Important Information About Your Visit to Cuba
The United States has a comprehensive set of trade and travel restrictions in place with Cuba,
commonly referred to as the Cuban Embargo. Only specific categories of travel to Cuba are
authorized, one of which is referred to as the Educational, People-to-people program. Under
this exception, entities are granted permission from the U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of
Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) to organize short term educational and cultural exchange trips to
the island.
Your trip to the island will take place within this framework, meaning you will participate in a
full-time schedule of educational and cultural activities with Cubans on the island. The Oral
History Association’s program fully complies with OFAC regulations, and travelers are required
to participate in most scheduled activities.
Program in Cuba
Charles Bittner and OHA have wide-ranging contacts with a cross section of Cuban society,
including academics, artists, athletes, chefs, diplomats, economists, musicians, politicians,
religious officials, students and ordinary Cubans from all walks of life. Your customized schedule
will allow you to meet with many different Cubans and take part in a number of site visits,
activities and discussions. It is our hope that you will make a number of Cuban friends along the
Our guests will often be the top experts in their field and we’ll be able to hear a diversity of
opinions about 21st century Cuba, U.S. policy and world politics. No questions or topics are off
limits, but we ask travelers to be respectful and gracious in all interactions.
Throughout the tour, we will be accompanied by a bilingual Cuban guide. Please keep in mind
that we will always do our best to maintain the scheduled itinerary, but all activities and events
are subject to change. When alterations are made we’ll do everything possible to find suitable
All travelers are required to take part in most scheduled activities. Translation will be readily
available to facilitate interaction and maximize your experience. For Spanish speakers, there
will be plenty of opportunities to communicate in group settings and one-on-one
What’s Covered & Not Covered
• 5-night accommodation in Cuba (NH Capri La Habana Hotel) and guesthouses in
• Daily breakfast
• Lunches and dinners as listed on the itinerary, with drinks and tips
• All local ground transportation
• Speaker fees
Admission to all museums and public buildings listed in itinerary
• Coordination of all listed activities
• Pre-trip departure information
• Cuban insurance (health and evacuation)
• Compliance with US Treasury Department regulations
Extra Airline baggage fees
Airfare to/from Havana
Cuban Visa
Individual house/hotel expenses (mini bar, room service, laundry fees, etc.)
Meals other than those listed on itinerary
Tips to tour guide and driver
Trip cancellation insurance
Getting to and from Cuba
Regardless of your airline and point of departure, I strongly recommend you arrive at the
airport a minimum of 2.5 hours prior to the scheduled departure time. The flight officially closes
one hour prior to scheduled departure; with no exceptions. There are not always daily
departures, and a missed flight can result in significant complications or worsemissing the
trip! I recommend leaving at least two hours between connections after we return from Cuba.
Arriving in Cuba
The Cuban government and people open their arms to U.S. visitors. However, it is possible
you’ll be questioned about the motivation for and content of your trip upon arrival to Cuba. On
some occasions an immigration official might ask you questions about your stay on the island
(e.g. what electronic equipment you are bringing, how much cash you are carrying and who you
will meet with). This is standard and you should not be concerned it’s part of the experience.
Please be transparent and feel free to show them a copy of your program.
Returning to the U.S.
When you return to the United States you will fill out the immigration and customs paperwork
as if you were returning from any other country in the world.
What you can (can’t) bring back
Art work, music, books, posters, postcards, photos, trinkets and even some clothing is fine to
buy and bring home. Under the new regulations, you may also bring back Cuban cigars and
Trip Insurance
Please be sure to read the terms and conditions in your sales agreement regarding
cancellation and refund policies. String Letter Media is required to finalize and pay for all
reservations about 65 days in advance of our departure, meaning that refunds will not be
available for any reason after September 10. Again, we strongly recommend trip cancellation
In almost all cases, your U.S. cellphone will not work once you are on the ground in Cuba. You
will receive contact information for our hotel and guides prior to our departure.
Our hotel will have WIFI internet access in the lobby that costs between 1.5 and 2 CUC per
hour. For access you will have to buy a card at the front desk or business center that will
provide you with a username and password. You’ll also be able to use this card to get online at
several parks and other wifi hot spots in Trinidad.
Note: the internet in Cuba is slow and not particularly reliable. Still, you should be able to send
and receive emails throughout the trip. But please head into your stay with the understanding
that communication will be somewhat uncertain.
U.S. credit cards and ATM cards will not work in Cuba. There are very few, if any, places that
accept traveler’s checks. Credit and ATM cards from Europe, Canada and countries other than
the U.S. may work, but ATM machines and establishments that accept credit cards are rarely
accessible. We recommend bringing newer $20, $50, and $100 bills, as sometimes it can be
more difficult to change small bills, and worn and torn bank notes will not be accepted.
Here’s my suggestion about bringing cash to Cuba: Since the only cash you’ll have access to is
what you bring with you, make sure to take sufficient cash for your whole stay. You will want
cash for entertainment, the few meals outside of those listed in the itinerary, souvenirs, rum,
cigars, art, etc. I'm sure you'll want to tip the Cuban tour guide and bus driver, and you’ll
probably want to tip the housekeepers at the hotel as well. There's also a 13 percent exchange
I suggest you bring at least $100 per day, per person. You probably won’t spend nearly that
much, but it’s better not to end up short on cash. Particularly if you plan to buy Cuban art,
which is often spectacularly beautiful, you may consider bringing at least this amount. You’ll be
able to change US dollars into Cuban Convertible Pesos (CUC’s) as needed at the desk at our
hotel. I recommend exchanging about $100 at a time. Each room has a safe in which you can
store the balance of your dollars, travel documents, and other valuables.
There are two currencies in Cuba (CUC and CUP). The exchange rate is complicated and all you
really need to worry about is the CUC. You can get the other Cuban pesos (CUP, commonly
referred to as moneda nacional) as a collector’s item but everything you will want to spend
money on requires the CUC.
Tipping in the service/tourist industry is expected and appreciated. Government salaries are
low and many people survive on the tips they earn. It is true that the average salary in the state
sector is $20 per month, but it is a myth that people survive on only $20 per month and
therefore even $1 is a lot to them. Average income, which is the result of tips, work on the side,
remittances, black market activity and other ways of “getting by,” La Lucha as Cubans say, is
closer to $100-150 per month.
You should tip well if you are treated well. Leaving a few dollars a day for maids, 10 percent on
meals not included in the itinerary and a dollar or two for a bellman goes a long way. Tips for
our tour guide, driver, bellmen, maids and others are not included.
Cuba generally has electric outlets that are 110 V or 220 V. Our hotel offers access to both. Still,
it’s recommended that you bring a converter to deal with 220 V electricity and Cuban plugs,
particularly for medical devices.
Although blackouts are now far less frequent, it’s possible you may be without electricity for
very short periods of time during your stay.
Crime and Safety
Cuba is one of the safest countries in Latin America. Part of the beauty of visiting the island
nation is being able to walk freely without worrying about violent crime. However, petty theft
does occur and precautions should be taken especially in Havana and at night. Try to avoid
dark streets and never leave purses, bags and other valuables unattended.
Many Cubans, especially in Old Havana, will approach you to try and sell you black market
cigars, find you a taxi, or try to bring you to a paladar (restaurant), for which they will earn a
percentage of any money you spend there. Most of them are harmless, but keep in mind
they’re often trying to make a few dollars by interacting with you and will have all kinds of
creative tales and “special offers” for doing so.
The streets of Havana and sidewalks are very poorly lit and, in many cases, crumbling and
littered with pot holes. Take extra precaution at night keeping a close eye on the ground below
to avoid tripping in the frequent ditches and uncovered drains. Waste from stray dogs in also
Our Hotel
The Capri Hotel de Habana is a 4 star hotel located in the Vedado district of Havana, close to
major sites and many private restaurants and nightclubs. All rooms have hair dryers and irons,
and of course soap, toilet paper, shampoo, and towels. The hotel is modern, with even a
rooftop pool and bar.
All travelers are covered with full medical insurance, which is included in the cost of your trip.
The most common ailments for travelers in Cuba are indigestion, diarrhea and other stomach
problems. No pre-trip shots are needed. There is extremely limited access to over-the counter
drugs in Cuba, if any. Therefore:
• Pack Imodium, Pepto-Bismol and other stomach medicines
• Pack cold medicine, aspirin, and medication for other common health issues
• Do not drink water from the tap
• Do not drink unsealed juices/refreshments from street vendors
Pack and apply bug spray
All major hotels have doctors on call and each city has a hospital designated for foreigners.
Please advise the hotel desk and your Strings host or local guide if someone becomes ill. Please
make sure to notify me of any allergies, medical conditions and other health issues prior to the
Cuban cuisine heavily features rice, beans, chicken and pork. Ample sea food is available as
well. The 1990s were plagued by shortages, which affected the accessibility and quality of food,
both at home and in restaurants. However, an economic recovery and recent reforms have led
to an increase in the quantity and quality of foodstuffs. Private restaurants, referred to as
“paladars,” have opened up across the country.
Meals will be served at private paladars, usually with a fixed menu with various choices. On free
evenings and afternoons String Letter Media host and local guides are happy to assist in
reservations at restaurants of your choice.
Cuba has an outdated water system and tap water is not okay to drink. Even many locals boil
and bottle water prior to consuming. Hotels and fine restaurants will use purified water to
make ice. Please drink bottled water only and do not drink juices and other drinks if you’re not
sure if purified water has been used. We will provide ample access to bottled water throughout
our journey.
Cuba is a poor country. Economic difficulties, the recent hurricane, and U.S. restrictions make
some products difficult to acquire, and many citizens, institutions and community programs are
in dire need of certain materials. Donations of clothes, medicine, vitamins, sports equipment,
music accessories (guitar strings) and school supplies are very much appreciated, and there will
be amble opportunities throughout the visit to turn them over to those in need.
I’m personally involved in several specific projects with artists, musicians, community centers,
parks, religious entities, schools, and sporting teams. It’s probably best to leave at least part of
anything you bring to donate on the bus throughout our trip.
Cuba is a tropical island with a climate typical to the Caribbean region. It can be extremely
warm at times and the sun is strong. Showers are common throughout the year, although most
common during the summer and fall. Please be sure to check the weather prior to your trip
departure and also see the section with suggestions on clothing and accessories for your
packing list.
Fall weather: December
The temperature varies greatly in the late fall, with showers and moderately high temperatures
possible. Temperatures are most likely to be in the low 80’s during the day, and low 70’s in the
evening. Please pack clothes and accessories that take into account the possible heat and rain.
Our bus, hotel rooms, meeting rooms, and most restaurants and venues are air-conditioned.
Clothing and accessories
Despite low salaries and difficult living conditions, Cubans take pride in dressing well when they
can. Shorts, skirts, short-sleeved shirts, and open toed shoes and flip flops are appropriate
almost anywhere during the day and at many places at night. Some restaurants and nightclubs
prefer a more dressy attire, so you may want to bring some very casual, business attire.
There may be time for nature walks and hiking, but no part of the official schedule will require
intense physical activity. When in the countryside it is advisable to use bug spray and wear long
pants and sleeves during outdoor excursions. Taking into account the diverse weather in Cuba,
we recommend packing:
• Comfortable clothing
Very casual dress clothes for dinners and meetings
• Sneakers or comfortable Shoes
• Sunglasses
• Cap for the sun
• Sunscreen
• Light raincoat, slicker or poncho
• Umbrella
• Light backpack
Bug Spray
Recommended Reading List
Obviously there have been many excellent books written about Cuba. Here are some I
personally recommend (please note, my background is in sociology):
1) One Day in December: Celia Sanchez and the Cuban Revolution by Nancy Stout
(introduction by Alice Walker).
2) Back Channel to Cuba: The Hidden History of Negotiations Between Washington and
Havana by William LeoGrande and Peter Kornbluh
3) The Cuba Reader: History, Politics, and Culture edited by Aviva Chomsky
4) Planet Cuba: Art, Culture, and the Future of the Island by Rachel Price
5) Cuba Represent! Cuban Arts, State Power, and the Making of New Revolutionary
Cultures by Sujatha Fernades
6) Venceremos? The Erotics of Black Self-Making in Cuba by Jafari S. Allen
7) Telex From Cuba (historical fiction) by Rachel Kushner
8) Bacardi and the Long Fight for Cuba by Tom Gjelten
9) Che Guevara: A Revolutionary Life by Jon Lee Anderson
10) Waiting for Snow in Havana (a memoir) by Carlos Eire
11) José Martí: A Revolutionary Life by Alfred J. López
Charles Bittner Contact Information
For further information or questions, contact Charles Bittner at or at 617-833-1435.