 4.51% 96,606
Meehan-Browning, Erin E 92,434 4.51% 96,606
Stumpf, Catherine A 92,434 4.51% 96,606
Barrick, Sara L 92,434 4.51% 96,606
Seyring, Erin O 86,191 4.51% 90,081
Gallagher, Stephanie A 86,191 4.51% 90,081
Dawson, Lauren K 86,191 4.51% 90,081
Colletti, Anthony N 86,191 4.51% 90,081
Folsom, Nicole C 86,191 4.51% 90,081
Glasby, Colleen M 58,664 4.51% 61,312
Miller, Mary Z 58,664 4.51% 61,312
McIntosh, Justin D 58,664 4.51% 61,312
Watson, Barbara J 92,577 4.51% 96,753
Sanford, Tobey 92,577 4.51% 96,753
Schild, Heather L 92,577 4.51% 96,753
Gafrick, Fred S 92,577 4.51% 96,753
Louis, Jennifer A 92,577 4.51% 96,753
Liace, Margaret K 92,577 4.51% 96,753
Saar, Kristy L 92,577 4.51% 96,753
Dreisbach, Kimberly R 92,577 4.51% 96,753
Jessen, Karl A 56,040 4.50% 58,560
Lugiai, Robert S 56,040 4.50% 58,560
Smid, Alexander J 56,040 4.50% 58,560
Zehnal, Madeline R 56,040 4.50% 58,560
Malzone, Alyssa A 56,040 4.50% 58,560
Keuer, Leslie A 106,549 4.47% 111,316
Barth, Amy M 106,549 4.47% 111,316
Trowbridge, Kathryn S 106,549 4.47% 111,316
Brown, Timothy P 106,549 4.47% 111,316
Diorio, Rebecca L 106,549 4.47% 111,316
Groom, Renae D 106,549 4.47% 111,316
Meluch, Darla K 106,549 4.47% 111,316
Plackett, Megan A 106,549 4.47% 111,316
Lukawski, Kimberly 106,549 4.47% 111,316
Toczylowski, Sandy 106,549 4.47% 111,316
Gilbert, Sara M 106,549 4.47% 111,316
Vandenbergh, Elida J 106,549 4.47% 111,316
Appendix B
Copy of NUEA Proposal 7-28-21 Page 22 of 32
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Shambo, Ryan T 106,549 4.47% 111,316
Talaga, Kelly J 106,549 4.47% 111,316
Danbom, Deborah 106,549 4.47% 111,316
Manganello, Karyn E 106,549 4.47% 111,316
Warren, Maria A 106,549 4.47% 111,316
Biskup, Jamie L 106,549 4.47% 111,316
Damery, Brian K 106,549 4.47% 111,316
Spragg, Mary F 106,549 4.47% 111,316
O'Brien-Wolf, Jamie L 106,549 4.47% 111,316
Florence, Mark A 106,549 4.47% 111,316
Hervey, Jennifer M 106,549 4.47% 111,316
Velazquez, Gabriela D 106,549 4.47% 111,316
Casey, Candace F 94,562 4.46% 98,780
Richardson, Kristen A 94,562 4.46% 98,780
Howley, Gina A 94,562 4.46% 98,780
Chiappetta, James 94,562 4.46% 98,780
Newcomb, Sara 94,562 4.46% 98,780
Griffith, Crystal L 94,562 4.46% 98,780
Liszka, Emily A 94,562 4.46% 98,780
Lago, Nicholas 94,562 4.46% 98,780
Leo, Caitlin A 94,562 4.46% 98,780
Murphy, Andrea M 94,562 4.46% 98,780
Girup, Kyle J 94,562 4.46% 98,780
Oskroba, Melissa K 94,562 4.46% 98,780
Arnold, Lisette M 94,562 4.46% 98,780
Shammas, Noor Z 94,562 4.46% 98,780
Lulic, McKenna R 94,562 4.46% 98,780
Miller, Derek J 94,562 4.46% 98,780
Barbino, Eleanor 94,705 4.46% 98,928
Warriner, Christine D 94,705 4.46% 98,928
Martin, Leann D 94,705 4.46% 98,928
Mitchell, Amy A 94,705 4.46% 98,928
McGroarty, Kelly K 94,705 4.46% 98,928
Sjordal, Lisa S 94,705 4.46% 98,928
Degraff, Tricia M 96,690 4.41% 100,954
Aspan, Stephanie A 96,690 4.41% 100,954
Gebbie, Thomas J 96,690 4.41% 100,954
Kaisling, Eric R 96,690 4.41% 100,954
Konrad, Michelle E 96,690 4.41% 100,954
Figi, Nicole M 96,690 4.41% 100,954
McManis, Melisa 96,690 4.41% 100,954
Ramsay, Anne 96,690 4.41% 100,954
Smith, Debra L 96,690 4.41% 100,954
Widlacki, Ann M 96,690 4.41% 100,954
Pan, Yvonne Y 96,690 4.41% 100,954
Appendix B
Copy of NUEA Proposal 7-28-21 Page 23 of 32
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Berkley, Ross P 96,690 4.41% 100,954
Getting, Creighton L 96,690 4.41% 100,954
Thomson, Tracy S 96,690 4.41% 100,954
Heslinga, Heidi L 96,690 4.41% 100,954
Reitz, Hazel E 96,690 4.41% 100,954
Walsh, Katrina E 96,690 4.41% 100,954
Martinez, Jeanette E 96,690 4.41% 100,954
Bennett, Linda 96,690 4.41% 100,954
Rayborn, Lauren M 96,690 4.41% 100,954
John, Jessica L 96,690 4.41% 100,954
Volling, Sandra E 96,690 4.41% 100,954
Park, Janet S 96,690 4.41% 100,954
Boyens, Kathryn M 96,690 4.41% 100,954
Suman, Meghan O 96,690 4.41% 100,954
Nave Stawasz, Rosemary L 96,690 4.41% 100,954
Pusateri, Kathleen M 49,616 3.92% 51,559
Donahue, Emma M 49,616 3.92% 51,559
Kinder, Alexandria E 49,616 3.92% 51,559
Dille, Nathanael J 49,616 3.92% 51,559
Ciesla, Rebecca C 49,616 3.92% 51,559
Herron, Samantha L 49,616 3.92% 51,559
Maveus, Tyler J 49,616 3.92% 51,559
Croci, Lucas M 49,616 3.92% 51,559
Nunez, Yazmin 49,616 3.92% 51,559
Betthauser, Jennifer C 49,616 3.92% 51,559
Schaefer, Maria L 49,616 3.92% 51,559
Hernandez, Naneth 49,616 3.92% 51,559
Rohl, Nicholas R 49,616 3.92% 51,559
Rutkowski, Kayla M 49,616 3.92% 51,559
Estvander, Alyssa M 49,616 3.92% 51,559
Dolph, Margaret C 49,616 3.92% 51,559
Funk, Stacey E 49,616 3.92% 51,559
Rogalski, Cameron M 49,616 3.92% 51,559
Der, Tara C 49,616 3.92% 51,559
Nudera, Catherine E 49,616 3.92% 51,559
Wittstock, Kimberly J 49,616 3.92% 51,559
Hill, Rachel A 49,616 3.92% 51,559
Medlock, Elijah P 49,616 3.92% 51,559
Roth, Luke W 50,468 3.88% 52,427
Caldwell, Kelsey N 50,468 3.88% 52,427
Burns, Liza P 50,468 3.88% 52,427
Arnot, Sandra N 50,468 3.88% 52,427
Monyek, Haleigh K 50,468 3.88% 52,427
Doran, Liam J 50,468 3.88% 52,427
Morrison, Alexis K 50,468 3.88% 52,427
Appendix B
Copy of NUEA Proposal 7-28-21 Page 24 of 32
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Kolbe, Jacob S 50,468 3.88% 52,427
McCauley, Stephanie A 50,468 3.88% 52,427
Wisinski, Courtney S 50,468 3.88% 52,427
Moss, Nolan H 50,468 3.88% 52,427
Zoephel, Brenna E 50,468 3.88% 52,427
McGuire, Christina M 50,468 3.88% 52,427
Borre, Richard J 50,468 3.88% 52,427
McNamara, Kelly M 50,468 3.88% 52,427
Ross, Rodney E 50,468 3.88% 52,427
Pilmer, Matthew F 50,468 3.88% 52,427
Eriksen, Anna J 50,468 3.88% 52,427
Bhatia, Shraya A 50,468 3.88% 52,427
Chmielewski, Hanna R 50,468 3.88% 52,427
McNeill, Trista J 50,468 3.88% 52,427
Kirk, Brett E 51,318 3.86% 53,299
Jensen, Andrew J 51,318 3.86% 53,299
Klimczak, Caila L 51,318 3.86% 53,299
Fansler, Lindsey N 51,318 3.86% 53,299
Kielminski, Katie D 51,318 3.86% 53,299
Brodette, Elizabeth J 51,318 3.86% 53,299
Brown, Alexis N 51,318 3.86% 53,299
Fabbri, Allison P 51,318 3.86% 53,299
Willis, Kendall J 51,318 3.86% 53,299
Dumler, Sarah E 51,318 3.86% 53,299
Zeeb, Abigail L 51,318 3.86% 53,299
Dunlap, Remi E 51,318 3.86% 53,299
Cosgrove, Megan M 51,318 3.86% 53,299
Stanford, Kelli C 51,318 3.86% 53,299
Forrest, Megan M 51,318 3.86% 53,299
Stevens, Casandra M 51,318 3.86% 53,299
Laxton, Joan M 51,318 3.86% 53,299
Taamallah, Nisrine E 51,318 3.86% 53,299
Cooper, Megan J 51,318 3.86% 53,299
Miller, Jeffrey W 52,171 3.82% 54,164
McMahon, Ashley R 52,171 3.82% 54,164
Hoffmann, Jennifer A 52,171 3.82% 54,164
Witort, Teresa J 52,171 3.82% 54,164
Gargano, Alexandra N 52,171 3.82% 54,164
White, Colin T 52,171 3.82% 54,164
Carnrike, Amanda M 52,171 3.82% 54,164
Curtis, Hannah N 52,171 3.82% 54,164
MacDuff, Lauren A 52,171 3.82% 54,164
Rusenas, Viktor A 52,171 3.82% 54,164
Gilbert, Amy C 52,171 3.82% 54,164
Cherry, Samantha C 52,171 3.82% 54,164
Appendix B
Copy of NUEA Proposal 7-28-21 Page 25 of 32
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Dwyer, Mya C 52,171 3.82% 54,164
Kwon, Hye Won 52,171 3.82% 54,164
Roy, Madelynn J 52,171 3.82% 54,164
Wilson, Morgan E 52,171 3.82% 54,164
Paulson, Grace C 52,171 3.82% 54,164
Furgason, Kristen F 52,171 3.82% 54,164
Weston, Marie A 52,171 3.82% 54,164
Dugdale, Dylan A 52,171 3.82% 54,164
Stephanides, Nina K 52,171 3.82% 54,164
Krzak, Jennifer E 52,171 3.82% 54,164
Krzak, Eric M 52,171 3.82% 54,164
Lueken, Sara E 103,146 3.95% 107,219
Reich, Jane E 103,146 3.95% 107,219
Stebnicki, Lisa L 103,146 3.95% 107,219
Whildin, Thaddeus M 103,146 3.95% 107,219
Anderson, Stacy J 103,146 3.95% 107,219
Edge, Becky J 103,146 3.95% 107,219
Salerno, Patrice M 53,018 3.81% 55,037
Allen, Samantha A 53,018 3.81% 55,037
Blonn, Kathleen P 53,018 3.81% 55,037
Curry, Macey J 53,018 3.81% 55,037
Kelly, Bridget K 53,018 3.81% 55,037
Huston, Lisa M 53,018 3.81% 55,037
Mildice, Lauren A 53,018 3.81% 55,037
Marshall, Morgan K 53,018 3.81% 55,037
Sneyd, Sara J 53,018 3.81% 55,037
Jones, Nicole E 53,018 3.81% 55,037
Carrillo, Lilliana 53,018 3.81% 55,037
Wood, Michala M 53,018 3.81% 55,037
Cain, Kimberly A 53,018 3.81% 55,037
Cavlovic, Amy K 113,857 3.40% 117,732
Frost, Sandra L 113,857 3.40% 117,732
Gerwig, Matthew R 113,857 3.40% 117,732
Henricksen, Heather L 113,857 3.40% 117,732
Metoyer, Jennifer A 113,857 3.40% 117,732
Atseff, Laura E 113,857 3.40% 117,732
Matas, Janell R 113,857 3.40% 117,732
Mougette, Jessie L 113,857 3.40% 117,732
Robertson, Ann A 113,857 3.40% 117,732
Richards, Tracy K 113,857 3.40% 117,732
Curley, Michael E 72,820 3.21% 75,155
Conner, Phoebe C 72,820 3.21% 75,155
Ma, Anna 72,820 3.21% 75,155
Charvat, Stephanie M 72,820 3.21% 75,155
Ralph, Lauren N 72,820 3.21% 75,155
Appendix B
Copy of NUEA Proposal 7-28-21 Page 26 of 32
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Budzon, Gabrielle A 72,820 3.21% 75,155
Heffernan, Christopher P 111,163 3.32% 114,849
Nesci, Deanna L 111,163 3.32% 114,849
Quaid, Kevin M 111,163 3.32% 114,849
Abbott, Jean M 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Auld, Thomas W 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Bell, Elizabeth A 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Bilardello, John M 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Brady, Lori A 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Brindle, Kristin M 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Buckley, Michael D 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Burke, Jeffrey J 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Cabrera, Karen R 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Cannon-Ruffo, Colleen 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Carroll, David L 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Catalano, Lisa G 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Churchill, Keri L 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Clark, Lorraine M 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Connell, Lisa R 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Dalton, Lisa A 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Davis, David D 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Davis, Karyn 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Dethrow, Matthew W 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Dohm, Tina S 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Dore, Judith A 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Dycus, Jason W 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Ellberg, Michael W 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Eysturlid, Erica J 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Farrell, Kathleen M 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Farrell, Kevin J 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Fedderly, Kathleen R 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Flack, Suzy J 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Gardner, Lisa M 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Galdikas, Sara J 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Gamboa, Ignacio 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Gasser, Kathleen E 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Gedz, Susan G 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Greenfield, Jennie J 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Hannan, Karen S 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Havenaar, Jay J 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Heinson, Denise A 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Henz, Lynn A 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Herrmann, Beth Ann 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Hodonicky, Jennifer L 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Holmberg, Todd A 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Appendix B
Copy of NUEA Proposal 7-28-21 Page 27 of 32
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Horwath, Rebecca A 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Reed, Kristyn M 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Hunt, Robin R 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Iverson, Laura B 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Jansen, Jennifer K 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Johnson, Brian G 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Joyce, Edward A 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Kainrath, Kristen N 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Kane, Timothy T 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Kessler, Brian 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Klein-Collins, John J 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Konrad, Jay C 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Kramer, Peter J 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Labedz, Karen L 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Larucci, Frank V 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Madden, Jennifer S 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Madden, Timothy A 122,019 2.75% 125,375
McGrath, Thomas D 122,019 2.75% 125,375
McNeeley, Pamela L 122,019 2.75% 125,375
McWhirter, Andrew R 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Miller, Scott A 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Miller-Bucholz, Danis D 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Moore, Elizabeth T 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Moreau, Angela S 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Most, Karen L 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Myers, John C 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Nauman, Jean M 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Nekolny, Jennifer 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Nudera, Beth C 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Nudera, Jeffrey A 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Paladino, Cheryl N 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Pankow, Suzanne R 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Peller, Jeffrey J 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Pisarski, Tracey L 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Porter, Robert D 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Racey, David J 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Rader, Lori F 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Reagan, Kristine M 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Rester, Christopher A 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Tilt, Cindy M 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Cummings, Debra S 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Roesler, Mary Jane 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Rogers, Jennifer T 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Curless, Victoria M 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Roucka, Mark P 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Appendix B
Copy of NUEA Proposal 7-28-21 Page 28 of 32
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Salentine, William S 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Sardone, Jennifer L 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Schatz, Kimberly A 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Schoengrund, Kathleen S 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Scott, Allan C 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Seubold, Pamela J 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Skarr, Mark J 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Sladkey, David U 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Smith, Randall S 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Sniadecki, Matthew R 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Sommerville, Janet E 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Sundstrom, Amanda J 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Thompson, Brett A 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Watson, Edgar 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Johnson, Theresa J 122,019 2.75% 125,375
White, Allison K 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Williams, Robert E 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Winiecki, Adam M 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Wisinski, Lisa M 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Wood, Cynthia L 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Wukitsch, Lisa S 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Rampy, Susan K 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Kalat, Angelica L 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Seguino, Katherine M 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Bell, Christine L 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Sniadecki, Patricia A 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Tan Torres, Alma L 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Andrees, Lynn A 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Ortiz, Michael E 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Ryan, Jill 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Leonardo, Katherine P 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Rembrecht, Jennifer A 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Saucedo, Leticia T 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Cruz-Manrique, Diana E 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Newell, Laura 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Anderson, Maura B 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Alonso, Janet L 122,019 2.75% 125,375
Considine, Traci L 114,849 2.75% 118,007
Hegranes, Victoria L 114,849 2.75% 118,007
Iverson, Dan G 114,849 2.75% 118,007
Rivera, Melana A 114,849 2.75% 118,007
Rivera, Irisbelsy 114,849 2.75% 118,007
Robinson, Sheryl L 114,849 2.75% 118,007
Shumate, Dena M 114,849 2.75% 118,007
Arizaga, Sylvia L 114,849 2.75% 118,007
Appendix B
Copy of NUEA Proposal 7-28-21 Page 29 of 32
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Fleck, Amanda C 114,849 2.75% 118,007
Ekis, Christine M 114,849 2.75% 118,007
Benyo, Christopher A 122,228 2.75% 125,589
Giese, Terry E 122,228 2.75% 125,589
Wills, Curtis R 122,228 2.75% 125,589
Crockett, Jeanine M 123,104 2.75% 126,489
Nussbaum, Andrew J 123,104 2.75% 126,489
Schmidt, Jayne A 123,104 2.75% 126,489
Champion, Thomas W 117,732 2.75% 120,970
Chidley, Carin S 117,732 2.75% 120,970
Engler, Tami R 117,732 2.75% 120,970
Hayman, Christine A 117,732 2.75% 120,970
Hoff, Charles J 117,732 2.75% 120,970
Hollander, David L 117,732 2.75% 120,970
Johnson, Timothy A 117,732 2.75% 120,970
Kreiling, Janelle L 117,732 2.75% 120,970
Nicoski, Cheryl A 117,732 2.75% 120,970
Benyo, Jacqueline 117,732 2.75% 120,970
Sacher, Robert E 117,732 2.75% 120,970
Fiduccia, Rose Marie 117,732 2.75% 120,970
Tarson, Susan L 117,732 2.75% 120,970
Mitchler, Deborah L 117,732 2.75% 120,970
Wheeler, Dawn T 117,732 2.75% 120,970
Wilks, Tracy M 117,732 2.75% 120,970
Williams, Tana L 117,732 2.75% 120,970
Denny-Northrup, Rochelle M 117,732 2.75% 120,970
Barry, Kathleen 117,732 2.75% 120,970
Stec, Ann M 117,732 2.75% 120,970
Papafotopoulos, Tiffany 117,732 2.75% 120,970
Day, Christine M 111,699 2.75% 114,771
Hayward, John M 111,699 2.75% 114,771
Madsen, David J 111,699 2.75% 114,771
Matteson, Angela J 111,699 2.75% 114,771
Gamboa, Tracey A 111,699 2.75% 114,771
Reeves, Michelle 111,699 2.75% 114,771
Roy, Christine M 111,699 2.75% 114,771
Stanicek, Christian F 111,699 2.75% 114,771
Sturgeon, Juliann M 111,699 2.75% 114,771
Wright, John O 111,699 2.75% 114,771
Bukusi, Wanjugu W 111,699 2.75% 114,771
Lehmann, Donna 111,699 2.75% 114,771
Bochenski, Michael A 107,219 2.75% 110,168
Fiore, John B 107,219 2.75% 110,168
Howard, Corbett W 107,219 2.75% 110,168
Loan, Jane A 107,219 2.75% 110,168
Appendix B
Copy of NUEA Proposal 7-28-21 Page 30 of 32
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Mulholland, Virginia C 107,219 2.75% 110,168
Olson, Diane M 107,219 2.75% 110,168
Polites, James W 107,219 2.75% 110,168
Reilly, Marybeth 107,219 2.75% 110,168
Tomek-Erdman, Anne Marie 107,219 2.75% 110,168
Warren, Laura L 107,219 2.75% 110,168
McCormick, Rosa X 107,219 2.75% 110,168
Riddle, Jason E 107,219 2.75% 110,168
Atwater, Susan L 55,291 2.16% 56,486
Pradel, Anne M 55,291 2.16% 56,486
Dickerson, Amy M 55,291 2.16% 56,486
Dostal, Laura J 55,291 2.16% 56,486
Jacobucci, Jillian M 55,291 2.16% 56,486
Serchuk, Melisa F 55,291 2.16% 56,486
Mielcarz, Kelly S 55,291 2.16% 56,486
Rivera, Kelly N 55,291 2.16% 56,486
Getzin, Shelby B 55,291 2.16% 56,486
Smith, Joan E 55,291 2.16% 56,486
Brunski, Marti A 55,291 2.16% 56,486
Golz, Hannah C 55,291 2.16% 56,486
Yager, Angela S 55,291 2.16% 56,486
Indelicato, Kelsey M 55,291 2.16% 56,486
Blazek, Adam R 55,291 2.16% 56,486
Splendoria, Suzanne 86,123 2.16% 87,985
Campise, Gino 86,123 2.16% 87,985
Canty, Karen 86,123 2.16% 87,985
Cole, John S 86,123 2.16% 87,985
Duncan, Neil M 86,123 2.16% 87,985
Alberts, Sarah I 86,123 2.16% 87,985
Gresk, Matthew W 86,123 2.16% 87,985
Christenson, Lynette P 86,123 2.16% 87,985
Higgins, Carol M 86,123 2.16% 87,985
Jankowski, Melissa M 86,123 2.16% 87,985
Kirincich, Ann M 86,123 2.16% 87,985
Munro, Denise D 86,123 2.16% 87,985
Oberbeck, Jennifer A 86,123 2.16% 87,985
Pajor, Jacquelyn A 86,123 2.16% 87,985
Hagenbaumer, Kristina J 86,123 2.16% 87,985
Dinon, Lisa M 86,123 2.16% 87,985
Jachim, Kimberly E 86,123 2.16% 87,985
Petrovic, Julie A 86,123 2.16% 87,985
Shaner, Amber C 86,123 2.16% 87,985
Van Harlingen, Jeffrey A 86,123 2.16% 87,985
Eilers, Connie J 86,123 2.16% 87,985
Weigel, John P 86,123 2.16% 87,985
Appendix B
Copy of NUEA Proposal 7-28-21 Page 31 of 32
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Williams, Greta C 86,123 2.16% 87,985
Winborne, Kerry A 86,123 2.16% 87,985
Furbee, Traci C 86,123 2.16% 87,985
Norgaard, Jennifer R 86,123 2.16% 87,985
Reible, Jennifer 86,123 2.16% 87,985
Hanley, Lynne E 86,123 2.16% 87,985
South, Sarah N 86,123 2.16% 87,985
Jacobs, Paulina R 86,123 2.16% 87,985
Valaitis, Emily R 86,123 2.16% 87,985
Liabo, Kathryn J 86,123 2.16% 87,985
Bontkowski, Holly A 86,123 2.16% 87,985
Englishharden, Angela B 86,123 2.16% 87,985
Sturgeon, Jeffrey M 86,123 2.16% 87,985
Bornancin, Rachel F 86,123 2.16% 87,985
Cabrera, Jennifer J 86,123 2.16% 87,985
Vine, Joanne 97,470 2.16% 99,577
Burke, Kimberly 61,007 2.16% 62,326
Piraino, Laura A 58,313 2.16% 59,574
Parks, Katelyn 58,313 2.16% 59,574
Haack, Katelyn J 58,313 2.16% 59,574
Noffke, Jaime N 58,313 2.16% 59,574
Stablein, Erin M 58,313 2.16% 59,574
Shabel, Elizabeth A 58,313 2.16% 59,574
Bennington, Ann T 58,313 2.16% 59,574
Rzeszutko, Todd J 58,313 2.16% 59,574
Ingram, Dawn D 58,313 2.16% 59,574
Hall, Eileen M 58,313 2.16% 59,574
Casey, Kathleen M 58,313 2.16% 59,574
Werve, Christopher P 58,313 2.16% 59,574
Vicicondi, Nina V 58,313 2.16% 59,574
Anderson, Noel K 104,277 2.16% 106,531
Hamann, Robert C 104,277 2.16% 106,531
Hayes, Kevin T 104,277 2.16% 106,531
Meehan, Kevin R 104,277 2.16% 106,531
Schmecht, Diane M 104,277 2.16% 106,531
Olisar, Noreen 67,750 2.16% 69,215
Kim, Jong Ho 67,750 2.16% 69,215
Grier, Lindsay A 67,750 2.16% 69,215
Hayes, Julie T 60,014 2.16% 61,312
Peterson, Brian J 60,014 2.16% 61,312
Cone, Eva 60,014 2.16% 61,312
Sass, Heidi S 60,014 2.16% 61,312
Berghoff, Kayla M 60,014 2.16% 61,312
Padgett, Gregory S 60,014 2.16% 61,312
Mask, Carrie A 60,014 2.16% 61,312
Appendix B
Copy of NUEA Proposal 7-28-21 Page 32 of 32
Salary increase only reflects base and step and does not include any potential lane changes
Staff placement and salary reflected as of July, 2021
All salaries reflected as 1.0 FTE
This appendix is for demonstrative purposes only and does not supercede the contract proposal language
% Increase
Kralovic, Michael D 60,014 2.16% 61,312
Jaime, Olivia C 60,014 2.16% 61,312
Hansen, Adam M 60,014 2.16% 61,312
Harris, Samantha L 60,014 2.16% 61,312
Quinn, Kelly C 65,669 2.16% 67,089
Appendix B
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Board Package Proposal
Combined Step and Base:
Contract Year Base Increase Combined Step and Base
2021-2022 1.38% (60% CPI) 3.51%
2022-2023 0.84% (60% CPI) 2.85%
2023-2024 55% CPI** 3.09% (original estimate of CPI of 2%)**
4.37% (year to date actual CPI of 4.3%)**
2024-2025 55% CPI** TBD
** CPI according to the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law CPI as reported by the
Illinois Department of Revenue for December of the applicable year identified in the chart
Calendar Year CPI for 2019: (2.3%) FY 2021-22 Salary Schedule
Calendar Year CPI for 2020: (1.4%) FY 2022-23 Salary Schedule
Calendar Year CPI for 2021 (TBD) FY 2023-24 Salary Schedule
Calendar Year CPI for 2022 (TBD) FY 2024-25 Salary Schedule
Step 22 and Step 23
Teachers on Step 22 during the 2020-2021 school year move to Step 23
(increase of 100% CPI from Step 22) for year 1 (2.3% increase). Step 22
is held flat from its current value in year 1 to help offset the ski slope.
After year 1, any teacher on Step 23 in the previous year will receive an
additional annual longevity of up to $900 but no more than 100% CPI**
for each year worked that is added to the salary on Step 23.
Section 6.6 (Hospitalization, Major Medical and Dental Insurance)
Maintain premium cost at 85% employer contribution and 15% employee
Section 6.14(A) (Retirement and Retirement Insurance Coverage)
Maintain (maximum of $48,000 or for the actual premiums for up to ten (10) years
immediately subsequent to retirement) with only the following revisions:
A. Teacher Retirement Insurance Program (TRIP). An employee who, after
twelve (12) years (full-time equivalent) service to the District, retires to receive
a retirement annuity from the Illinois Teachers' Retirement System (TRS) under
the regular retirement option and who has participated in the District's medical,
Naperville 203/NUEA
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hospital, and dental insurance plans for at least the nine and one half (9.5)
years immediately prior to retirement, shall be reimbursed, upon verification of
such payments by the Board. This amount shall be paid up to a maximum of
$48,000 or for the actual premiums for up to ten (10) years immediately
subsequent to retirement, whichever shall first occur, for premiums paid for
participation in the TRS health insurance program (or for the Retirement
System's Medicare supplement program, if the employee is eligible for that
program upon retirement or becomes eligible during the specified period) and
for participation in the District's group dental insurance program. The
reimbursement shall be for individual or dependent coverage, dependent upon
whichever coverage was in effect for that employee in the 9.5 years
immediately prior to retirement. An employee wishing to qualify under this
provision shall notify the Human Resources Office by February 1 of the year of
retirement, which shall .be effective at the end of the school year.
The amount of the benefit shall be linked to the number of years prior to
retirement that an employee notifies the District of his or her intent to retire. In
order to receive the benefit, an employee must file an irrevocable notice of
retirement with the District, in writing, as described below.
In order to receive the full $48,000 benefit, an employee must provide the
irrevocable notice of retirement by February 1 of the year prior to the
employee's final four years of employment prior to retirement. In order to
receive a $36,000 benefit, an employee must provide the irrevocable notice of
retirement by February 1 of the year prior the employee's final three years of
employment prior to retirement. In order to receive a $24,000 benefit, an
employee must provide the irrevocable notice of retirement by February 1 of
the year prior to the employee's final two years of employment prior to
retirement. In order to receive a $12,000 benefit, an employee must provide an
irrevocable notice of retirement by February 1 of the year prior to the
employee's final year of employment prior to retirement. An employee
providing less than the notice stated above shall not be eligible for the above
referenced benefit. Any employee who provides notice between July 1,
2019 and February 1, 2020 under this Section shall receive a 3% increase
for the 2019-2020 school year.
Any employee who provides notice under this Section shall not be eligible to
receive an increase in TRS creditable earnings that may subject the Board to
TRS penalties or additional payments to TRS in excess of what is normally
paid for TRS creditable earnings. At the time of this writing, the limit for such
earnings is 3% in the years used to calculate the TRS pension. In the event
the limit is increased, the contractual limit on earnings for this section shall
increase to the statutory limit, but will not exceed 6%.
The irrevocable notice may be revoked subject to the following:
a. Death of spouse or child;
Naperville 203/NUEA
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b. Life threatening illness of educator, spouse, or child as certified by
c. Other unforeseen circumstances subject to the sole discretion of the
Board. The decision of the Board involving unforeseen circumstances
is not subject to the grievance process.
Strike Section 6.14 (B). Sections 6.14 (C) and (D) become Sections 6.14 (B) and (C).
B. Furthermore, as a condition of receipt of these retirement benefits and prior
to the receipt of such retirement benefits, the employee must sign a waiver
allowing the TRS to release to the District information about the employee's
service credit with TRS or the employee may, at his or her option, provide that
information directly to the District. The employee must provide the District with
all information relevant to the benefits provided by the District, but is not required
to provide any other information.
C. No employee may combine these or any other negotiated retirement
incentive with any retirement program or incentive provided by Federal or State
statute or regulation which was not in effect on January 1, 1996.
Section 7.1 (A) (Sick Leave and Long Term Disability)
Maintain with the following revisions:
All employees shall be granted fifteen (15) days of sick leave each year; except
that during the 2021-2022 school year only, all employees shall be granted
twenty (20) days of sick leave., Employee sick leave days shall be
accumulative to 360 365 days, provided that employees employed after the
beginning of the school year are granted a pro rata share of the annual allowance
based upon one and one-half days for each month or major fraction of the month
worked between the day of employment and the end of the school year.
7.3 Parental Leave
An employee shall be eligible for maternity/child-rearingparental leave without pay
or other benefits subject to the following conditions:
(As used herein, "Employee" means a full-time employee who will have completed four
(4) years of full-time service.)
In the case of an employee completing his/her fourth probationary year, a decision by
the Board not to renew such employee's contract will cancel any previously approved
A. The employee shall advise the Superintendent or designee of her the
employee’s pregnancy no later than the fourth month of pregnancy or upon
ascertainment of such condition, whichever shall be the later. At such time,
she the employee shall provide a written statement from her the employee’s
Naperville 203/NUEA
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obstetrician or physician, where applicable, indicating the expected date of
delivery. Application for a maternity/child-rearingparental leave shall be
made in writing to the Superintendent or designee at least one hundred twenty
(120) calendar days prior to the anticipated birth of the child.
B. After consultation with the employee, the Superintendent or designee shall
prepare for the commencement and termination dates of such leave, taking
into consideration maintenance of continuity of instruction and medical factors
to the maximum possible degree, and the pertinent time factors related thereto.
The leave shall not exceed the balance of the school term in which it
commences and one (1) additional school term. Such leave shall commence
upon the date agreed upon by the Superintendent or designee and the
employee. Every effort shall be made to have such leave terminate
immediately prior to the start of a new school term. In addition to the 30 days
of paid sick leave available for the employee’s use because of the birth
of a child under Section 24-6 of the Illinois School Code, the employee
may apply additional accumulated sick days during the leave period for
a maximum of five (5) workdays for birth that is not dependent on the
need to recover from childbirth. During such leave the employee shall be
able to apply accumulated sick leave as provided under Section 7.1(C) to
any workdays on which she is incapacitated due to pregnancy, childbirth or
recovery therefrom. If the employee is participating in the District's health/major
medical insurance program, the Board's contribution thereto shall continue at
the same rate during the period of utilization of sick leave.
Employees who are partners of a person who has given birth are also
entitled to apply a maximum of five (5) sick days that is not dependent on
the need to recover from birth to the 30 days of paid sick leave available
for the employee’s use because of the birth of a child under Section 24-6
of the Illinois School Code.
Such leaves which commence during the summer recess shall begin no later
than July 1st.
The Superintendent or designee may waive any of the provisions of this section
in his/her sole discretion, and any such waiver shall not be precedential in any
C. Sick leave shall not be applicable during the period of the maternity/child-
rearing leave. Any accumulated sick leave available at the
commencement of the leave shall be available to the employee upon
return to employment in the District.This subsection shall not be construed
as to deny any employee any rights which are applicable under the Federal
Pregnancy Disability statute or other pertinent legislative enactments or
regulations thereunde state or federal lawr.
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D.C. Any employee desiring adoption leave as a result of becoming an adoptive
parent shall notify the Superintendent or designee, in writing, upon initiation of
such adoption proceedings. Leave shall be granted upon satisfactory written
notification to the Superintendent or designee of the date the child is expected
to be received. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to keep the
Superintendent or designee informed on the status of the proceedings, and, as
soon as known, the expected date of the delivery of the child. This section shall
not be applicable if the adoptive child is attending school (except kindergarten).
E.D. Nothing in this policy shall be construed as requiring any employee to apply
for a maternity/child-rearingparental leave. An employee not eligible for or
not desiring maternity parental leave may utilize accumulated sick leave
during any period of disability related to her pregnancy and/or to the delivery
of the child. If such employee shall have exhausted accumulated sick leave,
she the employee shall be granted a leave of absence without pay or other
benefits during such period of disability. Such employee shall return to
employment immediately following the termination of actual disability.
F. A male employee shall be entitled to a childrearing leave of absence.
Such leave shall be unpaid and shall be subject to all of the applicable
notice and other requirements as set forth in this policy. Eligibility for
such leave shall arise upon the anticipated birth of a child, which the
teacher has fathered or upon his planned adoption of a child.
This subsection shall not be construed as to deny any employee any
rights which are applicable under the Federal Pregnancy Disability
statute or other pertinent legislative enactments or regulations
7.10 Part Time Leaves of Absence
Other provisions of this agreement to the contrary notwithstanding, the Board may
grant a tenured teacher a part-time or full-time leave of absence. Such part-time
leave shall not affect the tenure (contractual continued service) status of the
teacher, . but If the leave is part-time, such teacher shall be treated as a part-time
teacher for all other purposes. The Board has the discretion to not grant any
requests for such leaves and any action taken upon any request shall not be
precedential regarding any other requests. Full-time and part-time leaves may be
granted for up to two (2) years within a five (5) year period of time, at which time,
and at the Board's discretion and without precedential effect, may be extended on
a case by case basis.
Section 6.2 (B) (Learning Behavior Specialist)
New Language
Naperville 203/NUEA
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Because of the unique and specialized needs for some Learning Behavior
Specialists to be performed prior to the first day of student attendance, each
Learning Behavior Specialist and Related Services may request up to a total of 12
hours for time sheeted summer work paid at the rate identified in Appendix B,
Section B.3. It is understood that this section applies also to teachers in Early
Childhood classrooms. The request must specify the duties and is subject to
administrator approval. Any pay granted under this provision may not result in the
Learning Behavior Specialists receiving more than an annual 6% pay increase.
Economic Reopener
New Language:
In the event of a legislative, regulatory, or economic change to the
following, the Board will have the right to demand that the Association
bargain the impact of such change with the Board. After notice has been
given for reopening the contract, the Board and the Association will
convene a negotiating committee to make recommendations with respect
to any or all economic items. This negotiating committee’s
recommendation(s) will be made to the entire Board and Association no
later than 90 days following the first meeting of the negotiating committee.
1. The State of Illinois shifts a portion of the Teachers’ Retirement System
(TRS) pension costs it pays to local school districts;
2. The State of Illinois imposes changes on the District’s property tax
extension authority;
3. A change to federal or state law regarding health insurance that causes
the Board to be required to pay avoidable penalties or additional
monies, including but not limited to what has been referred to as the
“Cadillac Tax”; or
4. The District voters successfully petition for a referendum proposition
reducing the amount extended by the Board for educational purposes
for the levy year
Appendix B (Supplemental Compensation)
B.0 Computation - All indices in this Appendix are based on the Stipend
Base of BAO Step 0 for each year of the contract as indicated in
Appendix A. To determine the current amount, multiply the current
base by the appropriate index. The hourly rates of pay listed in
sections B3 and B4 do not include board paid TRS contributions
which are calculated as for salary.
* * *
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B.3 Teachers' Summer School, Curriculum Development, and
Supervision Pay
A. Beginning in the Summer of 2017 the The rate of pay for certified
teaching staff for teaching summer school shall be $35.00$40.00 per
hour plus TRS contribution.
B. Beginning in the Summer of 2017, the The rate of pay for
curriculum and program development work that does not constitute
Career 203 work shall be $27.00 $31.00 per hour plus TRS
C. Beginning in the Summer of 2017, the The rate of pay for non-
teaching summer school work shall be $25.00$29.00 per hour plus
TRS contributions.
B.4 Extra Pay for Extra Work - It is agreed that the Board will recognize
several situations which require extra pay for extra work. These
categories are as follows:
A. Extra Period Assignment— In the event that a teacher is requested
to teach an additional period for an entire school year, the rate is
established at one-sixth of the teacher's base pay.
B. Internal Substitution—Occasionally, teachers are requested to
serve as internal substitutes because a regular, qualified substitute is
not available. In these situations, the rate will be $29.00 $25.00 per
hour or period, whichever is applicable, plus TRS contributions.
C. Lunchroom Supervision$29.00 $25.00 per hour plus TRS
contributions or the rate established by the Board for non-
bargaining unit members, whichever is greater. Teachers have the
option of not being assigned more than one-half hour.
D. Saturday Morning Detention Period—Teachers who choose to
supervise a Saturday morning detention assignment shall be paid at
the rate of $29.00 $25.00 per hour plus TRS contributions.
* * *
Section 3.2(D) Elementary Schools
Elementary school teachers, including all day kindergarten teachers, with
classroom instructional responsibilities shall have an average of not more
than twenty-six and one-quarter (26 1/4) hours per week of instructional time,
except that half-day kindergarten teachers shall have an average of not more
than twenty-five (25) hours of instructional time each week. Such employees
shall typically have one hundred fifty (150) minutes of preparation time per
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week during the normal student day provided preparation time for half-day
kindergarten teachers may be outside of the normal student day, in which
event it shall be in lieu of the same amount of supervisory time. Weekly
preparation time provided under this Section 3.2(D) shall be scheduled
for at least (20) consecutive minute intervals. Employees may be required
to supervise students before and after the normal student day up to one
hundred twenty (120) minutes per week. Recess supervision shall be
deemed instructional time.
Administration-called grade-level meetings will be limited to no more
than one within the student attendance day per week and shall not
exceed 45 minutes. There shall be a limitation of no more than 105
minutes per week of administration-called meeting time held outside
the student attendance day. The following meetings are not included
within the limitations of this paragraph: (1) special education meetings
as required by law and regulations; (2) meetings requested by a
student’s parent/guardian; (3) individual student planning meetings; (4)
teacher evaluation meetings; and (5) teacher-called and teacher-
directed team planning meetings.
Section 3.2(C) Early Childhood Center (ECC)
Employees of the ECC shall be granted preparation time in the same
manner as provided kindergarten teachers. The "five day rotation" used
in elementary buildings will also apply to the EC site. Preparation time
will be provided between the morning dismissal of students and the afternoon
arrival of students. EC teachers in the Extended Day program may have
some preparation time occur after the dismissal of students in the Extended
Day program. All EC teachers are expected to receive the same amount
of music, physical education and art time as kindergarten teachers. The
EC teacher may not be required to remain with their students during the
art, music or physical education sections. In no case shall an EC teacher
receive less than one hundred fifty (150) minutes of preparation time per
week. When such plan time occurs, it shall consist of no fewer than
twenty (20) consecutive minutes exclusive of lunch and travel time.
All EC teachers are entitled to and will be provided at least a forty (40)
consecutive minute duty free lunch each day.
Employees of the ECC shall be given first right of refusal to volunteer for
summer diagnostic work. Preference shall be given to those employees who
regularly engage in such diagnostic work for the EC Program. If summer
diagnostic work is still available after EC employees have had an opportunity
to volunteer, the work shall then be offered to any bargaining unit member
qualified to do the work. Once current bargaining unit members have had an
opportunity to volunteer for summer diagnostic work, the Board may offer the
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work to any person of their choosing. Summer diagnostic work cannot be
required of members of the bargaining unit.
ln the event a bargaining unit member is selected to do summer diagnostic
work, such work must be done at the school site, unless approved by the
supervisor to be accomplished "off site". All bargaining unit members
participating in summer diagnostic work shall be compensated at the rate of
$40.00$45.00 per hour plus Board paid TRS contributions.
In all cases where there is a question as to the expected hours of work
of an EC teacher, the standards applied to Kindergarten teachers shall
apply to EC teachers. A duty free lunch of no less than forty (40)
minutes will be provided each EC employee each work day. Teachers
working in a capacity of supporting parents as teachers shall either use their
personal cell phone for business purposes or choose to be provided a district
owned cell phone. The employee may choose between a district phone or
use their personal phone for their job. If they use their personal phone, they
may submit a request for reimbursement for the actual use. If they use a
district provided phone, they will pay the district the monthly amount that the
administrators are expected to pay for personal use of that phone, if they
wish to use it as their personal phone also.
The teachers working in their capacity need to follow the same
guidelines for evening meetings as kindergarten teachers (orientation,
2 conference evenings, and open house). EC teachers will attend
orientation, district parent/teacher conference dates, and open house.
If those teachers do not need to be in attendance on those evenings, they
may check with their administrator to determine a different evening they will
Section 3.3 Employee Lunch Period
Each employee shall have a duty-free lunch period equal to that of the
students or a minimum of one-half (1/2) hour. Elementary school employees
shall have a forty (40) consecutive minute duty free lunch.
Modification to Section 3.2 (A) and (B) of 1/21/20 Board Proposal:
A. High Schools
Employees will be assigned 1250 minutes of instructional time per week
and 125 minutes of supervision time per week divided into no more than
9 equal class periods with no more than 5 instructional periods per day,
and up to two homeroom or intervention periods per week. Employees
will have one (1) preparation period daily equal to a student class
period. Employees will have one (1) lunch period daily equal to a
student class period. Employees will have an eight (8) period day with
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five (5) assigned periods, one (1) lunch period, one (1) preparation
period and one (1) period which may be assigned by the administration
(of which one-half may be designated for supervision).
Employees may elect with Board approval to be assigned 250 minutes
of supervision time per week during one semester of the school year
and zero minutes of supervision time per week during the other
semester of the same school year. It is expressly understood that
"supervision" may include student interaction and/or instructional assistance
but shall not require formal instruction, formal lesson preparation or formal
The Association and the Board agree to consider, without any
implication of any obligation for acceptance of, any alternative plans
for student supervision proposed by the High School Design Teams
during the period of effect of the negotiated agreement.
A teacher may voluntarily accept a "zero hour" assignment. If such
assignment is made, said teacher’s schedule will be adjusted to provide the
same length workday.
Administration may implement an adjusted schedule to include an
intervention or homeroom period up to two days per week. Intervention
will consist of the following: support for students not meeting essential
standards, extension for students already meeting standards,
reassessment of students’ ability to meet or exceed essential
standards as identified through the PLC or course team process
applicable to that teacher’s assigned courses. Homeroom minutes will
be used to support students in developing non-academic skills as
assigned by administration. For days that include an intervention or
homeroom period, the regularly scheduled periods will be reduced by
an equal number of minutes per period. Intervention and homeroom
shall count as instructional minutes toward the assigned 1250 weekly
amount. The length of an intervention period or homeroom period shall
be no more than the length of the regularly scheduled periods in the
adjusted schedule.
In the interest of transparency and collaboration between
administration and staff, the Association and the Board will establish a
High School Workday Committee at each high school comprised of 4
administrators and 4 Association members. The High School Workday
Committee shall meet at least once each school year prior to May 1. At
this meeting, the members of the High School Workday Committee may
disclose any concerns or recommendations regarding the high school
workdaydaily bell schedule.
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The Association and the Board agree to consider, without any implication of
any obligation for acceptance of, any alternative plans for student supervision
proposed by the High School Design Teams during the period of effect of the
negotiated agreement.
B. Junior High Schools
The junior high student day consists of nine periods. Math, Language Arts,
Science, and Social Science teachers will have five (5) assigned periods,
one (1) supervision period, two (2) preparation periods, and one (1) lunch
period. Beginning the 2022-2023 school year, World Classical
Language, Math, Language Arts, Science, and Social Science teachers
will have five (5) assigned periods, one (1) supervision period, two (2)
preparation periods, and one (1) lunch period. Upon agreement between
the building principal and the employee, an employee may elect to have an
additional assigned period and no supervision period. All junior high
employees who do not teach the above - named subjects during the
applicable school years will have six (6) assigned periods, two (2)
preparation periods, and one (1) lunch period. A supervision period may
include a supervised study period or support of classroom instruction.
Supervised Supervised study is defined as a period of support, which
which may include homework completion, explaining, remediation, and
skill enhancement as agreed upon between the teacher and the building
principal. may include based on student need: differentiated
reteaching focused on meeting standards, providing retakes for
assessments, social-emotional and executive functioning support, and
delivering of targeted supports and extensions. Support of classroom
instruction could include support under the direction of a specialist,
pushing into classrooms to provide targeted instruction, and provide
flexible support for students in various content areas. Supervision shall
not require formal lesson preparation or grading beyond the core
curriculum and formal assessment. not require formal lesson preparation
or grading beyond the core curriculum Employees shall also be
responsible for a reasonable amount of student supervision between classes
and before and after school. , except traveling junior high teachers will
not be responsible for before or after school student supervision at
their assigned junior high schools.
Contingent on NUEA acceptance of Section 3.9 (A) and (B) in 1/21/20 Board Proposal:
A. High Schools
If the average student/teacher load for students enrolled during
instructional time in any high school department (excluding typing, physical
education, driver's education and music) shall exceed one hundred sixty
(160), such department shall be provided with a clerical aide for at least four
(4) hours each teacher employment day. The average student/teacher load
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shall be computed as provided in subsection D below. Employees who teach
less than five classes in a department will be counted pro-rata in computing
student/teacher load.
B. Junior High Schools
If a teacher in the junior high school who is assigned to teach reading,
mathematics, language arts, science, social studies, Art, PLTW, Foreign
Languages, and Family and Consumer Science has more than one hundred
sixty (160) students enrolled during the teacher’s instructional time per
day, thirty (30) minutes plus five (5) minutes per student in excess of one
hundred sixty-seven (167) of aide time will be allotted. The total allotted aide
time in each building will be assigned by the building principal to the
appropriate team. If there are any problems with the allocation of aide time,
the teacher or teachers affected may discuss the matter with the building
principal. Full-time traveling teachers in Art, PLTW, Foreign Languages, and
Family and Consumer Science shall be entitled to thirty (30) minutes of aide
time per day.
Contingent on:
NUEA withdrawal of the following outstanding language proposals*:
o 2 Workday Late Arrivals
o 3 Workday 1 PLC/Week
o 8 Open House
o 11 Travel Time
o 14 New Language, Class Size
o 20 Vision Health Insurance
o 27 Internal Applications
o 29 Stipend Committee
o 30 IPC Committee
o 31 Interest-Free Loans
o 1/14/21 Emergency Days Proposal
NUEA acceptance of the following outstanding language proposals*:
o Section 2.12 Membership Dues
o Section 6.6 PT Health Insurance
o Section 9.2 Notice of Student Assignments
o Section 12.3 Stipend Committee
o Appendix C Interest-Free Loans
o Appendix A.3 Cafeteria Plan
* Assumes NUEA and BOE packages address the following proposals and
reject/withdraw remaining language:
NUEA Proposals:
o 4 High School Workday
o 5 Junior High Workday
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o 6 ECC Plan Time, Open House, Release Time
o 7 Elementary Plan Time, PLC, Case Load, Passing Periods
o 9 Lunch Periods: 40 Consecutive Minutes
o 12 Elementary Meetings Outside Workday
o 19 Summer Work & New Language, Learning Behavior Specialists
o 22 Sick Leave
o 23 Personal Leave
o 25 New Language, Professional Leave
BOE Proposals:
o Section 3.2 Workday Assignments
o Section 3.9 Aide Time
o Section 6.14 Retirement
o Economic Reopener
203 West Hillside Road
Naperville, IL 60540
(630) 420-6300
@Naperville Community Unit School District 203