Economic and
Financial Aairs
ISSN 2443-8030 (online)
Leonor Coutinho, Julien Castiaux,
Jean-Charles Bricongne
and Nicolas Philiponnet
Housing Market
in Cyprus
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European Commission
Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs
Housing Market Developments in Cyprus
Leonor Coutinho, Julien Castiaux, Jean-Charles Bricongne and Nicolas Philiponnet
This study analyses demand, supply and price developments in Cyprus, in the run-up to its banking
crisis and the early years of the recovery, analysing also new information on prices in levels. It further
looks into alternative models to forecast house price inflation in Cyprus taking into account particular
country characteristics and developments. Although there are many difficulties with this exercise,
related to data availability, this analysis constitutes a first step in creating a database of relevant data
and understanding the empirical correlation between potential explanatory variables and house prices
trends. There appears to be a correlation between house prices and purchasing capacity, deposits,
foreign sales, housing stocks, and NPLs. The presence of higher NPLs in particular appears to drag
house prices down. High NPLs not only indicate credit tightening, but they also reflect pressure on
households and businesses for real estate asset disposal as a mean to assist deleveraging, and therefore
an ensuing increase in real estate supply.
We would like to thank the staff of the Central Bank of Cyprus, in particular
Pany Karamanou and George Kyriacou, for useful comments and suggestions. We also thank
Magdalena Morgese, David Lopes, and Norbert Gaal for their comments and suggestions, which
contributed to improve the paper significantly. All remaining errors are the authors' only.
: Leonor Coutinho, European Commission, Directorate-General for Economic and Financial
Affairs, Macroeconomic Imbalances and Adjustment,
EUROPEAN ECONOMY Economic Brief 038
European Economy Economic Briefs Issue 038 | September 2018
Understanding the developments in the Cypriot
housing market can help to better assess the
country's adjustment after the crisis. This paper
discusses demand, supply and price developments in
Cyprus in order to shed light on the importance of
this sector for the unwinding of imbalances in the
financial and non-financial private sector. It further
analyses the determinants of house prices in Cyprus,
to help predict future developments, emphasising the
impact of legacies from the crisis, particularly non-
performing loans.
The Cypriot housing market was severely
affected by the global financial crisis and
subsequently by its own banking and sovereign
debt crisis. Housing sales fell by 60% between the
2007 peak and 2009, as the global financial crisis
unfolded. Still, sales to residents held up relatively
well up to 2012, cushioned by a significant
expansion of mortgage credit to Cypriot households.
As credit expansion stalled in 2012, housing sales
declined further. In 2015 housing sales amounted
roughly to 20% of the 2007 peak.
The foreign segment of the housing market
continues to be of importance to Cyprus despite
its declining share in sales during the crisis. The
crisis affected most significantly property sales to
non-residents, which had doubled in size between
Cyprus' EU membership in 2004 and the 2007 peak,
according to data on registered sales contracts by
nationality. With the global financial crisis, foreign
sales dropped by more than 80%, and continued to
fall further to stand at about 10% of their 2007 peak
level in 2015. In 2016 this segment represented
about 25% of the total market sales.
The combination of depressed sales and excessive
stock accumulation led to a sharp fall in prices, a
decline of about 30% between 2008 and 2015. In
other European countries like Spain and Ireland the
house price correction was even more pronounced
(about 35% and 50% respectively) but it is difficult
to compare the dynamics across countries due to
catching-up effects and differences in the pre-crisis
valuation. According to the central bank of Cyprus
index of housing prices, published also by the ECB,
house prices continued to fall in 2016, but at a more
moderate pace (-1.4%), showing signs of recovery in
In the context of a high proportion of loans to
households, developers and SMEs, which are
secured by real estate wealth and are non-
performing, the behaviour of house prices can be
of key importance. In Cyprus a large proportion of
loans is collateralised by real estate property. As the
value of this collateral declined banks needed to
scale up provisions for losses, particularly in the
context of a high, even though declining, ratio of
non-performing loans. Also, as property prices
declined, incentives for strategic default increased
among borrowers, especially when non-primary
residences are at stake.
The recovery of collateral
prices can increase the range of available
restructuring options as it reduces the amount of
"under-water" mortgages (i.e. with outstanding
principal above the market value of the house), and
facilitates asset disposal as a deleveraging tool for
both households and businesses. It is important to
note also that in Cyprus, loans to SMEs are often
secured by households' real estate.
To help gauge the medium term prospects of this
market in Cyprus, the remainder of this note
discusses in more detail demand, supply and price
developments since EU accession and proposes
alternative models for house price forecasting
focusing on the role of credit and non-performing
loans in particular. Section 1 describes demand
developments and the main variables affecting
demand for housing; section 2 analyses supply
developments; and section 3 discusses the ensuing
price dynamics. In section 4 the paper proposes
alternative models for house price forecasting in
Cyprus and a method to combine forecasts given
model uncertainty and small sample biases. Section
5 concludes.
Main demand developments
The average purchasing capacity of Cypriot
households fell, in line with the reduction of
disposable income during the crisis, but
recovered somewhat since 2014, supported by a
significant reduction in interest rates. The
purchasing capacity of Cypriot households (see
definition in Annex 1) increased significantly in the
run-up to euro area accession in 2004, not only due
to high annual rates of nominal GDP growth but also
to the downward convergence of interest rates
towards euro area levels (Graph 1). Between 2010
and 2014, as the sovereign debt crisis unfolded in
Europe, the purchasing capacity of Cypriot
European Economy Economic Briefs Issue 038 | September 2018
T oyment rate increased significantly
Graph 3: Credit standards on house purchases
Source: European central bank lending surv y.
Adding to the demand constraints, access to
useholds fell, in line with low nominal growth and
relatively high interest rates. The downward trend
stalled in 2014 with a recovery initially aided by a
reduction in interest rates and later supported by
economic growth. Deposits, which are not included
into the concept of purchasing capacity, but can be
used as a proxy for savings, fell significantly
between mid-2012 and 2014 but have since
stabilised (Graph 2).
Graph 1: Average purchasing capacity of Cypriot
Source: Source: Eurostat, Central Bank of Cyprus and
own calculations
Note: Household disposable income is calculated using
quarterly data on compensation of employees and the
annual share of compensation in disposable income
Graph 2: Average household deposits
Source: Eurostat, Central Bank of Cyprus and own
he unempl
with the crisis, from a pre-crisis rate of 4% to
around 15% in 2015, and although it has receded it
still remained close to 10% in 2017, with a relatively
high incidence of young and long-term
unemployment. Despite the fact that average
purchasing power is recovering, this could be
masking significant inequality among households, as
unemployment can constrain the number of
households able to obtain credit and buy or build a
house, especially among the young. This problem,
however, is mitigated in Cyprus by a high incidence
of housing gifts, from parents to children,
traditionally upon marriage, documented in previous
Cypriot household surveys.
Housing gifts are also
in line with the wide income dispersion among home
owners in Cyprus, found in the more recent 2013
Household Finance and Consumption Network
(HFCN) survey.
Data only available from 2009Q2.
credit was signific
antly tightened, in view of the
very high rates of non-compliance. Despite the
significant reduction in lending rates, which has
supported the purchasing capacity of households
through the crisis, access to credit has been tightened
in Cyprus, especially since end-2011, alongside a
mounting ratio of non-performing loans. Although
further tightening seems to have ceased, according
to both backward looking and forward looking bank
lending survey indicators, a significant relaxation
has not yet been observed (Graph 3), leading to low
flows of additional credit for housing purchases.
This has inhibited the ability of liquidity strapped
European Economy Economic Briefs Issue 038 | September 2018
Graph 4: Housing sales by residency and housing
Source: Cyprus Ministry of Finance and Central Bank of
ow inflation depressed the growth of nominal
Graph 5: Bank liabilities of Cypriot Households
Source: Central bank of Cyprus and Eurostat
The non-resi
dent segment of the housing market
useholds to purchase properties, despite
reasonable income flows on average. As a result,
housing sales to resident households fell, in line with
the tightening of credit both in 2007-2008, with the
global financial crisis, and in 2011-2013, with the
sovereign debt crisis (Graph 4). Since 2015 sales
have increased from very low levels, but according
to the Cyprus developers' association a significant
number of transactions were in cash and have also
included debt-to-asset swaps between mortgage
debtors and banks, with the number of new
mortgages remaining very limited well into 2017
(Graph 4).
credit to residents
Note: Sales data from 2004 to 2007 have been
interpolated from annual data.
GDP, slowing down the
process of household
deleveraging, which would help to rebalance the
credit market. In Cyprus, housing loans to resident
households represent about 50% of all bank loans to
resident households, and about 80% of housing and
consumer loans (excluding "other lending" to
households). Up to 2013Q1, the stock of housing
loans had been increasing on a continuous basis to
reach about 66% of GDP. Since the second quarter
of 2013, alongside the more significant tightening of
credit supply conditions, the stock has started to fall,
but due to moderate nominal GDP growth,
households have not managed to reduce significantly
their housing debt stock as a share of GDP (Graph
5). On this front, a return to moderate rates of
inflation, which in the first seven months of 2017
has reached 1% after four years of consecutive
decline, helps to support nominal incomes and
accelerate the deleveraging process. Still, despite the
accelerating growth, non-performing loans in the
household sector remain very high (around 50% of
total household loans in 2017). Private sector, non-
performing loans (including households, see
Graph 5) increased significantly as the crisis
unfolded. Some of the increase was also due to a
change in the definition of non-performing loans
which became significantly stricter in 2013Q2, with
another subsequent revision in 2014Q4.
ote: dashed lines mark changes in the defini
contracted significantly with the global financial
crisis of 2007-2008 and, although sales started to
increase from very depressed levels, the profile of
buyers has changed. Sales of property to
foreigners, which represented about 50% of total
sales between 2004 and 2008, contracted from
around 11 000 a year in 2007 to around 1 000 in
2013, while sales to locals contracted from about the
same number in 2007 to a trough of close to 3,000 a
year in 2013. Both segments experienced some
recovery since, to annual values of around 1 800 and
5 250, for the foreign and local market respectively
in 2016 (Graph 4), with the local market
representing about 75% percent of the market in
2016. Housing loans to non-residents represented
only about 11% of the total housing credit and have
been on a declining trend since 2012Q2, with this
decline having accelerated since 2015Q2. According
to the authorities the profile of foreign buyers has
changed since the crisis, with British buyers being
replaced with buyers from Russia, Asia and the
European Economy Economic Briefs Issue 038 | September 2018
ms related to the issuance and transfer of
Rental yields remained relativel
y low despite the
Main supply developments
Between 2008 and 2011 the growth of the housing
Graph 6: Housing stock and number of households
Source: Cystat and Eurostat. The number of households
dle-East, who are attracted by residency permits
offered by Cyprus under certain conditions that
include the purchase of property. According to the
developers association, transactions in this segment
of the market since 2015 included an important
number cash transactions and prices are relatively
high due to the higher income profile of current
foreign buyers.
title deeds have the potential to deter investors
and aggravate credit market distortions. There is
an increased awareness among Cypriots and foreign
buyers of the delays in issuing and transferring title
deeds, and of the fact that many properties now
available for sale may be encumbered by mortgages
and/or memos from other creditors, including the
State. A significant number of buyers in Cyprus, the
so called “entrapped” buyers, have paid the full price
for their properties but saw the transfer of the title to
their names blocked by existing encumbrances on
the property, which relate to developers loans and
other debts, including tax debts. Introduced in 2015,
the “trapped buyers' law” was designed to protect
trapped buyers by releasing the property they have
purchased from the developer’s obligations to their
lenders, enabling the buyer to obtain the title deed
for the property.
Further, a decree issued by the
Interior Minister in 2016 authorises local authorities
to excuse predefined planning irregularities on
properties, making it this way possible to speed up
the issuance of title deeds when no title had yet been
Still, some 34,000 title deeds were still
pending issuance by mid-2017.
More importantly,
there is no effective system to guarantee that, in
future transactions, the money paid by the buyer will
be used to fulfil the obligations of the seller towards
its lender and remove any encumbrances on the
property, as there is no notary system in Cyprus as in
other European countries.
significant correction in prices, depressing the
investment value of real estate. According to the
Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)
average gross yields in Cyprus in 2016Q4 stood at
4% for apartments, 2.1% for houses, 5.3% for retail,
4.4% for warehouses, and 4.6% for offices. The
stabilisation in capital values and rents keept
investment yields relatively stable but at low levels.
Mortgage rates in Cyprus were well above 4%
before March 2015 but have since declined to stand
at around 3% in 2016. This means that local
borrowing to invest in an apartment to rent it out has
only become a barely profitable investment in 2016,
while the same type of investment on a house
continued to be unprofitable. At the same time,
foreign property investors with a view to rent are
unlikely to be attracted by the Cypriot market at
current yields, which according to RICS stand below
overseas yields in 2016. This may be related to
frictions in Cypriot house market (see Box 1) which
may have maintained rental yields depressed on
stock exceed
ed sales by significant amounts,
creating an excess supply which could take time
to be reabsorbed by the market. There are
indicators of an accumulated excess supply of
housing in Cyprus (Graph 6). Between 2004 and
2008 the housing stock grew rapidly and production
took time to adjust to the sharp fall in sales in 2008
and 2009. Just taking the difference between the
housing stock and sales between 2004 and 2015, an
accumulated stock of about 10 000 dwellings can be
identified, which at the construction/sales rate of
2015 will take up to 2018 to be absorbed by the
market. Another indicator of a current excess supply
comes from comparing the growth rate of the
housing stock to the growth rate of the estimated
number of households. This comparison indicates
that dwellings per household increased by about
20% from 1995 to 2015, from 1.2 to 1.4.
uals population divided by the average size of
households. Before 2005 the average size of households
was kept at the 2005 level due to unavailability of data.
European Economy Economic Briefs Issue 038 | September 2018
Source: Eurostat
on-housing construction investment also fell
In response to the excess supply of housing,
activity contracted significantly
following the peak in 2008, but construction
output has started to recover. Activity in the
construction sector has dropped by more than 70%
between 2008 and 2015. The sector was the hardest
hit by the crisis. Compared to other sectors,
construction has the largest share of bank loans to
total bank lending to nonfinancial corporations
(about 28%), and has the highest ratio of non-
performing loans (about 75%). Labour shedding in
the sector was limited and profit margins have
shrunk significantly.
Since mid-2015 the real
GVA of the sector started to grow again,
moderately. In addition, cement sales and building
permits have also started to increase (Graph 7).
Graph 7: Indicators of housing supply
antly, especially since 2011 when credit
tightening was more visible, and and may remain
constrained by the private and public debt
overhang. Excessive debt works as a tax on
investment as its returns have to be used to pay out
old debt.
This creates a disincentive for
overleveraged borrowers to invest, while at the same
time prevents them to earn more in the future and
pay-off the debt. This is the so-called debt-overhang.
As evidence of this effect, total investment in
Cyprus fell from about 27% of GDP in 2008 to
about 14% in 2015, and non-dwelling construction
investment (other buildings and structures) fell from
about 7% of gross GVA to about 4% in the same
period (Graph 8).
Graph 8: Construction Investment by type
Source: Eurostat
House price developments
Alternative residential price indexes indicate that
the market reached a turning point. There are
three main indexes for Cypriot residential prices, the
Eurostat index of residential prices (compiled by
Cystat), the ECB index of residential prices
(compiled by the Central Bank of Cyprus), and the
RICS index of house prices (Graph 9). According to
the Eurostat index, residential price inflation has
been low but positive on average since 2014Q3.
According to the ECB index, house price inflation
continued to be negative until 2016Q1, but the pace
of price decline has decelerated progressively since
2014Q3, to stand at around -1.6%. A similar pattern
is shown by the RICS index, but the deceleration of
the fall in prices has been faster according to this
index, and in 2016Q1 prices were virtually stable
(y–o–y inflation of 0.6% for houses and -0.2% for
All in all, indications are that prices hovered
around a turning point in 2016-2017.
The closing down of the gap between new houses
and sales is also indicative of a turning point. The
ratio between new housing and sales is generally a
good leading indicator of price developments as it
points out a change in the balance of power between
buyers and sellers, to the detriment of the former
when the ratio is declining. In Cyprus this ratio
increased significantly in 2008 and 2009 but started
to decline since, approaching 1 in 2013, and going
below 1 thereafter (Graph 10).
European Economy Economic Briefs Issue 038 | September 2018
Graph 9: House price indexes, alternative sources
Source: Eurostat, ECB, RICS
Graph 10: Change in dwelling stock and sales
Source: Cystat and Eurostat.
Real house prices increased virtually as much as
nominal prices up to 2008 but on the downward
adjustment phase, they have been supported by a
period of negative inflation. The deflator of private
consumption is the variable generally used to deflate
house prices. This deflator has been relatively stable
in Cyprus. Since 2014 the negative growth in this
deflator has kept the decline in real house prices
contained. But this effect is winding down as the
deflator stabilises. As inflation picks-up in Cyprus,
the recovery of nominal house prices will have to
accelerate in order for an increase in real terms to
Information on house prices in levels obtained
from alternative sources indicates that the house
price to income ratio remained relatively high in
2016. Information on house prices in levels, when
available, can be helpful to access how much
adjustment has taken place. Graph 11 shows Cypriot
house prices in levels as a ratio to gross disposable
income of households. One data point has been
tentatively calculated from alternative sources and
then extrapolated to other years using either the ECB
price index, which is also used later on in the
econometric analysis, or alternatively the Eurostat
price index (see Annex 1 for the methodology). The
price information in levels shows that in 2016, the
house price-to-income ratio stood between 10 and
17, approximately, while according to the literature
the prudency level for this ratio is below 10.
information signals that to maintain houses
affordable house price growth going forward should
still be contained and not exceed the growth rate of
household gross disposable income.
Graph 11: House price-to-income ratio,
alternative sources for house prices in levels
Source: Household Finance and Consumption Survey
(HFCS), RICS, ECB, Eurostat and own calculations
explained in Annex.
Modelling Cypriot house prices
The empirical model
A simple way to forecast Cypriot house prices is
to relate them to purchasing capacity as previous
studies have done for other countries. The house
price that households can afford with credit is a
function of their disposable income, the interest rate
on housing loans, and the loan maturity. An increase
in disposable income will increase the size of the
payments that households can afford each period,
while higher interest will lower the present value of
these payments. Longer loan maturities allow for
more payments to enter into the calculation,
increasing the affordable price. All these effects
have been summarised in the literature by a single
variable, known as purchasing capacity, constructed
as follows:
European Economy Economic Briefs Issue 038 | September 2018
This purchasing capacity represents the value of a
loan at fixed interest rate (i
) and maturity T that a
household can sign up to if it devoted to its payment
a constant fraction (k) of its income, where Y
disposable income per household. Abstracting from
credit frictions (such as down-payments, collateral,
and other credit constraints) and assuming that
demand and supply in the property market balance
out, a simple long-run model relating house prices
t emerges (in logs):(P
), o purchasing capacity
=  + ln(
) (2)
In Cyprus t
he purchasing capacity of residents
alone may not be the best indicator of the buyers'
purchasing capacity up to 2008, as sales to
foreigners represented about 50% of the market, but
data constraints make it difficult to capture the effect
of foreign buyers in the market. The two main
foreign markets for Cyprus are the UK and Russia,
but considering a weighted average of the domestic
purchasing capacity and that of the UK in euros does
not improve the results (the required data to
construct a Russian purchasing capacity is not
available). Information on sales to foreigners could
also be used but the data only exists from 2004 on an
annual basis and from 2008 on a quarterly basis,
reducing the sample considerably.
Household deposits may also be important to
determine housing demand in Cyprus, as it is a
social custom for parents to save to provide housing
to children. In Cyprus, a measure of purchasing
capacity of households based on income may not be
the best indicator of affordability, as it has been a
social custom for parents to save up to provide
housing to their children, typically when they marry.
As other savings instruments are less developed in
Cyprus, household deposits could also be a good
indicator of housing demand.
Given the importance of the foreign segment of
the market in the case of Cyprus it is also
important to test for the impact of developments
in sales to foreigners. While the foreign segment of
the market was in great part a driver of the boom in
construction investment up to 2007, it is also greatly
responsible for the burst of the bubble. Also, to the
extent sales to foreigners yield now a better yield,
the recovery of the foreign market may also play a
significant role in explaining the recovery. The
number of sales contracts by nationality (foreigners
versus Cypriots) is available from the Department of
Land Surveys of Cyprus. Between 2004 and 2007
the data is annual and has been interpolated to
quarterly, using the seasonal pattern of the quarterly
data, available from 2008 to date.
Both the
numbers and the share in total sales have been
considered in the analysis.
A range of other variables may also contribute to
explaining house price developments, including
indicators of housing over-/under- supply. Data
on the house (dwellings) stock is only available on
an annual basis but can be interpolated using
investment in dwellings. The ratio of the housing
stock to population, which has been found to be
significant for other studies, can be used as an
indicator of over/under supply.
An increase in this
variable should signal a shift in the bargaining
power towards buyers and point towards a reduction
in prices.
Credit market indicators may also play a role but
the data has its limitations. Conditions in the credit
market can also be important to explain house price
developments as liquidity strapped households may
not afford to buy a house, even if their income is
relatively high, without having access to credit.
However, the ECB bank lending survey indicator of
credit tightening has a very short sample in the case
of Cyprus and would limit the estimation sample
considerably. It is possible to use instead credit to
households, which is available for a reasonable
number of years, with the caveat that this variable is
likely to be endogenous to house prices when
housing loans represent a large part of total loans.
This variable has nevertheless proved to be a useful
indicator of house price developments in other
studies, and the endogeneity problem can be
addressed to some extent with the estimation
methodology. An alternative variable, which is
highly correlated with credit conditions, both as a
driver and as a consequence is the ratio of non-
performing loans (NPLs) to total loans. Since in
Cyprus there have been changes in the definition of
NPLs over the sample, we use a spliced series over
the period from 2005Q1, with its caveats in mind.
Finally, the unemployment rate can also be used
to proxy for demand constraints.
A higher
unemployment rate can signal more inequality in the
distribution of income among households. It also
indicates a higher probability of getting unemployed,
increasing uncertainty over future income flows.
European Economy Economic Briefs Issue 038 | September 2018
This leads households to postpone purchasing
decisions and banks to tighten credit supply.
Estimation results and price forecasts
There are limitations in the analysis in terms of
data availability and sample size, but model
estimates can give insights on the correlation
between house price developments and the
various explanatory variables. Alternative versions
of the housing price model have been estimated
using an error correction specification that implies
that house prices can temporarily deviate from the
long-term model described in equation (2) but will
return to it after some time. Rather than proposing a
model, the aim of the exercise is to document the
properties of alternative models, and highlight the
variables that appear to be empirically more
important for the analysis. The estimation uses a
two-step approach, with the long-term model
estimated first using the Dynamic Ordinary Least
Squares (DOLS) methodology, and the short-run
equation, determining the adjustment to the long-
run, estimated conditional on the DOLS parameters
(Equation 3).
We also account for endogeneity by
assuming that it takes about 4-quarters for the
explanatory variables to affect housing prices.
dependent variable is the log change of the house
price index of the ECB. The purchasing capacity
ap scrib in Appendix. variable (c in logs) is de ed the
Purchasing capacity alone cannot explain house
price trends in Cyprus. This could be explained to
some extent by the relatively short sample available
(from 2002Q2 on was used for the estimation),
which may not allow identifying a stationary long-
term relationship between house prices and
purchasing capacity, but may also be due to the
importance of additional variables in explaining
house price trends. Given the relatively short sample
it is not easy to estimate a very encompassing model
without running into problems of instability, hence
additional variables have been tested in alternation.
Adding additional variables to the analysis does
improve the properties of the model. Table 1
summarises the estimation results for alternative
models estimated (selected on the basis of their
RMSE, with the exception of model 1 which was
retained for comparison with the literature), while
less-performing variations of these specifications are
shown in the Appendix. Model 1 does not work
well in the sense that the long-term relationship
estimated is not stationary and therefore the
properties of inference based on stationarity
assumptions do not hold. It has been included in the
table to show that purchasing capacity alone tends to
over-predict house price growth in Cyprus.
Including housing stocks stabilises the long-term
relationship but points towards a slower recovery
(Models 2 and 3). Including the unemployment rate
yields implausible results (the models are shown in
the appendix).
Table 1: House price models and forecasts
Source: Own estimations. Models include a constant in the cointegrating vector and four to six lags of the explanatory
variables. Dummies for 2004 Q1 and 2008Q1 (membership in EU and EMU, respectively) are significant and have been
included as explanatory variables. The Johansen cointegration test indicates 1-cointegrating equation among the variables
(results available upon request) Except for disposable income and unemployment, for which the Commission forecasts have
been used, other explanatory variables are forecasted using an ARIMA extrapolation. ** Rejects the hypothesis that the
residual in I(1) using Phillips and Peron (1988) critical values at 5% significance.
European Economy Economic Briefs Issue 038 | September 2018
Including in the analysis indicators of excess supply
or of credit conditions yields a more protracted
recovery of house prices. The most pessimistic model
overall is that which includes the ratio of housing
stocks to the population combined with purchasing
capacity and deposits (Model 3). This is however the
model that yields the lowest out of sample forecast for
2016. Taking into consideration credit conditions
(proxied by the NPL ratio) developments are similar,
but more optimistic for 2017 (Models 6 and 7).
Overall, averaging out the results weighted by the
inverse of out of sample forecast error, yields a
prediction of close to flat prices in 2017 (0.3%).
Weighing by the inverse of the RMSE the forecast
for 2016 gives a similar, slightly higher forecast
There are many difficulties in estimating a house
price model for Cyprus, but the analysis of the data
can give some insights on the relative importance of
possible explanatory variables. The existing data has
many limitations in terms of sample size, frequency,
changes in definition and inconsistencies across data
sources. This study is a first step in creating a database
of relevant data and understanding the empirical
correlation between potential explanatory variables and
house prices trends. There appears to be a correlation
between house prices and purchasing capacity,
deposits, foreign sales, housing stocks, and NPLs.
The presence of higher NPLs in particular appears to
drag house prices down. High NPLs not only indicate
credit tightening, but they also reflect pressure on
households and businesses for real estate asset disposal
as a mean to assist deleveraging, and therefore an
ensuing increase in real estate supply.
Indicators point to 2017 as a turning point, but the
recovery is likely to be protracted. Developments in
the purchasing capacity of households, measured by
the present value of their income streams, everything
else constant, indicate that there are conditions for
house prices to increase relatively fast. However, when
other indicators are taken into account including
household deposits, unemployment, credit conditions,
and housing stocks the results are more mixed. In
particular, when credit and excess supply indicators are
included in the analysis, the signs are of a more
protracted recovery.
In Cyprus there has been a vicious loop between low
house prices, NPLs and low credit to the economy,
which will be difficult to break without ensuring that
proceeds from sales are channelled to reducing the
NPL stock. Credit for housing has been significantly
curtailed in Cyprus. Despite that sales have been
steadily increasing, even though the numbers are still
much lower than previously. Many of these sales are
undertaken in cash, and currently in Cyprus there is no
means to ensure that the proceeds are used to pay the
non-performing loans of the seller if applicable. If the
proceeds are used instead to finance new buildings, this
will protract the absorption of the existing stock (most
of it encumbered), maintain house prices low at least in
some areas, and will delay the balance sheet adjustment
of banks. This adjustment is essential for credit to be
channelled to productive investments that can secure
the growth potential of the economy.
Higher rental yields would also assist deleverage by
increasing the investment value of housing.
Removing existing obstacles for further development
of the rental market would help increase rental yields
and increase the investment value of housing. With the
boom in tourism currently experienced in Cyprus,
demand for renting has increased, particularly in
coastal areas. An excess of unregulated supply, in
terms of quality and environmental impact, can also be
detrimental for the market, hence attention must be
paid to how this market evolves. In other areas, rent
control and the underdevelopment of speedy channels
for resolving disputes can create various distortions
that may also require policy action.
European Economy Economic Briefs Issue 038 | September 2018
Bricongne, J-C, Turrini, A., and Pontuch, P. (2017), "Assessing House Prices: Insights from HouseLev, A New
Dataset of Prices in Levels", European Commission Discussion Paper, forthcoming.
Engle, R.F., Granger, C.W.J. (1987), Co-integration and error correction: Representation, estimation and testing.
Econometrica 55 (2), 251-276.
ECB (2013), "Dwelling Stock in the euro area - new data from the Eurosystem Household Finance and
Consumption Survey", ECB Monthly Bulletin July, Box 7, pp. 51-55.
European Commission (2016) "Cyprus 1st Post Programme Surveillance Report",
European Commission (2016a), Country Report for Cyprus, "Private Indebtedness", chapter 23, 23-
Guiso, L., Sapienza, P., and Zingales, L. (2013), "The determinants of attitudes toward strategic default on
mortgages", The Journal of Finance, 68(4), 1473-1515.
Halliassos, M., Karamanou, P., Ktoris, C., and Syrichas, G. (2008), "Mortgage debt, social customs, and financial
innovation", Central Bank of Cyprus, Working Paper 2008-2.
INSEE (2008), Box "Éclairage : modélisation des prix immobiliers en France", in Conjoncture
Iossifov, P., Cihak, M., and Shanghavi, A. (2008), "Interest Rate Elasticity of Residential Housing Prices", IMF
Working Paper No 08/247, International Monetary Fund.
Krugman, P. (1988), “Financing versus Forgiving Debt Overhang”, Journal of Development Economics 29, 253-
McQuinn, H. and O'Reilly, G. (2008), "Assessing the role of income and interest rates in determining house
prices", Economic Modelling 25, pp. 377-390.
Muellbauer, J., and Murphy, A. (1997), "Booms and busts in the UK housing market", Economic Journal, Vol.107
(445), pp.1701-27.
OECD (2004), Economic Surveys:Netherlands.
OECD (2004a), Economic Surveys:Spain.
OECD (2005), Economic Surveys:Ireland.
Stock, J. and Watson, M. (1983) "A simple estimator of cointegrating vectors in higher order cointegrating
systems", Econometrica 61, 783-820.
Tsatsaronis, K. and Zhu, H. (2004), "What drives house price dynamics: cross-country evidence", BIS Quarterly
European Economy Economic Briefs Issue 038 | September 2018
The Cypriot rental market is a dual market where there are two types on tenancies, one liberalised and
one for which rent control applies. The “statutory” tenancy applies to properties, residential or business,
completed by the 31st of December 1999 and situated within the “controlled areas” determined by the Rent
Control Law (23/1983). Statutory tenants, who must be EU citizens who are residents in Cyprus, cannot be
evicted except in certain circumstances provided by law, even if the rental contract has expired, and increases
in the rent are regulated by law. In such cases, the owner has to proceed through the Rent Control Court to
repossess his property. All the other tenancies, remain contractual tenancies and do not fall under the
protection of the Rent Control Law, but are subject to the agreement made by the parties. Usually in such
tenancies, the tenant remains in possession of the property only during the lease period unless the tenancy is
renewed or extended. If the tenant does not leave after the regular end of the tenancy, then the tenancy
becomes a periodic tenancy, and both landlord and tenant should give at least a one-month notice for its
termination. Any claims in relation to a contractual tenancy fall under the jurisdiction of the District Court.
Rent controls make a number of properties less attractive for investors, lowering their value and
liquidity. The Rent Control Law (23/1983) allows for an agreed increase of no more than 14 % of the existing
rent and only after two years have passed from the date of the last application or the date of the last voluntary
increase. If the tenant refuses to pay the increased rent, the Rent Control Court will determine a “reasonable
rent”, taking into account the official value, and factors such as age, size, location and condition of the
dwelling. This inflexibility and reliance on the courts makes it less attractive for owners to invest in
renovation and lowers the investment value of properties in Cyprus.
In the Cypriot rental market all disputes have to be resolved through the currently relatively inefficient
court system, potentially making it less attractive for investors. Disputes regarding rent increases and
evictions in Cyprus are currently settled through the courts. In the case of evictions, if a tenant refuses to
return the dwelling despite the fact that landlord has given a proper notice, the remaining option for the
landlord is to file a court action asking for the return of the dwelling. Cypriot procedural law does not provide
for any accelerated form of procedure used for the adjudication of tenancy cases. Mediation and other
alternative dispute resolution are rarely used, mainly due to their recent introduction into the Cypriot legal
system (Law 159 (I)/2012). It is also worth noting that Cypriot law does not provide for any institutions to
which the tenant may refer to in order to have his rights clarified/protected.
European Economy Economic Briefs Issue 038 | September 2018
Annex 1
Table A1: Alternative house price models and forecasts
Additional Models M8 M9 M10 M11 M12 M13
Long-run model Puchasing capacity (+)
HH deposits (+)
Purchasing capacity (+)
Unemployment rate (-)
HH deposits (+)
Unemployment rate (-)
HH deposits (+)
MFI loans to HH (+)
Purchasing capacity (+)
Deposits (+)
Sales to foreigners (+)
Purchasing capacity (+)
HH Deposits (+)
Sales to foreigners, %
of total (+)
Adjustment coefficient -0.10 -0.09 -0.07 -0.11 -0.20 -0.18
N 52 52 52 52 44 44
0.88 0.87 0.86 0.90 0.91 0.89
RMSE 0.013 0.014 0.014 0.012 0.009 0.010
DF test on LT RESID -2.4 -2.87 -4.57** -5.03** -4.85** - 5.29**
Forecast 2016 1.7% 1.4% 0.1% 0.0% 0.9% 0.8%
Forecast 2017 0.3% 1.6% -1.4% -0.1% 0.8% -0.2%
Dependent variable: Nominal house prices. All variables included in logarithm.
Source: Own estimations. Models include a constant in the cointegrating vector and four to six lags of the explanatory
variables. Dummies for 2004 Q1 and 2008Q1 (membership in EU and EMU, respectively) are significant and have been
included as explanatory variables. The Johansen cointegration test indicates 1-cointegrating equation among the variables
(results available upon request). Except for disposable income and unemployment, for which the Commission forecasts
have been used, other explanatory variables are forecasted using an arima extrapolation. ** Rejects the hypothesis that the
residual in I(1) using Phillips and Peron (1988) critical values at 5% significance.
European Economy Economic Briefs Issue 038 | September 2018
Variables used in the analysis
Purchasing capacity: present value of gross disposable income per household taking into account an average mortgage
duration of 25 years, and Cyprus mortgage rates as a discount factor. Households are estimated using population data
and the average number of persons per household. Gross disposable income forecasts are the EC Commission forecasts
for 2016 and 2017 interpolated. Mortgage duration and interest rates are kept constant over the forecast horizon. The
number of households is forecast by extrapolating the trend. Sources: Eurostat and Central Bank of Cyprus.
Household deposits: total household deposits in Cypriot MFIs, divided by the number of households (the latter is
estimated as indicated above). The forecast uses an arima extrapolation. Source: Central Bank of Cyprus long series.
Unemployment rate: Cyprus quarterly unemployment rate, LFS survey. Forecast uses the EC commission forecast for
2016 and 2017, interpolated. Source: Eurostat.
Sales to foreigners: Number of registered sales contracts by nationality (foreigners vs Cypriots). The share is
calculated as the ratio of sales to foreigners over the total sales. It is forecast using an arima extrapolation. Source:
Cyprus department of land surveys.
Housing stocks: Annual stock of housing in Cyprus (available in Cystat) interpolated using investment in dwellings
(constant prices), divided by the population (national accounts). This is forecast using an arima extrapolation. Source:
Cystat and Eurostat.
Household NPL ratio: Ratio of households non-performing exposures to total household exposures (loans) provided
by the Central Bank of Cyprus (spliced series, since 1995), updated to 2016 using data published by the CBC. The
forecast uses an arima extrapolation. Source: Central Bank of Cyprus.
MFI loans: total housing loans in Cypriot MFIs, divided by the number of households (the latter is estimated as
indicated above). The forecast uses an arima extrapolation. Source: Central Bank of Cyprus long series.
European Economy Economic Briefs Issue 038 | September 2018
Information on house prices in levels for Cyprus
The Eurosystem Household Finance and Consumption Survey (HFCS) allows to derive a figure for house prices in
Cyprus of 1710€/m2 for 2012 (first wave of HFCS, see also ECB, 2013) and 1483€/m2 for 2014 (second wave of
HFCS). Since richer households tend to be underrepresented in the HFCS survey, it is common practice to weigh
observations by an approximation of the true weight of the share of households in each income bracket. One possible
variable to proxy for these weights in the case of Cyprus is relative electricity consumption, and this proxy has been
used in calculations..
The RICS house price analysis provides figures for houses and flats with a weighted average of 1522.7€/m2 in 2012
and 1280.6€/m2 in 2015. Since the concept of floor area used is the "gross external area" of the property including
external walls (as defined in the RICS’ Code of Measurement Practice 6th Edition), a corrective factor must be used to
convert external walls into useful floor area. When this correction is applied, the values become 2508€/m2 and
2109.2€/m2, for 2012 and 2015, respectively. This is sizeably higher than the figures calculated from the HFCS, but
RICS prices may show an upward bias due to the fact that houses included in the estimations are in urban areas and
apartments in city centres.
Since these different sources are not available for the same period, and since there are two different indexes that may be
used to describe the growth rate of house prices in Cyprus (the Eurostat and the ECB indexes described in the text)
these alternative growth rates can be applied to the alternative sources of prices in levels to allow for comparisons. This
allows observing that the two waves of the HFCS give very similar values for the same year, while the RICS prices are
An extra source which can be used are realtors' online offers (the sample corresponds to 6321 dwellings offers from
October 2017). Using the number of dwellings by districts obtained from the census data of 2011, this source gives the
weighted average of 2590.8€/m2 and a weighted median of 1840.3€/m2, corresponding to an average surface of
197.1m2 and a median surface of 145m2. The significant discrepancy between the average and the median values
suggests a likely over-representation of prime and luxury goods in the sample of prices advertised online, which would
give an upward bias. In any event, prices from realtors tend to be higher than transaction prices. Extrapolating the prices
in levels obtained from the RICS and the HFCS for 2017, the median price from realtors would lie in between these
estimates, while the average would lie above. Average and median realtors prices correspond to prices to income ratios
of 17.7 and 12.6, respectively.
European Economy Economic Briefs Issue 038 | September 2018
Guiso et al. (2013) show that the willingness to default increases in both the absolute and relative size of the home-equity
shortfall, on others having defaulted previously, and on the probability of becoming unemployed among other things.
See Halliassos et al. (2008), who use two waves (1999 and 2002) of the Cyprus Surveys of Consumer Finances, discontinued
since, to document the importance of house gifts in Cyprus (typically from parents to children) to determine the rate of
home ownership in the country.
The bank lending survey (BLS) contains 22 standard questions on past (previous three-month period) and expected (for the
following three-month) credit market developments. Overall, the BLS includes 18 backward and 4 forward-looking questions,
in order to capture both recent and expected developments, which make up the backward looking and the forward
looking indexes of credit restrictions.
See European Commission (2016).
Up to July 2013, the definition of NPLs in Cyprus covered only the value of loans and advances that were not fully covered
by collateral and were in arrears for more than 90 days. After July 2013, the central bank of Cyprus imposed a new, stricter,
definition. The definition changed to include not only loans in arrears for more than 90 days irrespective of collateral, as
called for by the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), but also restructured loans that at the time of
restructuring were either part of NPLs or were in arrears for more than 60 days. The restructured loans had to remain classified
as NPLs for at least six months, or until the largest principal payment for amortised loans had been made or until maturity for
bullet loans. The new definition raised somewhat the volume of NPLs, but provided extra assurance against cosmetic
restructurings or restructurings that are themselves subject to a risk of relapsing into arrears. At the end 2014, this definition
was made stricter by increasing the minimum probation period for forborne loans remaining classified as NPLs from 6 to 12
months and by requiring performing restructured loans presenting arrears greater than 30 days to be classified as NPLs.
See European Commission (2016).
It restricts the lenders (i.e. the banks) to alienate properties mortgaged by the seller (i.e. the developers) that are currently
under the possession of trapped buyers (Immovable Property Transfer and Mortgage Law Amendment No. 10 of 2015). The
law also gives the discretion to the Director of the Department of Lands and Surveys to exempt, eliminate, transfer and
cancel mortgages and/or other encumbrances applicable on the property and to transfer the title deed to the final buyer.
This allows for the issuance of the Certificate of Approval, which is prerequisite for the issuance of a title deed. This measure
offers trapped buyers increased guard against the lender of the seller, since a title deed must exist in order an application
under the provisions of the “trapped buyer law” to be processed. The number of buyers in this situation is uncertain but
according to the Cypriot press ranged around 14,000 by June 2017 (Cyprus property news, 24th June 2017). In May 2017,
courts in Cyprus ruled that provisions of the "trapped buyers' law" were unconstitutional, creating uncertainty on the process.
Department of Land Registry statistics cited by Cyprus property news, 24th June 2017.
This is the leading professional body for qualifications and standards in land, property, infrastructure and construction. RICS
is headquartered in London.
See European Commission (2016a).
Building permits are relatively flat because developers have already a portfolio of permits. According to the Cyprus
Developers Association, since there is a long time lag in Cyprus to obtain a building permit (more than 2 years), developers
followed the practice of stocking plots of land, submitting the corresponding building plans for approval well ahead of
demand materialising.
See Krugman (1988).
See Bricongne et al. (2017).
See McQuinn, H. and O'Reilly, G. (2008) for the case of Ireland, and INSEE (2008) for the case of France.
European Economy Economic Briefs Issue 038 | September 2018
Notice that the choice of the constant k serves only to better match the estimated capacity to the level of house prices
and does not have an impact on the relationship between house prices and income capacity.
From 2008 onwards the data are actually available on a monthly frequency.
See Muellbauer, J., and Murphy, A. (1997) and OECD (2004, 2004a, and 2005).
See Tsatsaronis, K. and Zhu, H. (2004) and references therein.
The spliced series has been kindly provided by the Central Bank of Cyprus research department.
See Iossifov et al. (2008) and references therein.
The dynamic ordinary least squares (DOLS) methodology of Stock and Watson (1993) extends the single-equation Engle-
Granger (1987) approach to cointegration to allow for endogeneity within the specified long-run relationships. It adds both
leads and lags of the differenced regressors to the long-run specification to correct for correlation between the error
process and the level regressors.
Estimates are not very sensitive to the lag choice.
A model including the unemployment rate, purchasing capacity and deposits does not exhibit reversion towards the long-
term trend, as the error correction term in the dynamic model is not significant. The model performs better when purchasing
capacity is excluded. This may be due to a high correlation between the purchasing capacity and the unemployment rate.
Notice that only models where a cointegrating relationship between the variables could be found were retained.
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